Dantes POV
Telling by the look on Laurances face, he was NOT happy to be back here. I dont blame him after what happened. I just hope she doesn't see us.
"If you were Michi where would you hide a diamond?" Garroth asked Laurance.
"Well i would probably want everyone to know i stole it. I would put it on display." Laurance said after thinking a moment. Luckily, Michi didnt seem to be home, but we weren't taking any chances. We snuck around Michis living room and dinning room. It wasnt here but i must say, she may be evil, but she knows how to decorate.
"Stop looking at vases and paintings and start looking for the diamond!" Laurance said dragging me by the arm upstairs. There was a hall with four doors. Two on each side. Laurance and Garroth took the ones on the left and i took the first on the right. I opened the door and saw a diamond sitting on a pedestal in the middle of the room with a ton of other treasures all around her. I grabbed the diamond and quietly closed the door behind me . Garroth was already in the hall waiting and i showed him the diamond and he smiled. Thats a rare thing given our situation.
"Well why we wait for Laurance, do you want to see whats in the fourth room?" I ask Garroth. He nods and i start twisting the handle but before i can pull the door open, Laurance comes out running and screaming from a girl with gray pajamas and purple cat girls. Michi.
"Come here Laurance! Nya!" She chased Laurance all around the house blocking a door whenever he went to leave.
"Get away from me Michi!" Laurance said. (If you know what episode that is from, put it in the comments and take a piece of pizza) I pushed Michi and Garroth, Laurance, and i ran out of there as fast as we could.
~Magical Time skip to Phoenix Drop~
I had shown Laurance the diamond. It was my turn to patrol the gates. Then i saw a box. On it said, 'you know what to do.' I went to go get Garroth and Laurance.
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