Tafseer Sûrah Al-Kahf: Lesson 5

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🌻It is on the people whether they wish to follow guidance or not. The dâ’ee cannot guide the people; one cannot guide those he loves.

🌻The deen cannot be taken from and rejected as one likes. Of the people are those who take some parts of the deen and leave some, as if it is heavy and needs to be lightened.

🌻Allâh promised the disbelievers fire, which is described as massive in both width and height.

🌻The water given to the people of the fire is is so hot that it takes away any feeling from the skin.

🌻The one who perfects their belief and worship are promised Jannah. The people of Jannah will be adorned with gold with no distinction between male or female. They will be dressed in green silk, for green is the most beautiful to the eye.

🌻There is benefit in looking at the beauty of creation and its greenery, for it builds yaqeen in the heart.

🌻The people will recline on couches; there is over 100 years between the couches and the ground.

🌻The second fitnah is the trial of wealth, which is connected to the trials of women, pride, and transgression.

🌻The two men of the garden mentioned were brothers of Banî Isrâ‘eel whose father had died; one who was poor and righteous and the other who had been gifted wealth and became proud.
The first fitnah of the wealthy man in his wealth was pride.

🌻The one who exits his house with pride will be swallowed by the earth.

🌻Deen and deeds will not be accepted by one who comes to Allâh with pride.

🌻Pride is second to shirk and kufr in the eyes of Allâh.

🌻Among the youth are those who mock and belittle those who have less and take pride in what they have; they do not consider that Allâh can take away their wealth in seconds.

🌻Wealth does not benefit any.

🌻The da’wah of the second man is an example of good da’wah; instead of mentioning the Hellfire, he urged him to remember Who had created him.

🌻“Lâ hawla walâ quwwata illâ billâh (There is no might nor power except for by Allâh’s will)” is one of the doors of Jannah.

🌻Wealth only comes from Allâh and one is favored by it only by the will of Allâh.

🌻One should say “Mâ shâ Allâh, lâ quwwata illâ billâh (Allâh has willed it; there is no might nor power except by Allâh’s will)” when entering upon his wealth to protect himself from the fitnah.

🌻Allâh can bring up the wealth and status of the poor man and destroy the wealth of the rich man.

🌻No one has any control of the future and what can occur of death and destruction.

🌻Aid and power is only from Allâh.

🌻The true believer does not care for status and knows it is all in the hands of Allâh and only temporary.

🌻The way out of the fitnah of wealth is by knowing and acknowledging the truth about wealth; it is from Allâh and He can take it away.

🌻Allâh is the disposer of all affairs.

🌻It is better for one to acknowledge it has been Allâh’s will to give him that wealth and not to consider it something to be proud about; pride only brings destruction.

(Lessons from Tafseer Sûrah Al-Kahf, taught by Dr. ’Isâm ibn Sâlih Al’Uwayd)

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