requested by fredbear_fan83
Her eyes flutter open.
she looked around and see nothing but just black void around her.
Pomni -
She could only hear her voice echo around.
She walks around and there was still nothing. but then She heard something behind her.
She turn around and see Y/N's body, with a knife stabbed right into where their heart is and a lot of blood was seeping through.
Her eyes widen in fear.
Pomni -
She ran towards their body and kneel down
Pomni -
"Oh no...Please don't leave me!"
Tears began welling up in her eyes.
Pomni -
"This isn't funny!"
She kept shaking her body and they didn't move.
She looks at her hand. and she have blood stained knife on her hand.
Pomni -
"This can't be real!"
She dropped the knife
Pomni -
"T-This isn't true.."
she again looks at her hand and black began flickering on her hand and suddenly her entire body began glitching.
Pomni -
"I...I shouldn't have done that.."
and her entire body became black and distorted and grew many eyes across her body, which were primarily pinkish purple and cyan color. her body then began levitating and suddenly she sees Caine putting her in the cellar.
Pomni -
"Wait no!-"
Her eyes flutter open and wake up in a cold sweat.
She look around and realized She's just in her room. She again look at her hand and it was shaking.She sigh and go back to sleep trying to ignore the nightmare.
She would stick with you and hold hands not wanting to lose you just like the nightmare she just got about you.
[Jax would be just like Pomni too a bit.]
His POV:
I look around and see he's on stage
"Huh, weird. I swore I was in bed."
I look around and see the others talking as usual. except for Hoo-ha he's just in his pillow fort. But I notice somethings off...Y/N isn't here.
I began walking towards Ragatha and was about to ask her
Jax -
"Hey dollface, have you seen Y/N around?"
Ragatha -
"Nope, It's odd not to see them around...they haven't come out of their room for 2 days..they always go out of their room!"
'2 days? nah there's no way they would already abstract by just locking themself up in their room for 2 days...'
I snapped out of my thought.
Jax -
"I'll go check up on them."
Ragatha -
"Oh okay"
I rolled my eyes and walk away and go to the colorful corridor with pictures hanging on the wall.
Finally, I arrived at their door.
I reach out to my pocket and pulled out their key.
I walk towards their door. I push the key into the keyhole and twist it making a sound of click, I open the door and it was dark.
Jax -
"Uh...okay why is it so dark?"
my eyes landed on a multiple pinkish purple and cyan.
Jax -
I backed away and they took a step forward revealing their now entire black distorted body
Jax -
You then lunged towards me
Jax -
I look up and see Y/N now abstracted.
Jax -
"Y/N what...what happened to you?"
You were about to attack him but you stopped.
he looks behind you and see Caine.
Caine -
"Well I didn't expect Y/N to give up like that!"
he levitates you up in the air before opening a portal that can lead you to the cellar. he moves you to the hole
Caine -
"Now off you go!-"
Jax -
but Caine already putted you down to the cellar.
Caine -
"Huh? did you say something?-"
Jax -
"Why?...Why did you do that?..."
Caine -
Jax -
"There could be a way to cure them! R-Right?!"
I curled my hands to fist and tears began forming into my eyes
Caine -
Jax -
Tears began streaming down my cheeks and suddenly my hand began flickering and becoming distorted.
Caine -
"Woah woah calm down!"
Jax -
I snarled at him and he backs away a bit
Caine -
but he was too late.
Jax body began flickering black and suddenly, his height changes and his body become distorted and pinkish purple and yellow eyes began forming into his body.
he become abstracted.
Caine didn't said anything but before Jax would attack him he levitates him and open the portal.
Caine -
"Well uh, Into the cellar you go!"
He drops him in the cellar.
His eyes flutter open.
he looks around him and realized he's in his room
He sigh and goes back to sleep trying to forgot about the nightmare he just had.
He would be less meaner to you and would stick up with you for a day.
she would still be upset about the nightmare she had. so she decides to check up on you if you ever lock yourself up on your room, or would stick with you for just a day. she would scold Jax if he ever makes you cry or make fun of you even pranking you.
she would be terrified and upset at the nightmare she had. everytime she sees you she would burst out crying and you had to comfort her everytime.
he would be terrified and sad not wanting to lose you like Queenie
They wouldn't care. but They'll still be right by your side.
[I don't even know if he sleeps...]
He would be concerned. So he decided to check up on you if you ever lock yourself up in your room.
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