E-Everyday pain

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Okay guys this is the chapter where Tzuyu will pass out and be taken somewhere. But why is she taken somewhere dark, and why was she passed out? Read this chapter to see why.
•Tzuyu's POV•

I was at the school entrance and when I was saying goodbye to Mingyu when I was about to go to my class (Since our schedules changed, sad.) I felt like someone was staring at me. I looked around, no one was. I just brushed it off and headed to class. Once I entered, I saw Nayeon unnie and my other friends. I quickly sat in the middle of Chaeyoung and Jungyeon unnies. (even though Chae's the same age as me.) And then class started.

-~ Different POV ~-

Mingyu's POV•

When I was headed off to my class SuYeon came up to me. Ugh. Why am I not happy about the fact that the most popular girl in school came up to me, smiling so stupidly?

Well, I know her secret that she has fake eyelashes, hair extensions, and cosmetic surgery. And then she told me "Hi! How was your day today?" Still with that STUPID I mean STUPID smile. Like wtf? And then I replied as coldly as I can "Good." And walked away. And then she caught up and tried to FLIRT with me.


SHE LOOKS SO STUPID BLINKING HER EYES. THAT'S THE CUTEST AND PRETTIEST SHE CAN DO IT?! HAHAHAHA TZUYU'S OBVIOUSLY BETTER! And then she tried SEDUCING me. Haha I think she got a wound on her lip because of biting it to hard. HAHAHA!! And then she licked her lip. Eww. She doesn't know how to flirt and seduce. I feel so sorry for her future husband. And then she twirled her hair as a cherry on top and students looked at her weirdly. I did too and walked to my class. I heard her scream "Wait! No!! MINGYU!! Come back!!" In the hallways. I was lucky I had 30 more minutes till class. Cool. So I just waited for the next teacher, Ms. Johnson.

-~ Time Skip ~-

•Tzuyu's POV•

I was heading home from school. Oh wait I just remembered mom and dad are on a business trip for 3 months. Ugh. And then when I was near home a person hit me hard in the head. It was so painful. And then everything blacked out.

•Author's POV•

Oh no. Somebody made Tzuyu pass out and.... WHAT?! Unknown carried her somewhere far from school grounds. Hold on I'm gonna follow them.

-~ Please stand by *plays elevator music* ~-

I FOUND THE PLACE!!! It's a dark and long alleyway. Unknown was taking Tzuyu's faint body in the alleyway. I really want to find out what unknown will do to Tzuyu. But, maybe in the next chapter.

-~-~- Hey guys! So so so sorry for the late update! It's because I have school already *plays dramatic music* and I won't be able to update much because of it. So um yeah! Here's the new chapter. Bai~
~ E ~ -~-~-

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