Garroths POV
While I was on shift, Laurance had stayed by Dante, but he didnt give us any clues as to what happened when Dante was alone with Aphmau. It was driving us both crazy so when I got back from my shift, and Laurance went on his, I sat by Dante to try and figure out what was going on. Geez, Dante snores weirdly. Its like hes a cat or something! He pretty much purrs! ITS CREEPY! (A\N: Ok so I had to add this because I thought him purring in his sleep is adorable soooooo if you find it weird... GET OVER IT. DANTE SENPAI IS PERFECT SO STOP RIGHT THERE.) After a while Dante started to mumble things.
"Pizza." (A\N YAS DANTE. BTW this part was written in my kitchen XD)
Okkkkkkk. Now I understand why Dante always wakes up so hungry. Finally after 15 minutes he stopped. I thought he was going to be quiet for the rest of the night but after about 20 minutes he started again.
"Aphmau." He moaned. (A\N First off sorry there are so many author notes, but if you have a dirty mind, ITS NOT LIKE THAT. STOP THINKING LIKE THAT. IM TALKING TO YOU LIN. *whispers* and myself.)
"Aphmau I love you." My heart burned like the nether from jealousy when I heard him say those 4 words. But I let him continue, seeing as we were finally getting to that subject.
"Im sorry about the other day, I just wanted to be with you" I waited. And waited. And waited. I waited for what felt like hours. Then I looked at the clock and realized that it had been hours. I then closed my eyes and greeted the darkness that consumed me.
Laurances POV
"What happened the other day?!" I yelled, pulling at my hair in frustration.
"I dont know, that was the last thing he said. After waiting for hours I fell asleep." Garroth commented, look equally as frustrated.
"Go ask him." I told Garroth. He looked at me bewildered.
"I cant just go ASK him Laurance. What would I say, I was spying on you, being a creep and I want to know what happened the other day between you and Aphmau?!" I nodded my head, being sarcastic of course.
"REALLY?! YOU EXPECT ME TO SAY THAT. UM NO!!!!" Garroth yelled. Thank goodness Dante was out on his shift, or Garorth would have woken him up . I sat in the surprisingly comfortable chair that we had for our kitchen across from Garroth. I sighed.
"Fine. If you dont do it, I will." I got out of my chair and before he could protest, I walked right out the door. But first I had to steal a glance at Garroths mortified expression. OMI HES SO STUPID.
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