"Jiminie, you're telling me that you've never been to a second-hand store to buy clothes? Or anything?" Jimin chuckles a little from the bed and shakes his head.
"Sweetheart, no," he grins. "I buy all my clothes online."
"But Jiminie!" Taehyung frowns. "Second-hand stores have great things! Sometimes you find really good stuff there." Taehyung points to the short-shorts he's wearing. "I got these at a second-hand store." Jimin then frowns and sits up, looking them over.
"You did not," Jimin says. "Those look like Forever 21 shorts."
"No, they are," Taehyung nods, "but I bought them at a second-hand store." Taehyung adjusts to face Jimin on the bed, cross-legged. "What people do is they donate things, and then the store resells them."
"Like a garage sale...but it's other people's things?"
"Yes, exactly!" Taehyung claps his hands together. "Please, please, please, can we go? I promise, it'll be really fun. Honestly, if I could, I would spend hours in a store looking around. You can find the best things, I promise. Please, you'll love it, Jim-" Jimin cuts him off with a finger to his lips and leans forward.
"Alright," he smiles. "Just for you, we'll go. But there better be some nice stuff there. I'm keeping my eye out for some heels."
"Ooh, they always have heels." Taehyung glances at Jimin's feet. "Probably in your size, too."
"Don't be cocky." Taehyung giggles and Jimin pushes him lightly. "First, I'd really like a nap, though. Come here." Jimin beckons Taehyung towards him as he lies down and Taehyung happily obliges, lying down and wrapping an arm around Jimin's middle. "We'll go tomorrow. We don't have work, and I don't have any impending appointments." Taehyung adjusts to look up at Jimin with a smirk.
"Your sugar daddies holding out on you?" he teases, and Jimin nudges him.
"Well, I was supposed to have another meetup with this one number, but..." Jimin shrugs. "Well, he isn't too...sweet." Taehyung frowns then.
"Oh. 'm sorry."
"No, it's okay. I'll take you over him any day." Taehyung cuddles further.
"Mm, too bad I'm not rich," he mumbles.
"Oh, you're rich. Just...not in the money department." Taehyung laughs loudly and Jimin joins in, their nap quickly forgotten about.
That next day, as promised, both Taehyung and Jimin are walking their way to their destination. Namely, a second-hand store that Taehyung's taken a liking to going in every once in awhile. Y'know, when he isn't working, sleeping, or meeting with Jeongguk. Or having Jimin teach him something new in the sexual department.
"So, this is the place, huh?" Jimin questions as they step in. Jimin's clad in a fluffy pink sweater that matches his hair and short, light-wash capris, complete with thick-heeled white shoes and round white glasses perched on his nose. Taehyung, on the other hand, sports a purple crop top and a light denim jacket, settling for another pair of dark short-shorts and black thick-heeled boots with knee-high blue stockings, with a blue headband sitting on his head.
Needless to say, they definitely stand out.
"Welcome to beauty for the cheap, Jiminie," Taehyung grins, and opens up his arms. "Anything you want, you could find here."
"Tae-Tae, I seriously doubt there are sex toys here," Jimin raises an eyebrow and Taehyung shrugs.
"There could be, but it would be sold in its original packaging. Like panties or socks."
"Might as well just go to the original shop for it, then." Taehyung giggles and takes Jimin's hand lightly, leading him around and pointing out various items and sections. It's when they reach the clothes that Jimin really stops to look through them.
"They have some cute stuff here," Taehyung sighs as he flips through the shirts, sliding hanger after hanger across, avoiding the dull blank grey shirts. "I once had a fight with this girl over a shirt that said, 'I love to be beautiful.' She eventually got it, but I definitely deserved to have that shirt. It was so pretty."
"Was it because you were a guy?" Jimin questions.
"No. She just kept telling me it didn't go with my skin, which," Taehyung points a finger at his face, "is false, because everything goes with my skin. Even skintone colour."
"Ooh, you're just the cutest, aren't you?" Jimin laughs and Taehyung quirks a brow, thinking Jimin's talking to him. But in reality, Jimin seems to be talking to a shirt he's picked off the rack. "Look, Tae, look. Oh, it's so adorable, I love it."
"Turn it around, let me see," Taehyung purses his lips and Jimin flips it around. On the front of the white tee is a picture of a cute puppy and the words, 'I'm adorable.' "Oh, Jiminie, that would look great on you."
"Would it?"
"Yeah, of course. But, everything looks great on you." He huffs. "If you want it, you can get it. What's the price?"
"It's...," Jimin turns it around before he spots the price-tag and gasps. "Wh- It's so cheap!"
"Right? I told you, second-hand stores have really good stuff!" Jimin looks up.
"Oh, Tae, you better hold me back before I buy the whole store."
Taehyung ends up following Jimin everywhere, only finding a shirt or two for himself. Whereas, Jimin is finding anything and everything, from hats to shirts, shorts to shoes. Taehyung has to stop Jimin from buying ten pairs of shoes right off the bat, insisting he try them on first before buying them on a whim.
"Wow," Jimin sighs as they step back outside. "That was... That was great." Jimin looks at the three bags he carries. "I found a lot."
"Jimin, you bought almost every pink thing in there," Taehyung teases, and looks into one of the bags. "Look! That whole bag is just filled with pink things!"
"I can't help it!" Jimin turns on the spot to face Taehyung. "As you can tell by my appearance, I do have an affinity for pink." Taehyung looks up at his own hair and runs a hand across the bangs.
"Maybe I should just go pink, then," he sighs. "Maybe you'll love me more then." Jimin nudges Taehyung with his foot.
"Don't be ridiculous. I love you just how you are. And besides," he turns and starts walking back in the direction of their apartment, "there are other pink parts of you I love." Taehyung stands there, trying to decipher his words out before he realises just what Jimin's implying, and he starts running after him with playful shouts of how there's much more to him than pink parts.
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