Chapter Four- Out of Bounds

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Adora sat on the bench on the quad. Glimmer and Bow on each side of her, the three slurping down their ICEEs. The cool drink feeling nice against the late afternoon heat.

Adora slurped down the last of her own, staining her tongue blue. She let out a sigh. Glimmer seemed to notice the tension in her shoulders.

Glimmer leaned closer, nudging Adora's arm. "Alright, spill. You're sitting there like the world just personally wronged you. What's up?"

Adora shrugged, swirling the melted remnants of her drink in the cup. "Nothing. Just practice. Coach's drills are killer lately."

Bow arched an eyebrow. "Is it the drills? Or... someone at practice?"

Adora shot him a look, but Bow just grinned knowingly. Glimmer perked up. "Wait, is this a Catra thing?"

Adora groaned. "Can we not? It's complicated."

"I mean it's not that complicated. She's an asshole" Glimmer said, Bow sent her a glare. Glimmer rolled her eyes, "It's true!"

Adora groaned again. She covered her face with her hands, "No Glimmers right. She is. And yet she affects me all the same"

Bow gave her a sympathetic hand on the shoulder, Adora nodded in appreciation.

"Plus it's not just her. High school was so—predictable. I knew what was happening and what I was working towards. College is just so—well new. Uncertain" Adora stated. In high school everything seemed more together, now everything was everywhere. Both exciting and overwhelming.

Bow nodded, "I got lost like, three times today just going to math. The campus is twelve times bigger than high school."

"And I thought there would be more parties"

Bow and Adora gave Glimmer a look. Glimmer shrugged, playing with the straw of her red drink, "I mean seriously though, where's the fun college parties!"

Bow looked at her in disbelief. "Glimmer, we are hardly a month in"

Adora stared at her blankly, "You mean to tell me the only trouble you have is that there aren't enough parties?" Adora was beginning to think maybe she was the one overreacting about college.

Glimmer chuckled, waving her drink around as she talked. "I mean come on, it's just one more set of schooling. Campus might be big and yeah some assholes here and there, but it's attainable. We made it this far and we can make it farther"

Adora sighed, if only it were that easy. But Catra wasn't just some asshole—she was a girl that Adora couldn't forget no matter how much she tried.

"I'm just glad for soccer, it's my only anchor right now—the only constant"

As if on cue, her phone buzzed. "Oh you gotta be kidding me"

Glimmer and Bow looked over at her as she read the text. Her face fell.

"What is it?" Glimmer asked, biting her straw.

Adora's mouth twisted into a grimace as she held up her phone. "Team bonding event. Mandatory."

Adora sighed, scrolling through the message. "Coach rented out a room at the rec center. Tables, a snack bar, and game setups—ping-pong, board games, that kind of thing."

Glimmer's eyes lit up. "Wait, a snack bar? That sounds amazing! Can we crash it?"

Adora gave her a flat look. "No."

Bow chuckled. "Honestly, it sounds better than some team-building rope course in the woods."

Adora shook her head. "I'd rather take the rope course."

Glimmer giggled. "Come on it can't be that bad"

"You don't get it. Catra's going to be there."

There was a beat of silence as that sank in.

Glimmer grimaced. "Yikes."

Bow, ever the peacekeeper, offered a hopeful smile. "Maybe this could be a good thing? You know, a chance to clear the air or... something?"

Adora stared at him. "Have you met Catra?"

"Point taken," Bow admitted.

Glimmer set her drink down, leaning forward with determination. "Listen, whatever happens, you've got this. Worst-case scenario, you beat her at some stupid board game and rub it in her face. That's a win in my book."

Adora couldn't help but chuckle at the image. "I'll keep that in mind."

She sighed. She understood where the coach was coming from. The team needed to work together well, it was a key part of their game performance. She just wished that didn't involve Catra.

Glimmer nudged her, providing a sympathetic smile. "Hey, it can't be that bad. It will be fine"

Bow nodded, "Glimmers right. You've dealt with her before, this isn't anything."

"Plus all team building exercises are is a chance to play awkward ice breaker games"

Adora laughed, when Glimmer put it like that it did seem silly. "Yeah, maybe you're right."

"Always am"

Adora smiled then looked down at her phone. She took a breath. It was just games and snacks—plus horribly awkward tension. Nothing she couldn't handle—right?


This was a mistake. Adora knew it the second she stepped through the doors of the rec room. The walls pulsed with chaotic energy—table tennis, board games, and the loud chatter of her teammates—but all she could focus on was the familiar mop of—now short—wild brown hair on the far side of the room. Catra. Great.

Adora took a breath, bracing herself for the next four hours. Everyone was already breaking off into small groups, chatting and playing games. Adora made her way towards Mermista. She was a year older than her and an amazing player—the two weren't best friends but good enough for Adora to hide among their group.

Mermista stood near the snack bar, lazily sipping from a can of soda. Adora zeroed in on her like a lifeline. She just needed to blend in, keep her head down, and survive this "bonding" event without any Catra-related disasters.

"Hey," Adora greeted, slipping into the group with what she hoped was casual ease.

Mermista raised an eyebrow. "You look like you just walked into a war zone."

"Feels like it," Adora muttered, glancing briefly across the room.

Catra stood by herself near a table stacked with board games, arms crossed, her sharp gaze sweeping over the room. Her wild, now-short brown hair was even messier than Adora remembered. She looked completely unbothered, like she wasn't surrounded by a room full of people who were supposed to be "bonding."

Adora's stomach twisted. Great. Just great.

Mermista followed her gaze and snorted. "Oh. Got it."

Adora sighed. "She's everywhere."

"Well, at least you're not stuck in a trust fall exercise with her," Mermista said dryly. "Silver linings."

Adora grabbed a handful of pretzels from the snack table, focusing on the salty crunch instead of the knot in her chest.

"Maybe I should just play ping-pong and avoid eye contact for four hours," Adora muttered.

"Bold strategy," Mermista deadpanned.

Adora sighed again, knowing deep down it wouldn't be that simple. Things with Catra never were.

"What's the big deal, so what she's from the Horde" Mermista commented, sipping on her drink.

Adora rolled her eyes, "It's not that she's from the Horde"

Mermista tilted her head. She just assumed Adora was avoiding her like everyone else because she was the crazy cat girl from the Horde—sure, Mermista hadn't really been ecstatic to talk to her but it seemed like a silly reason to avoid someone.

"Then what is it? Is there some deep drama no one told me"

Adora bit her lip, her eyes drifting back to Catra, who was on her phone. Mermista smirked, "So there is?"

"Is what?" Adora said, her attention turning back to Mermista.

"Deep drama."

Adora debated telling her. It wasn't really anyone's business what had happened between her and Catra. But then again she couldn't be acting like a paranoid little kid and not expect people to wonder why.

"We were friends in middle school—like best friends—like maybe a little unhealthy level friendship."

"So like codependent level type?" Mermista asked. Adora nodded, continuing. "Then after I moved schools she just—became different. Said a bunch of messed up stuff. And then just—disappeared. And now she's standing across the room like nothing happened"

Mermista blinked, taking a long, deliberate sip of her drink. "Okay, that's... a lot."

"Yeah," Adora muttered, dragging a hand through her hair. "It was messy, and now she's just here. Like this massive elephant in the room that only I can see."

Mermista tilted her head thoughtfully. "So, let me get this straight. You were besties—possibly unhealthily attached—she turned into a jerk, vanished, and now you have unresolved middle school trauma staring you down during a team bonding event?"

Adora sighed. "Pretty much."

Mermista gave a slow nod. "Yeah, that's rough."

Adora fiddled with the frayed edge of her sleeve. "I just—it's weird seeing her now. She's all... different, but still the same, you know? Like part of me still expects her to make some stupid inside joke or roll her eyes at Coach with me, and then I remember who she is now, and it's just... confusing."

"Sounds like you need a drink," Mermista deadpanned, gesturing toward the snack bar.

Adora laughed despite herself. "If only they were serving something stronger than soda."

Mermista smirked. "You're gonna be fine. Maybe just... avoid staring at her like she's a wild animal. It's not subtle."

Adora groaned. "Am I that obvious?"

"Like, painfully."

Adora bit her lip, her stomach twisting. Mermista gave her a knowing look.

"Okay, here's a tip," Mermista said. "Either talk to her or completely ignore her, but this awkward middle-ground you're doing? It's not sustainable."

Adora knew she was right—but that didn't make it any easier. "I'll... think about it."

"Good luck with that," Mermista said, raising her drink in mock salute. "I'll be over here enjoying my drama-free life."

Drama-free sounded nice, but Adora knew that was a luxury she'd never have—not with Catra back in her orbit.

"Okay ladies!" the coach called, she clapped her hands together. The chatter died down—everyone turning to face her.

"For this activity you need to pair up. Hustle ladies!"

Everyone started pairing up. Adora started panicking, praying by some miracle that she didn't get stuck with Catra—even if some part of her secretly hoped she did.

Fate seemed to lie with that side because the only one left was Catra. Coach gave them a look, Adora sighed—trying to be the bigger person and walked over.

"I guess it's us again"

Catra looked physically uncomfortable—like she was debating between jumping into oncoming traffic or pushing Adora into oncoming traffic. She just nodded. Adora felt her palms sweat. Great. This wasn't awkward at all.

As everyone paired up around the large room, Coach spoke again. "We are going to play two truths and a lie"

The girls started groaning, Mermista spoke up. "What are we, in middle school?"

Coach smirked, "Anyone who disagrees can run ten laps at the start of practice tomorrow"

Honestly—right now Adora would take the ten laps.

A long pause, the room unusually quiet. The coach looked around, "Well get to it!"

Suddenly the chatter started up again—Adora shifting on her feet awkwardly.

"Well better get to it" she said. Catra sighed, averting her eyes. "yeah"

Catra shifted on her feet, glancing everywhere but at Adora. Her arms were crossed tightly, as if that could somehow shield her from the awkwardness of the situation. Adora could feel the weight of the silence between them and forced herself to push past it. Team bonding, she reminded herself. Just get through this.

"So, uh, you wanna go first?" Adora asked, attempting a smile.

Catra's ears twitched—Adora always noticed that when Catra was nervous. "I guess? I don't really... I mean, whatever, yeah."

Adora waited, giving her space. Catra rubbed the back of her neck, clearly stalling. "Okay, um... Two truths and a lie, right?"

"Yeah." Adora kept her voice light.

Catra hesitated, biting her lip in thought. "Okay, uh... I have a cat named Melog, I hate spicy food, and I've never been in detention."

Adora tilted her head. "You? Never been in detention? That's definitely the lie."

Catra blinked, her lips parting in surprise. "What? How did you—?"

Adora laughed. "Come on, Catra. You practically lived in detention back in middle school."

Catra flushed, the tips of her ears turning pink. "Okay, yeah, fair point." She rubbed the back of her neck again, mumbling, "Melog's real, by the way. He lives with my neighbor now."

Adora smiled softly. "Melog seems fitting."

"Ha. Yeah," Catra muttered, fidgeting with the hem of her sleeve. "Your turn, I guess."

Adora took a breath, trying to think of something interesting. "Alright... I was on the honor roll every year of high school, I'm double-jointed, and I broke my arm trying to do a flip off the monkey bars in third grade."

Catra's brow furrowed as she studied Adora. "Uh... double-jointed? That sounds fake."

Adora laughed. "Wrong. I actually can't even touch my toes without bending my knees."

Catra blinked. "Wait, seriously? You? Miss Perfect Adora?"


For a second, Catra's expression softened into something close to amusement. "Weird. But kind of reassuring, I guess."

Adora grinned. "Thanks?"

The tension between them eased just a little, the weight of unspoken history lifting for a brief moment. Maybe, just maybe, this team bonding thing wouldn't be a total disaster after all.

"Okay, your turn," Adora said.

Catra nodded, thinking for a moment. "Okay...uh—I can play piano, I broke my wrist in high school, and i'm allergic to avocados"

Adora thought for a moment, she knew Catra was allergic to avocados so it must be one of the other two. "Uh, you can't play piano"

Catra chuckled and shook her head, "Wrong. I've never broken a bone"

Adora looked a little surprised, "You can play piano?"

Catra nodded. Adora hadn't expected that. Catra definitely didn't look like a type of person that would play piano, guitar—yes, piano, no.

"Hey, don't act too surprised. I don't just spend all my time thinking of ways to be a dick" Catra said, a slight smirk on her face.

Adora went a little red, "I didn't—it's just surprising. Is all"

Catra shrugged, brushing a loose strand of hair behind her ear. "I get it. I don't exactly scream 'classical music prodigy.'"

"Prodigy, huh?" Adora teased, grinning despite herself.

Catra's lips quirked upward. "Okay, maybe not prodigy. But I can play a decent 'Für Elise.'"

Adora laughed. "I can't even play 'Chopsticks.' That's impressive."

For a fleeting moment, the tension between them melted into something lighter—something closer to what they used to be. It caught Adora off guard. She hadn't expected this, hadn't expected Catra to be... well, normal. Friendly, even.

"So," Catra said, breaking the brief silence. "You got another one or are we calling it quits before it gets awkward again?"

Adora raised an eyebrow. "Who says it was awkward?"

Catra gave her a pointed look. "Seriously?"

Adora laughed, conceding. "Okay, fair point." She glanced around the room, the hum of conversation and clatter of games filling the space. Her shoulders felt a little less tense now. "I think we're supposed to swap partners soon anyway."

Catra nodded, her smirk fading into something softer. "Guess it wasn't a total disaster, huh?"

"Not yet," Adora admitted, surprised by her own honesty.

Catra hesitated, as if she wanted to say something more, but instead she just shrugged. "See you around, Honor Roll."

Adora rolled her eyes but couldn't help smiling. "See you, piano prodigy."

As Catra walked away, Adora felt an unexpected sense of relief. Maybe things wouldn't be perfect between them, but for now—this was enough.


The game went on for a while—switching partners for a good thirty minutes. Adora did find out some interesting things like Mermista could hold her breath underwater for three minutes and Frosta could stand on her head.

Even from across the room Catra seemed to put the walls back up. She hadn't even looked at Adora once! Not that Adora wanted her too! Right? Maybe—ugh.

Soon the night was over—Adora hated that she was disappointed that she couldn't talk to Catra more.

The night was cold against her skin as she left the rec room. The moon out and shining, the wind making Adora shiver slightly. She walked with Mermista towards their dorms. Hoping she didn't wake Glimmer up. She'd already learned that Glimmer was super cranky in the morning if you woke her up.

As she walked, her thoughts wondered. For a second—with Catra, it almost felt..familiar. Like how it used to be.

She remembered the long nights they would stay up whispering—the giggles that filled the halls of their school. The passing notes in class and swinging together on the playground.

She didn't know if it would ever be like that fully again—that feeling of just—knowing each other fully. She didn't know if that was even possible after everything—or if she even wanted that. But she did know that tonight was a step forward. Maybe towards just being civil.

Whatever it was, they were getting towards 'something'.

Even if Adora had no clue what that 'something' was.

Take Me on The Field

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