"Keep your left foot in front!" I demanded.
He did as I said and held his fists to his face, in the boxing stance.
"Jesus, Harry. That's a terrible stand," I said, going over and fixing his fists over his face,
"Now... PUNCH THAT BAG LIKE IT'S TAYWHORE SWIFT!" I screamed and laughed as Harry began to go ape-shit on a boxing bag
I turned to see some girls filming us. That's what happens when you go to the local gym. I whispered to Harry that I had to go before they suspect something and made my way over to Liam at the weights.
He was shirtless, lying on the bench and lifting the weights. Let me be the first to say that Liam has got the sexiest six pack ever. I sat down on the bench and watched him lifting, laughing at his scrunched up face.
I looked over at the bench next to Liam. The weights were a bit lighter. I went over and got under the weights, wrapping my arm around the cold metal bar before proceeding to lift the weights.
Liam, Harry and I arrive back at the bus almost an hour later. Liam and Harry went into the living room to Louis and Niall while I stayed in the kitchen.
I sat on the table, staring at Zayn. He was sitting at the counter and staring down at his phone. He looked really hurt.
"Are you okay?" I asked, sitting across from him.
"I don't know..." he sighed, running a hand through his hair.
I took his phone out of his hand, reading over the tweets he was reading. They were horrible.
Terrorist, Bombed Boston, Worthless, Doesn't deserve to be in the band. Huh?
I looked at Zayn. His head was down. He looked truly upset about all this.
"Zayn..." I said, he looked at me. "We're doing a twitcam." I smiled.
"Hey guys." I smiled into the camera, shooting a wave.
I looked at Zayn, he kept his head down. I was getting a lot of people asking what's up with him?
"Guys, Zayn's not happy right now. He's getting a shit load of hate and I don't like it. You shouldn't say something you wouldn't want said to yourself, so don't," I said. "You all know about #HitDirectionsWithAShovelDay right? That was funny... Well, I've started #HitABitchWithAShovelEveryday. Everybody who sends hate to Zayn, I, and you guys if you want, have to find them, hunt them down and.... HIT THAT BITCH WITH A SHOVEL!" I screamed, jumping around, nearly falling off the stool.
I was getting loads of comments like, 'GREAT IDEA' and 'You crazy fuck.' and even, 'I like you, we besties now.'
I looked at Zayn who was smiling at me. "I have a shovel, shall we go bitch hunting?" he asked.
"We shall," I turned to the camera. "Later guys, me and Zayn are gonna go bitch hunting." I waved and shut my laptop.
A girl had just screamed something about Zayn being gay, so I took the shovel from Zayn and ran at her, laughing manically as she ran and screamed. I dropped the shovel to my side, laughing.
Upon hearing a voice I knew I recognized, I turned around just to see Zayn about to punch someone who looked as if not giving a shit.
I ran up to Zayn, dropping the shovel by our feet before jumping in front of him and pushing him back. I grabbed his fist and pulled it down, opening his knuckle.
"Here she is now!" the man said. His voice felt like a jab in the throat with every word.
Zayn grabbed my arm and pulled me behind him, gripping my wrist tightly. "Stay the fuck away from her, you bastard!" he growled.
I stayed behind Zayn's back, shaking in fear and not knowing what to do until I realized we still had the shovel. Glancing at it, I picked it up, screamed, "Hit a bitch with a shovel!" and threw it at him, purposely missing him and just trying to scare him.
It didn't faze him in the slightest, though. He only chuckled. "I seen the picture of you and Harry Styles. You really are a whore," my step-dad laughed.
"What's he talking about, Tay?" Zayn asked. Wasn't he there when I told them? Maybe he wasn't listening.
"Oh so you didn't tell the boys?" my step dad said, a manic laugh coming after each sentence.
"W-What...?" Zayn stuttered.
I turned around quickly. "Listen, I'll explain everything when we get home."
I turned back to look at my step dad. "As for you, you dumb-ass cunt. You ruined my life, stole my happiness, you changed me. Then I met these five boys. They made me smile when I wanted to cry. They made me laugh in the worst times. See this scar? I was hit by a fucking truck. Knowing you, if this happened, you would blame me and say it was my fault. But the boys? They helped me. I don't know where I would be if it wasn't for the five boys that changed my life."
I felt Zayn hug me from behind. He picked me up bridal style and carried me away.
Once back at the bus, me and Zayn sat down, leaning against the big wheels. "You have to tell me," he said.
I stared at him, knowing how many times I refused to tell him, Zayn would still make me tell him. So with a sigh, I dropped my head and began to explain in detail every little thing my step father used to do to me and make me do with him. When I finished speaking, I looked up to see Zayn had tears in his eyes. He let out a breath of air and sighed.
"And I thought I had it bad."
1 Week Later.
"Our good friend Tay wants to come out on stage. She wants to tell us something important," Niall said in to the mic, earning screams upon screams from fans.
I walked out on stage, waving at the crowd. Upon entering the stage I realized I didn't have a mic again so Harry walked up to me and handed me his. I mouthed a thank you and stood in the middle of the stage, taking a deep breath before beginning to talk.
"You guys always say how these boys saved and changed your lives, but I don't think these boys have made a bigger life change on you as they did on mine. I used to wake up everyday wishing I would die, but these boys changed that. So, we decided to tell you guys the truth. The boys saw my pain and sadness at a signing. I'm not Louis' cousin. These boys kinda... kidnapped me, I guess?" All the crowd went ape shit crazy.
"Yeah. Me being covered in cuts and bruises, apparently, they hated to see it. Harry decided it'd be a good idea to, like, kidnap me and... they did. I could never be more happy, though. I met my real step-dad a few day ago in town, while me and Zayn were hitting bitches with shovels. I realized that day... that I'm probably one of the luckiest girls alive. You guys don't see it, but these boys... they're humans too. And they mean the world to me. I do not where I'd be without them." I finished.
I turned around to see the boys had tears streaming down their faces. I ran up to them and hugged them. We were in a cute little group hug while the crowd screamed.
"I love you boys so much," I said, tearing up myself.
6 Weeks Later.
The last few weeks, nothing has happened. Boring, boring and boring.
At the moment, I was lying in bed with Harry, him on top of me. He was kissing me, planting fairy kisses all over my face. Then, he pulled away and looked down at me. His lips instantly went for my neck.
I gasped, holding his hair in my fists as he began to kiss and chew. After a while, Harry began to dry-hump me, and I moaned quietly, whispering in his ear, "Make love to me."
Harry pulled away and looked down at me. And I nodded again, letting him know I wanted to do it.
Slowly, and watching each other intently, we took our clothes off, then Harry began to kiss me again, his hands on my breasts. He started kissing my cheek, then down my neck and down to my collar bone. Then, he pressed his body against mine. I could feel his growing bulge against me and I moaned again. Soon, he was asking me if I was okay, and I said yes.
Harry pushed inside of me slowly and I moaned. He began to thrust. It was a good day.
"HARRY!" I screamed, loud enough to make someones ear bleed.
"What the fuck was that?" Niall shouted.
Harry came into the bunking area where I was. "Yeah, love?" he asked.
"I can't feel my legs!" I whined. Harry chuckled. I sent him a glare. "You did this to me."
He was sent into a fit of laughter. He picked me up bridal style and carried me into the living room area. They boys were all giggling and laughing.
"Harry?" Liam giggled.
"Yeah?" he said, sitting down and sitting me on his lap.
"I'm not surprised Tay can't walk. We heard you two in the spare room all night," Louis chuckled.
I went red, Harry did as well.
I think it's time to hit a bitch with a shovel.
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