"Are you sure about this?" You asked, slightly worried.
"Yes. This is the best way to secure conviction. We have all the evidence we need, Misa joined our side and if I admit to being a system... that footage of Light trying to deliberately trigger me will put the nail in his coffin" L replied.
He was right, it would be foolproof. You were just a little worried about him telling the taskforce that he was a system. All the other alters agreed that this was the best way to go about the situation, now you had enough evidence to put Light away, the risk was greatly decreased.
"Alright... but if something happens I'm gonna be right next to you ok?" You assured.
"I know, I love you for that" L smiled.
How lucky of you to end up with 3 boyfriends a girlfriend and a gender ambiguous significant other all in one body. Plus a cute kid to help take care of. No matter which alter said they loved you, it always made you smile.
L gathered the taskforce, having them sit around the monitors. Light looked angry, he knew something was going to happen that went against his plan, but he didn't know what.
"Alright... I've gathered you all here because we have officially gotten our case solved" L began.
"Woah hang on, what do you mean solved?" Aizawa said.
"Yeah we haven't got a weapo-" Matsuda added.
L held a hand up to silence them, and the room fell quiet.
"Let me explain... this is the weapon"
L pulled up a picture of the death note on the monitors, and the taskforce immediately seemed confused.
"(Y/n) retrieved it from Higuchis car, and we kept it from you to make sure none of our suspects had access to it..."
L glared at Light when he said suspects, earning an eye roll from the Kira.
"It was sent to some agents of mine for testing and we can conclude that this is indeed the weapon. And this, is paper from that book" he continued, holding up an evidence bag.
Opening it, he took the blank page out, and put it on the desk.
"When (y/n) touched the book, she was able to see the shinigami attached to it. And when I touched the book, so was I. If you touch this paper, you will see it too. In this room, right beside you"
The taskforce found this unbelievable, but they also were oddly intrigued. They'd been tracking down a killer that used heart attacks as the method after all, it was already an unbelievable situation. The Cheif was the first to bite, he reached out and touched the paper. Immediately when he noticed Rem off to the side, he jumped in fright and stared at her in shock. He insisted L was telling the truth and had the other taskforce members touch it, Light and Misa included. They all saw Rem, they all believed you and L.
L flipped to the next picture, of the rules of the death note.
"Right there, clear as day. The human who's name is written in this note shall die, and when you look through the pages of the book..." he explained, changing the picture to several photos of the books pages.
"Names of victims are written all over it. Every single person in this book has died, with the rare exception of those whose names were spelt wrong. Those who aren't written, but we're still killed can easily be chalked up to being written on a page that's been torn out or in another book. We know there's a second out there somewhere, as there are two Kira's"
The more evidence L showed, the more the taskforce started to believe him. The whole situation sounded insane, but then again... Kira in general was insane.
"The book was tested for fingerprints, DNA residue and handwriting analysis. And all of those tests provided a match. A match, to Light Yagami" L announced.
When the screen showed the results of the tests, Light immediately stood up angry and offended.
"Are you serious? I've never even seen that book-" he began.
"Shut. There's more, even more proof it was him who was in possession of the book and used it is the fact we have a signed confession. From Misa Amane" L cut him off.
Misa gave Light a glare, she was done with his bullshit. And as revenge, she was dobbing him in. Light hadn't taken her threat to do so seriously and now he was being put on blast.
"What the fuck Misa? Now to you're framing me-" Light snapped.
"Oh shut up Light, you can't lie your way out if this one. My fingerprints are on the book too from when YOU showed me the book! The proof is in the test results Light, I told them EVERYTHING" Misa snapped back.
When Misa had decided to turn on Light for all he'd done, she was a bit nervous since it would also reveal she was the second Kira. But since she'd cooperated with you and L, and because Rem was protecting her, you'd all come to a conclusion. She'd provide the evidence, you'd let her off on a lighter sentence. One in a therapy facility that'll help her get over the trauma she'd faced from both her parents deaths and Lights abuse. Misa had shown that unlike Light, she could be reformed.
"And my final nail in the coffin... I have to admit something myself..." L said.
You couldn't help but be a bit nervous, this was a massive step for the system.
"You're right Light, I am a system. There are more people in this body. I have DID, and all 6 of us know exactly what you've done..." he admitted.
Misa wasn't expecting the system to tell, so she gave you a worried look. Thinking maybe this wasn't part of the plan and due to a mental break of some kind, but you just nodded to assure her L knew what he was doing.
The taskforce seemed both shocked and confused. They absolutely weren't expecting this...
"I knew it, I knew you and your brain worms were finding a way to-" Light snarled.
"For fuck sakes Light, let the man finish" you cut him off.
"I'm not going to go into my whole life story on how I developed DID, partly because it's traumatic and partly because I don't really remember. That's something the other alters hold onto. But we have proof that when Light figured out we were a system, he deliberately tried to trigger us to give up our real name so use to kill us. You all saw him trigger us that time we disassociated at him screaming at us. That caused a split. He triggered a whole new alter to form because the situation was so stressful" L explained.
You and Misa gave Light dirty looks for what he did, and the taskforce looked at him in a mix of disgust and confusion.
"And the second time he tried it, we got that on the security footage. He locked (y/n) in another room because he knew she'd protect us from him. And when he had us alone, he tried again. We were just lucky that one of our alters that can handle confrontation came out"
L pulled up the security footage quickly, before Light could try and say anything. And sure enough, just as L as explained it showed Light locking you in the other room and getting into L's personal space to try and trigger him.
By now, he had no defence. The taskforce including his father had witnessed everything for themselves. The book, the shinigami, the testimony form Misa, the footage. When the video ended, there was a moment of silence as everyone let the new information sink in.
"With that being said... the death note and shinigami, Misas testimony and the footage of him deliberately trying to trigger someone with a disorder into giving up their name is proof enough that Light Yagami, is Kira" L finished.
It was silent again for a moment, the taskforce shocked at the sudden admission of being a system from L, and the mountain of evidence against Light. Rem just stood back and watched, glad Light was finally getting what he deserved for hurting Misa. She agreed to stay out of it, as long as Misa was safe.
"T-this is ridiculous! Just because you hate me you make all this shit up to frame me? Is it your disorder? Are you crazy L?" Light snapped.
"OI, don't bring your ableism into this shit head. If anything his disorder helps PROVE you're Kira. You caused a fucking split for gods sakes. Berry and Ryuzaki were majorly effected because of you" you growled back.
"Yeah Light, you can't get out if this anymore. The evidence is right there, you're Kira and and ableist! And as someone who also has a trauma disorder I don't fucking appreciate that ableism" Misa added.
Light wasn't having it, in his mind he was a god that shouldn't be disrespected. And you were all 'disrespecting' him by calling him what he is, Kira.
"You're all ganging up on me over some kind of grudge! This isn't real, none of it is! I don't even have the damn book how could-" Light exclaimed.
"You HAD the book Light, that's how. Now sit down and accept defeat because you're not getting out of this" L replied.
Light looked at L, so angry his gaze could be felt by the whole system inside the body. In a fit of rage, he went to lunge at L to fight him, but you and Misa were quick to jump in and hold him away.
"L don't stay here, he'll trigger you!" You warned.
"LET ME GO! HE DESERVES THIS-" Light yelled.
"FUCK OFF LIGHT- L seriously, go upstairs before you disassociate!" Misa added.
L had made his point, he'd shown the evidence. He knew he was right and it was over for Light. So hearing your warnings he immediately turned on his heels and went upstairs just before the noise and commotion became too much for him. He sighed, sitting down and blocking out the commotion downstairs.
"Well done L, you did good" coil told him, who was close to the front and monitoring the whole time.
"Thanks... that was nerve wracking" L replied.
"But you did it. All that's left is to get that sick man in custody, and then he can't hurt us. Or (y/n), or anyone"
Light was taken care of now. But there was still some work to do to close the case, now the taskforce knew of the system, he was a bit nervous to see how they'd act and what they'd say around him now. But he and the rest of the system felt better knowing you'd be there to help.
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