Chapter 7 (the butterfly mansion)

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After the hashira tournament - 

Since my house was far away and kyojuro's estate was already full I had to find another place to stay. As kyojuro was about to speak, Kanae interrupted  "Hey s Taiyo-kun , you can actually stay at our butterfly mansion. We have plenty of rooms and only me and my sister stay there, so if you want, you can actually come with me." She said while blushing a little. I also instantly blushed seeing her beautiful face and at the thought of staying with her under the same roof. She also seemed to notice my blush and giggled. Then, Kyojuro said, "That's great, Taiyo. Now you can stay with your gir- I mean friend." I gave him a glare and he sweatdropped. Then, something unexpected happened. Kanae grabbed my hands and asked with a smile, "Can we go now, Taiyo kun?" I was so shocked. I tried to reply normally, but I was not successful in doing so. But I needed to reply, so I did that. "Y-y-yeah! Lets go." I stuttered. Kyojuro laughed seeing this and said to himself, " love is so interesting." But we heard what he said and both Kanae and I blushed looking at each other before turning our heads to the opposite direction. And then, we started heading towards the butterfly mansion.

Kanae's POV-

  As we were walking together hand to hand, I kept on peeking on Taiyo kun. He was blushing like a mad man and he looked soooo cuteeeeee. I knew why he was blushing. He was blushing because we were holding hands. How cute. Seriously, he is the cutest boy I have ever seen. Then, I decided to tease him. I asked him teasingly, "~Ara~Ara~ Taiyo-kun, your face is all red and you are sweating too. Are you having a fever?" I was holding my laugh while asking this. After I asked that, his face became even more flustered and his blush became redder and redder. If his hair was green, he would look like a tomato. I was screaming mentally on how cute he looked. He then opened his mouth to reply. "I'm doing fine." I screamed mentally again hearing him. He was shivering so much. I loved it. He was so so so cute. I then teased him more. "But your face is all red. I m preety sure you are having a fever. Let me check." He replied while stuttering (screaming mentally again, cuteeeee), "N-No no, I m all f-" He was cut off when I put my forehead on his. His body just shivered like electricity running through his body. I kept my forehead on his and looked right at his eyes. He was trying his best to avoid eye contact. I was smiling on the outside but on the inside, I was screaming mentally again. I then took off my forehead from his and told him, "Your body temperature is slightly hot. I will treat you when we reach home. Let's gooo." He simply nodded and we continued our journey

Taiyo pov-

I was showed to my room.  And Kanae gave me a wet towel. I was called to go on a mission as soon as I got in the bed in my room. 

Time skip 3 hours-

As I arrived back to the mansion, kanae's sister and her were having a cook off. They made me the judge, to be honest I thought kanae's food was horrible but I lied and said both of their dishes were good. Shinobu knew I was trying not to be mean to her sister and whispered to me,"I think you would be perfect for my sister", I looked at shinobu in a confused face since, I thought love was confusing, yoriichi-san said that I would know love when I felt it, even though I couldn't feel it I blushed, and shinobu giggle while hugging her sister.

Taiyo pov-

 3 weeks had passed and we went to a town near the west. kanae saw a girl on a rope, she must have been my brothers age of ten and the girl was being pulled along with a rope, kanae spoke to the girl, the girls soul looked lifeless, the man told kanae to pay to talk to the girl and tried shoving her away, shinobu stopped his hand and wacked it away. I was mad for the second time in my life, (did I love kanae), I went to the man and asked him what a value of a life meant to him, he ignored me and said that he bought the girl fair and square, he then pulled the girl and she fell on the ground, I smacked him in the face and said you should be ashamed of yourself, another man came up and tried to hit me, the other man said it was fair and that just made me more mad I was about to break both of their hands until both the sisters stopped me, I got some money out of my pocket and told them that if they ever bought a slave or somebody I would personally break all the bones in their bodies, both the men got scared as I put money in both their mouths they ran away. I cut the rope around the girl and gave her a piggy back, I then ran so fast that both the sisters couldn't catch up to me. 

When I had reached the mansion I noticed the girl had fell asleep and the sisters were not behind me. I waited for an hour until they came and shinobu tried to slap me, I dodged and said I did what I had to. Kanae said what I did was very brave, I think at that moment I knew what yoriichi-san was talking about. Shinobu had cleaned the girl up and said that the girl wouldn't do anything unless if she was told to that including eating and drinking. Kanae had given the girl the name of kanao and told shinobu to smile more. Shinobu got more irratated. Kanae gave a coin to kanao and said "whenever you need to decide something flip the coin and when the time comes a boy will open up your heart." Shinobu said that it wouldn't work but kanae said that she shouldn't worry and she should focus on how cute kanao is. Shinobu asked for my opinion and I agreed that kanao was cute which ticked off shinobu even more. 

At the end of the 3rd week both Kanae and Taiyo were in their rooms. At the same time they thought to their selves, I think i love her/him. I should confess.

Authors note-

Ok so what do you think. Do you guys like this ship. If not then Douma is alive :D hhehehehe. I'm joking, I won't kill of Kanae, she has so much ship potential.

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