[you ask her]
1. She was happy and said yes.
[You ask him]
1. he would laugh and says "Oh dollface, no." before walking away with a shit-eating grin on his face.
[He asked you]
2. He was nervous at first but didn't hesitate and ask you out by saying "So uh...wanna go on a date with me?" before you could say anything he just swoop you up to his arms and carries you somewhere anything you wanted to go.
[She ask you]
1. She was nervous, overthinking about you rejecting her. so she practice a bit in the mirror saying her lines. after she was ready to ask you out, she walks towards you with a smile and ask "Hey Y/N...Would you wanna go on a date with me? it's fine if you said no.." but instead you said yes which she was gladly wanted to hear and was happy hearing you say "Yes, I would love to." [Idk if ya'll say that tho]
[You ask her]
1. When you asked if she could go on a date with you, she smiles happily and said "Yes! I would love to!" since she was wearing her comedy mask, she smiles when you ask her out
[You ask him]
1. He would scream. "AAAA-"
2. He was happy and held your hand, and said. "That would be nice."
[You ask them]
2. They were confuse when you walk towards them with a nervous expression since they never seen you nervous. They said.
"So uh...Something wrong? is Jax bothering you again?"
you said "What? no! it's just...Will you go on a date with me? please?"
They were shock hearing you ask them out made them flustered. and
they said. "Yeah, sure. a date would be nice."
[You ask him]
1. He was confused when you called him,
he ask "Is there something wrong my dear?"
you said "No, Nothings wrong..."
you look down nervously before hesitating and said "Caine um...will you go out on a date with me?.."
he was in shock and he quickly said "Of course my dear! a date in the restaurant would be nice, how about that?"
you smile and nod,
he was happy that you both are going on a date.
[This is quiet boring smh, but if your ok w it]
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