Harry and I were bringing the last few bags into the bus. We were putting bags in the bus since five in the morning, because well, we're going for a year and a half, there's a lot of bags, and the other boys wouldn't bother to help.
"Here's the last one." Harry handed me a bag.
"Thanks, Harry."
I threw it in the spare room with the rest of the bags and locked the door before gettng out. Harry carried me back into the house. He dropped me on the couch next to Rain. She stayed over last night. Kayden should be over soon to say goodbye. I'm really going to miss them, I thought.
I lay me head on Rain's shoulder and she played with my hair. "I'm going to miss ya," she said.
"I'll miss you too," I sighed.
"Don't change a bit, and don't get pregnant."
I giggled. "I promise I won't."
I sat up and wrapped my arms around her. "If you need anything, call me," I said.
"I promise," she said.
"The king has arrived." Kayden fell into the couch next to me, slinging his arm over my shoulder.
I gave a little chuckle. "And its about time, too."
"Tay." Liam came out of the kitchen. I looked up at him. "We're leaving now."
I sighed and stood up, Rain and Kayden following my actions. The three of us walked out. Liam locked the door behind me and got into the bus. I stood at the bus door and turned around, looking my two friends in the eyes.
I gave Rain a big hug. "Don't forget me," she whispered. "And always where the necklace."
"I promise, I love you."
"I love you too."
I pulled back and looked at Kayden and gave him a weak smile. He engulfed me in a bear hug. "Never forget me, and I wont forget you." He kissed my cheek.
"I promise, I have the bracelet to remember you."
"I love you." He pulled back.
"I love you too." I whispered.
I began walking up the steps for the bus. Half way up, I turned around and gave the one last wave. They waved back and the bus doors closed, and then we were off.
I walked into the bus and realized I had never actually looked at how cool this bus is. Soon, we were on the highway.
I sat on the couch next to Harry and Niall who were in an intense game of Mario Kart. Interrupting my thoughts on who will probably win, I heard a bang and a yelp in the kitchen. I got up and went into the kitchen to see what was going on and sat at the counter. "You okay?" I asked Louis who was knelt to the ground.
He got up off the floor with his hand over his face, removing it slowly to show me that his nose was bleeding. "What happened?" I asked, leaning forward over the counter to examine it closer.
He turned to the open window and pointed out. Standing from my seat, I went over to see what was happening. There was a car across from us with three laughing girls in it. I shut the window and went back to Louis. "So why are you bleeding?"
He bent down and picked up a stone, it had a light bit of blood on it. The girls threw a stone in the window? I took it off him and examined it. There was a phone number scribbled messily across the surface of the rock. I put it down and went to the sink, wetting it to help him with his nose. While he worked away, I pulled out my phone.
"What are you doing?" Louis asked.
"Calling them," I said, Louis chuckled.
"Put it on speaker." I did as I was told.
"Hello?" a voice said.
"Hi, it's Tay!"
The girls began screaming down the phone and I had to hold the device away from us to prevent us from going deaf. "I'm so sorry, we didn't mean to hit Louis!"
"Next time just throw your phone in."
"Is Louis there?" a different voice said, giggles erupting from the backround.
"Maybe, why?"
"Tell him he has a fit bum!" another girl said
"And sex God hair," the first voice said.
I turned to Louis and giggled before saying, "Louis, I think I need to inform you that squealing teenage girls that carry rocks with them think you have a fit bum and sex God hair."
Louis began laughing loudly, and the girls began screaming. "He's there! He's there!"
"Can I talk to him?" the second voice asked.
"Sorry, you broke his jaw," I gave a little giggle. "He won't even be able to sing."
The girls let out a gasp. "I'm so sorry!" the first voice cried, believing the lie I told.
"I'm kidding, but we gotta' go, bye," I said quickly and hung up to prevent them from speaking any more.
Louis burst out laughing. I poked his nose. "Ow, don't do that." He swatted my hand away.
Liam then came into the room. "Tay, there is one less bed so you're sleeping with Harry."
"Yes!" I heard Harry scream from the living room.
I walked in and he was doing a little Happy dance, while Niall looked as if he wanted to cry. "What's up?"
"Just bet Niall at Mario Kart!" Harry said, swinging his arms around.
I smiled. "Harry, there is one less bed, so I have to sleep with you."
Harry stopped dancing and smiled. He nodded his head. "Nice."
I giggled. Niall stood up quickly, sniffing. "I smell food."
With that, he ran to the kitchen, nearly knocking me over in the process. Harry caught me before I could really fall and we followed Niall to the kitchen and sat at the counter where Liam set out a lovely meal.
By the time we were finished, it was late. We had to be up early so we went to bed early.
I searched around in my bag for my pajama's. To my luck, I couldn't find one so I just threw on one of Harry's tee's and some plain sport shorts.
I went into the bedroom and lay on the outside of the bed, next to Harry. He wrapped his arms around me and pulled me closer to him, my back against his chest.
"I love you," he whispered into my neck, sending shivers down my spine.
"I love you too."
"Do you promise?"
"I promise."
I woke up the next morning in the same position, Harry's grip around me seeming tighter though. I climbed out of his grip and stood up, stretching my arms. I could hear somebody singing Up All Night from the bathroom and it sounded a lot like Louis.
I searched around in my bag for something to wear. I took out a sweater and some denim shorts and vans, content with my choice. After grabbing everything else I'd need too, I sat down outside the bathroom door and listened to Louis.
I heard the shower turn off. About five minutes later Louis came out and I went in. I put a plastic bag on my cast and got in the shower, washed my hair and body and got out. I got dressed after drying off and did my hair. I applied a small amount of makeup and went out, content with my look.
I put Harry's tee in a black bag that the boys were calling the wash sack. I sat down at the kitchen counter and played on my phone. Harry came out and ran a hand threw his hair and fell into the seat next to me.
"G'morning," I said.
He smiled at me and I went back to my phone. I checked my Twitter and Instagram then put it away. Louis, Liam and Zayn came out. Where's Niall?
"Where's Niall?" Harry said, speaking my thoughts.
We all looked around. We then heard a yell coming from the living room. We stared at the door and another yell went out. It sounded very frantic. I got up and went into the living room, interested to find out the screaming was. Behind the couch was a shaking Niall. I looked around the room, the TV was on with a horror movie on. A graphic one. I turned off the TV and sat behind the couch next to Niall. I put my arm around him, and he cried into my shoulder. He seemed traumatized. I rubbed his back. "Shh, it was just a movie my dear leprechaun."
Niall was like a child at times, soft and gentle. You have to be careful with him. "It's okay, I promise," I said again, soothing his worried.
Niall began calming down. I helped him up, my arm still around him, his face still on my shoulder. He wasn't crying anymore, but he was shaking and breathing heavily. I sat him down at the counter and poured him a glass of warm milk. He drank it and sighed. "Sorry," he said quietly.
I rubbed his arm. "Don't be Nialler. It's okay, what was the movie about?"
"It was a kid, being murdered, horribly." My face scrunched up. I put my head down and shook my head, smiling.
"What's for breakfast?" he asked, his entire mood suddenly changing at the scent of food.
We all looked at Liam. He sighed and got up. "We have to go shopping so you're all having cereal."
We all groaned as he set the bowls down. I ate it and put the bowl in the sink.
"What are we doing today?" I asked.
"We're going to a signing," Zayn said.
"Am I coming?" I asked. The boys nodded.
Niall looked up at me. "Tay, you know about hair dye, don't you?" he asked.
I nodded and smiled. "Why?"
"Will you help me bleach my hair? I don't wan't to but Simon says I have to."
I nodded, and he sent me a grin. We both stood up and went to the bathroom. He handed me the bottle. I read the instructions and begun. I washed his hair and sqeuzed the stuff onto my hand and rubbed it into his hair. He bit his lip, probably to stop from screaming. The bleach must hurt him a lot. We had to wait a half hour so in that time we just messed around. I washed it out and BAM! He's blonde in less then an hour.
"Are we ready?" Liam said.
We nodded and got out of the bus. The mall was huge. The tables were adjusted the same way as last time. I sat on the spare table and the boys sat in the chairs. About 3 minutes later, the girls started coming in, screams and laughs echoing throughout the otherwise empty mall.
I pulled a chair next to Harry at the end of the table, bored of sitting on my own. A few girls gave me glares and others smiled at me.
"Can you hand me your water?" Harry asked.
I got my water off the table and gave it to him. He took a big gulp and handed it back to me, I did the same and put it on the ground.
"Who did your hair, Niall?" I heard a girl ask as she grinned at him.
I looked at Niall. He pointed down at me. "Tay did."
The girl gave me a disgusted look before walking away, but I simply ignored her ignorance.
The signing didn't go on much longer. I was really tired by the time we got back to the bus. I fell down onto the couch, my face hidden in a pillow.
"You tired?" Zayn laughed.
I nodded into the pillow and groaned, sitting up. Liam handed me a bowl of mashed potatoes. "What's this?" I asked.
"Dinner, we have nothing, else yet" he answered.
I nodded and ate it. I was very tired afterwards so I changed into my pajamas and sat on the couch, messing around on my phone. I wen't on Twitter and tweeted. "@Tay_x: Sooo tired after the lads signing :( its too bright out to sleep!!"
It was seven, but still quite bright outside. I went onto the boys Twitters, checking them all and leaving Harry for last. He is the most confusing boy ever. I stared at two tweets. They said, 'Tout suite,' and, 'Toot sweet.'
Harry came in and sat next to me. I showed him my phone with a confused face. "What does that mean?"
"Ah now that would be telling," he said, nodding his head at me before laughing out loud.
I groaned. "Tell meee," I whined, dragging myself out.
He took my phone from me, holding it up. I tackle him and he fights back, he's much stronger than me. He ends up on top of me, holding my wrists down, with my phone in his mouth, beginning to tickle my sides. Niall comes in and looks at us. My face is red, and I'm tearing up with laughter. Niall, as always, whips his phone out and takes a photo, taps around a bit and puts it away. My phone buzzes in Harry mouth, and he drops it and it drops to my chest. I grab it quickly and get away from him. Niall tweeted it with:
"@NiallOfficial: I walked in to see this , dont even no wats happenin !"
I laughed and locked my phone, not bothering to see the comments that people were already sending in. I sat back down next to Harry, hiding my phone from him. "Its getting late, ready for bed?" he said and I nodded. He picked me up and carried me to bed, the others were already in bed and probably asleep.
Harry lay down, lying me next to him. My head was in his chest and we were hugging. He played with my long, dyed hair. "Never leave us, promise?"
"I promise."
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