Chapter 30 (upper 6)

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Uzui POV-

 Oyakata-sama was right...this kid does have potential, but...sadly it's not an upper moon. I wonder if he could sense it maybe i should ask him. "Amazing! He slayed an upper moon! I could do it too!" Inosuke screamed while zenitsu is glad that there's no fighting anymore. "Ready your weapons! It will come out soon!" Tanjiro yelled as the slayers prepared their weapon. "He knows it...i see..what a flamboyant boy" uzui thought

Tanjiro POV-

  I finally sliced the demons head off, she kept screaming but she was not disintegrating,  luckily due to sun breathing her body wasn't regenerating. Suddenly i felt some unease. I looked at the demon once again and sensed something..."There is another one" i thought as i told the others that it will come out soon. "She's not an upper moon 6" i heard uzui say as the demon named daki stopped screaming from burning of the fire.

Daki POV-

"Stop joking around! You think I'm not an upper moon? I'm a upper moon 6! Didn't you see the number in my eye!" "Then how did he easily cut your head off. Did your brain explode" Uzui sarcastically said and tanjiro nodded. "He just caught me off guard and he didn't easily cut my head off!" 

Tanjiro sighed and told her that he could easily cut her off 10 times in a row if he wanted to. "Your lying!" i screamed but that brat started generating some heavy pressure...i couldn't talk at all. Im scared but... "I'm really upper moon 6! I'm stronger! I'm super awesome!" Izumi stared dumbfounded while thinking whether the demon was right in it's head cuz a demon throwing a tantrum is really rare to see.

 "Your not convincing anyone here" tanjiro said as zenitsu suddenly asked "wh-what do you there another demon! AAAAAHHH! I don't want to die okay! I thought it was already finished!" And inosuke said "don't worry french fry! I the great inosuke will protect you HAHHAHAAH" the three konoichi just stared at their antics. 

 "Your all gonna die here! My head got cut off! My head got cut off! Did you hear that! ONIIII-CHAAAAN!"

Tanjiro POV-

She screamed out loud and suddenly her body changed shape and someone came out of it. Before the demon came out "raging sun" I swung my blade to make two sun shapes slashes come out  that almost hit him. "It disappeared" i thought as i heard the other demon talk. "Crying won't help. At least attach you head yourself. You really are lacking at brain department y'know" the new demon that had come out of daki's body said.

Uzui POV-

"Her head got cut off yet she didn't crumble to dust, and what the heck is that thing that came out of her back? His speed, and power is no laughing matter. I only got a glimpse of tanjiro's attack but he dodge it easily. "U-uzui-san! What will we do! AHHH! i don't want to die!" Zenitsu said in fear crying like always. "Inosuke! Zenitsu! Tell everyone here to get out of this district! Once your done, come back here and help us" uzui ordered as they followed i nodded at tanjiro and he nodded at me.

He got what i was trying to say. Tanjiro jumped to the opposite side just in front of me and the demon in the middle said. "Your face got burn...take care of it were born with such a cute face after all" not waiting for anything tanjiro and uzui attacked at the same time. When they are neared the target, both demons disappeared. "not guys stopped my attack and i struck with intent to kill too, nice man nice" he said as her sister stopped crying and just focus on regenerating her body.

Tanjiro POV-

When the demon suddenly disappeared i saw his weapon hit me. I adjusted my sword to stop the force from breaking my body but i didn't have the time to react at all.

  He rotate his hand and slice my body, if i hadn't jump back in time then i would have already got divided in half.

 Uzui-san successfully blocked it but he had a little slice on his head. He didn't block all of it, this demon is fast. Unlike the girl who was much weaker, this guy is different. I cough up blood and hold my chest, i can feel something wrong inside me.

 "Tanjiro! Are you okay!" Uzui asked as he saw me on the ground spitting a lot of blood. I then told him that there is something wrong inside me, i saw the demon smile, he said "it's the poison, both of you have been poison by me."

Uzui POV-

"Tanjiro, get the out of here! I'll fight him, you need to recover first" i said. He was reluctant at first but he knew he would only be a burden if he stayed so he decided to go away and try to recover as fast as he could. 

 For now I'll fight this demon alone.......

Authors note-

Next chapter will be today I think 


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