The night

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It was already 9:30pm and we were still in the dining hall. Everyone was talking and laughing . It was such a good environment.

"Okay.. it was a very good dinner..but we cannot spent the whole night here...So we should go back to our rooms  and have a good sleep." Jin said while standing from his seat.

"Yeah you all should have a good sleep as tomorrow will be hectic day for all" I said looking at BTS members and crew members.

"Okay...okay..guys let's get back to our rooms.." RM said while standing and pushing his chair in.

"Good night everyone.." Jimin said loudly and cutely.

Everyone said goodnight in a sync and started to move out from the hall. I was heading towards the opposite gate which was the exit gate when I felt someone grabbed me by my waist.

I was pulled back. I hit my head on a hard chest of none other than my cute and handsome Tae.

"Where are u going?" Tae asked not smiling but raising an eyebrow.

"What do you mean?... I am going home, obviously." I replied keeping my hands on his chest while his' were still on my waist.

"But why?.." Tae pouted.

"To sleep.."

"You can sleep here too"

"But why will I book a room...and too just to sleep when I have my home in this city.."

"Who said to book a room??... I want you to stay with me my room.." Tae said smirking.

"No way... I don't want to!!" I denied just by seeing his expressions. Believe me , they were not looking innocent.

"But why Baby!! ... oh ..are you afraid that...." Tae didn't complete the sentence and started teasing me.

"Yeah..correct! ..I want to feel energized tomorrow and not tired..." I replied.

"Okay .. we won't do anything naughty but still I want you to stay with me tonight." Again Tae showed the pleading puppy eyes. Pleading, so obviously can't refuse.

"Ok fine.. don't show those super convincing eyes..." As soon as I said those words , Tae lifted me up in a bridal style. 

Thank God, it was hotel area else we would be on the headlines tomorrow. As per the hotel's staff they can't disclose anything about their customers.

He carried me in his arms up to his room. It felt like I was heading to my honeymoon suite.

Oh, c'mon , just now I said no naughtiness and here it's me imagining those horny things.

I opened the room as Tae's hands were busy...

We headed in and he placed me on the bed and gently removed my heels. Then he went on the other side of bed and removed his shoes and hopped on the bed.

Actually, we didn't do any horny things But we ended up cuddling each other all night.

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