Throughout the day Liam keeps trying to subtly remind us his birthday, but little did he know.
Before getting ready for the party, though, back at the studio when Taylor and Harry cam back, she was grasping tightly on to his arm and he looked like he was ready to kill himself. Being completely innocent, I stood from the couch where I sat talking to Niall about his family in Ireland, and ran straight at Harry, wrapping my arms around his waist so Taylor had to let go. Harry wrapped his arms around my shoulders, rubbing my back.
But I was ripped away from him instantly when Taylor grabbed my shoulder and pushed me back, causing me to fall to the floor. Zayn was instantly at my side, helping me to get back up and asking me if I was okay and if anything was hurt. Harry, confused as to why she would even bother, looked from me, to her, then me, and back at her, glaring at her before he stomped over to me, grabbed my shoulders and walked me out of the studio.
Once we got home, I instantly went to my room to get ready. I got dressed for Liam's surprise party, wearing a short, white, strapless dress with white Converse.
When we got to the rented warehouse that was packed with people, we turned off the lights and everyone hid, waiting for Liam to come in with Danielle.
When we heard the car pulling up, a chorus of, "Shh!"s erupted throughout the warehouse. Everyone sat still and silent when the doors opened, but when Liam flicked the lights on, confusion written all over his face, the party began.
"Surprise!" everyone shouted, jumping out of where they were hidden. Liam's mouth hung open, a smile taking over his face. Danielle hugged him and kissed his cheek. The boys all ran up and hugged him. Once they all pulled away, still patting his shoulders, I ran up, ready to hug him with my arms stretched open. Liam grabbed my waist and lifted me, resting me on his hip, which was perfectly easy for anyone to do considering the fact I was 5'2 and weighed less than a twelve-year-old.
Yeah, he can do that because I'm small because I was anorexic.
Liam put me down then when more people began to come over to greet him. I stood back, letting people crowd around him. I suddenly felt someone grab my wrist and pull me to the side and when I looked up, I saw the ladies I recognized as Danielle, Eleanor and Perrie.
"Tay, right?" Dani said, smiling and looking down at me.
"Yep, I am."
"And you're sixteen?" Perrie asked, shocked.
"Yeah, I apologize for my height. Harry's getting me to eat more though, so he'll make sure I get bigger."
"That's not he's doing with you, eh," El said, giggling. Louie probably told her about our incident.
"All we did was sleeping... and kissing," I said, blushing as the girls giggled.
"It was nice meeting you Tay! You're so adorable!" Perrie said, and they gave me a hug each and walked off.
I turned around, searching the tabled to find someone I know, but instead I saw Harry at a table on the far end, talking to Taylor.
Quietly, I skipped over and got under the table they were leaning against so I could listen to them talking.
"You could have hurt her," Harry said, angrily.
"But I didn't," she scoffed.
"She was bleeding, Taylor."
"Yeah, as if you really care about Tay and her well-being."
"I bloody well do care!" Harry shouted, standing up right so he wasn't leaning against the table.
"No, you don't," she laughed as she looked at him up and down.
"I fucking love Tay," Harry growled, suddenly slamming his hand down on the table. "A hell of a lot more than I like you!"
"Yeah, mhm."
"You know what, I'm glad I kissed Tay before I met you."
"You whore, you're a manwhore, Harry!" she exclaimed, sounding genuinely hurt this time.
"No, I'm not, don't be a bitch."
"You fucking are!" Taylor shouted before shoving Harry and running off. From where I was sat under the table, I could hear Harry sniffling. I knew how he hated being called that.
I got out from under the table and jumped onto his back, kissing his cheek and whispering. "It's all a lie." I could see a smile growing on his face, he turned and kissed my cheek. I whispered again, "She is a whore, not you." He smiled.
After that, Harry let me stay on his back as he pranced around the room pretending to be a car. I wondered if he was drunk yet.
After a while he brought me to the back of the warehouse. There was a lovely lake out there, luckily the paparazzi couldn't get back there. He put me down and took off his shoes, I did the same, and we put our feet in the lake.
We didn't say anything for a while and it was calm. I turned my head to see he was already staring at me with those green eyes that reminded me of summer, smiling wide.
"What?" I asked.
"You are so beautiful," he said with a smile. I blushed and looked away. I could tell he was warm from the sweat dripping down his forehead, and as if he read my mind he began to unbutton his shirt and pull it off; not that it bothered me or anything.
He put his finger under my chin and lifted my head to look into his eyes. He then leaned in, his lips brushing against mine before kissing me harder, our lips moving together.
He put his hand behind my head and kissed me harder, leaning forward so I was lying down in the grass and he lay on top.
"Harry-" I tried to speak. I know we couldn't do this.
"Don't ruin it." I listened to him.
Slowly he moved his tongue into my mouth and deepened our kiss. I then rolled over so I was on him, kissing him while I rubbed his torso.
I heard someone come out but I didn't care at that moment in time. I was so happy this was happening.
I felt bad for cheating on Taylor, but I couldn't do this anymore, I loved Tay and I needed her.
She rolled over onto me and began rubbing my chest all over. All I could think about was how great it was to be here with her.
I heard someone coming out but we didn't stop, I needed her love.
Then I heard the person coming closer, but before I could do anything--or even see who it was --Tay was ripped off me and being pushed right into the late.
Quickly and abruptly I stood up and, of course, Taylor was the source of the incident.
"Taylor! You son of a bitch!" I pushed her over. I didn't realize how deep the lake was until I couldn't see Tay floating up anymore.
Without hesitation, I jumped into the river, searching for Tay everywhere.
I found her quickly and pulled her out of the water, panting far less than she would have been if she was awake.
"Taylor, I swear, I will kill you!" I screamed at her. She just sat there, stunned by her own actions, unable to speak or move.
As I searched the party, looking everywhere, I couldn't find Harry and Tay anywhere. I began getting scared at what they might be doing.
The last place I could think to look was the back. Once out there, I was stunned by what I saw. Taylor, sat in the grass, watching as Harry leaned over Tay, kissed her and what looked like was feeling her breasts.
"Harry!" I yelled, anger boiling inside me and running over to them.
Once I got closer, I realized they weren't kissing. They were both soaked to the bone in freezing lake water, Tay's eyes were shut, Harry was giving her CPR and pressing her chest.
"Fuck, Harry!" I shouted. I sat next to him. He was crying and panting. "What happened?"
"Call an ambulance! I'll explain later!" he shouted at me. With no taught needed I had my phone in my hand in seconds and called the ambulance.
"They're on there way," I said.
I was scared, I wanted to know what happened, but Harry wouldn't talk, he was giving her CPR and crying as he tried everything he could to make her wake up.
The ambulance came not long later and Harry and I went with them.
He cried the whole way there.
When we got there, the doctors had to revive her. She vomited a lot. I was determined to find Taylor and bash her head in.
After a while Tay was fine, but asleep. She was pale and cold. I was still in tears, angry at myself for letting this happen. Louis put an arm around me and I cried on his shoulder.
"Tell me what happened?" he asked, sadly.
"Taylor pushed her into the fucking lake," I choked.
"What? Why? There had to be a reason!" Louis argued, shocked.
"There is." I sat back in my seat, taking a deep breath. "Promise you won't kill me?" Louis nodded and I sighed.
"Well... um... we were, like, kissing... No, I won't lie to you, Louis. We were full-on snogging, when Taylor came out. Tay was on top of me, we were making out." It was then I realized I was still shirtless and soaking wet, small water droplets falling from my damp curls onto my jeans.
Louis put his face in his hands.
"I know I can't be with her," I said, biting my lip.
"No, you can't! You're not dating Taylor either." Louis took out his phone and started typing in Simon's number. "I'm going to fix this."
"Hello? Simon? Yes, listen, I need a big favor. I need you to cancel the stunt between Harry and Taylor, it isn't fair anymore. Oh? Really? That's good, okay, thanks. I'll talk to you later, Simon."
"He said it's okay. Their plan wasn't working so they were planning on taking her out of the picture anyway," Louis told me, smiling proudly at me.
"Harry?" I heard a small voice choke. Tay was beginning to wake up
"Tay!" I sat next to her on the bed. I would hug her, but I can't. The doctor took all of her clothes and wrapped her in a blanker because she was wet and so were the clothes. She was naked under a blanket.
"Am I okay?"
"You're fine, babe," I whispered.
The doctor came in almost on cue with her bra and underwear just out of a dryer, he said. I had to help her get dressed so Louis went outside.
"Aren't I wearing any clothes?" she asked, looking down.
"No, love. I need to help you get dressed, you have to stay lying down. You're cold."
"No, love. I need to help you get dressed, you have to stay lying down. You're cold," Harry said, rubbing my arm.
I would be scared for anyone to see me naked, but I trusted Harry. I know that sounds weird, but I really do love that him.
I nodded slightly.
He pulled the blanket off me and gave a cheeky smirk. Sometimes I think that boys is over-perved.
He put the bra and underwear on me and pulled the blanket back on me, grinning the whole time.
I think I'm going to be happy with Harry, I just hope I can be with him, someday.
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