Last Normal Day

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(This book ends on June 12. :'( IM GOING TO MISS THIS BOOK SO MUCH. Garmau comes out: June 14 Laurmau BOOK 2: June 15 Danmau: June 16 ZANEMAU: June 17 *surprise*)

Aphmaus POV

I woke up in my soft purple bed. Wait... I thought I fell asleep in the woods with... WHERES CELESSTIA?! I threw the sheets off of me and realized I was already in my normal clothes. (Because if they changed her it would be weird. The boys wouldnt be complaining though. XD) I ran down the stairs to see Zoey, Levin, Malachi, and Katelyn sitting at the table eating blueberry pancakes.

"MOM!" Levin and Malachi came running up to me and hugged me tight.

"Woah, what are you guys so happy about?" I said, hugging them back.

"YOU BROUGHT HOME A PUPPY!!!!!" Levin squealed and ran around the kitchen. We all laughed. He ran into a wall and landed with an 'oof', which made us all laugh harder.

When the laughter died down Malachi asked, "Whats his name mom?"

"HER name is Celesstia." I smiled and sat down in an empty chair between Levin and Katelyn. Remembering the original reason I ran down here I looked to Katelyn.

"Where is Celesstia by the way?" Katelyn gestured to the door.

"At the guard tower with the guys. Garroth REALLY wanted to take care of it. He said something about a childhood pet named Sprinkles..."

~Magical time skip to later~

I stood in the plaza and looked over the decorations and food. I was sticking to my word by having a shipping party. IM GOING TO MAKE MY SHIPS HAPPEN. Beautiful music played and the people were dancing. Now. To make my ships sail. I waked over to Vylad.

"Hey Vylad." I said casually.

"Hey Aphmau." His voice was kind of sad.

"Whats wrong?" He sighs.

"I... Want to ask Katelyn to dance." I smile, thinking of my ship.

"Go for it."I nudge him over to Katelyn and walk to the cake table. Vylad talks to Katelyn and she smiles and nods. He takes her hand. They walk to the dance floor and start slow dancing as a slow song comes on. I look over and see Travis frowning at the sight. I walk over to him and walk with him to a corner where Lucinda is just playing with her magic.

"What are you doing Aphmau?" Travis asks. I dont reply and simply grab Lucindas hand. I pull both of them to the dance floor and set Lucindas hand on Travis'. I winked and went back to the cake table watching the couples dance.

"Looks like Aphmau is playing cupid. Who are you going to dance with?" Laurance asks, coming up to the cake table with Garroth and Dante.

"This cake. Do you guys want me to give you someone to dance with?" I ask, forming a plan in my head. The three guys shrug.

"Ok close your eyes Garroth and Laurnace. Dante, you can watch who I pair them with." Garroth and Laurance close their eyes. I grab each of their hands and lead them to the dance floor. I smirk and look back and Dante, whos just about going to explode like he knows what im about to do. I place Laurances hand on Garroths and step back with Dante. They both scream and run off once they open their eyes while Dante and I have a laughing fit.

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