1. She would be a bit jealous if you sometimes avoid her and talk to others instead of her.
1. Jax would be very jealous if you sometimes talk to others and hang out with them instead of him. so he decides to ruin the fun by walking towards you and suddenly carries you, then walking away with you struggling to get out of his grasp.
1. She didn't mind if you talk to someone else or hanging out with them.
1. She wouldn't be jealous. except if your with Jax.
1. He wouldn't be jealous. but instead, he'll be sad if you leave him alone for too long not listening to him rambling about insects or be with him
[Friendly way.]
1. They would be very jealous and mad if you kept avoiding them and talking to someone else or hanging out with them. so they use their arms and throw it at the person of who you are talking to. and walk towards you then grab your wrist and drags you somewhere.
1. He'll be jealous a bit if he sees you being happy with someone else instead of him.
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