1 - On [Taeyong]

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The duvet wrapped his body like a burrito, giving him warmth all over, but It's getting colder and the chills are starting to grow up to his toes, Taeyong realized it failed to wrap his feet "damn it!" he cursed, he wanted to reach the remote placed on the left side bed table and turn off the goddamn air conditioner, yet he failed miserably. "What time is it?" He lifted his head, but he felt like an ax was planted in the middle of his head and every time he tried to move it hurts, his body felt like bleeding inside, from the pounding of his head, vomit taste in his mouth, he's 100 and 1% sure he must be drinking heavily last night, His throat is so dry, lips are cracking, the waves of nausea adding to his misery, luckily the curtains were closed, only a bit light pass through the gap of the curtains. "Fuck! Hangover" he sighed.

The last thing Taeyong remembered was he's posting some apology shit on his bubble page, he promised his fans that he will do vlive last night after the concert, but the dinner turns into shot sessions, and the next thing he knows he was drunk as fuck! Everyone in SM, even the part-timer who works at COEX Artium for eleven days knows he's a light drinker, even Haechan can beat his flat ass, however since the Beyond concert was a big success, they have exceeded the Management's estimated target viewers, Capitol's head was online watching live and the feedback was awesome, so he can't just ignore the celebratory party organized by their NCT staff team and the rest is a long hangover history.

Taeyong's eyesight struggled to cope with that small spotlight that caught his eyes, he used his left palm to block the sunlight, and his right hand fumbling under the duvet searching for his phone, he found the gadget under the pillows far from him. Of course, the battery is drained, he reached for the charging cable placed inside the gap between his bed and the wall, he connected the cable to his phone urgently, Taeyong thanked god once he saw the battery charging appear on the screen, he didn't need to get up and plug the socket.

The vomit still lingers inside his mouth, he feels so filthy, his clothes, his body, his skin reeks of alcohol "I need a shower" he sits up and slowly tries to stand on his own two feet, even though he can feel that both of his knees are giving out. Taeyong walked through the corridor, their bathroom was two doors away from his room. Once he reached the door, he heard Haechan calling his name "TYong Hyung, there's something I need to tell you..." Haechan failed to finish his words "not now Haechannie, Hyungie's head had a small jackhammer inside and it keeps digging inside my sensory cortex, give me a minute please?" Taeyong forced a bitter smile.
"But Hyung..." Taeyong did not manage to hear Haechan's explanation, he was already inside the bathroom. Taeyong love his precious Me Time, he actually made a playlist titled 'soothing shower playlist' and played non-stop or until Doyoung was raging, banging on the door shouting at him to get out the fucking bathroom already! But sadly that won't happen today! The lukewarm shower is so appealing, but the reek of alcohol emanating through his skin and his head goes on throbbing to make him decided to "Fuck it! Coldwater it is!".

For exactly ten minutes, he leaves the shower, he blots his skin gently dry with an absorbent towel. The hangover has reduced a little, but at least he doesn't taste the bitterness in his mouth. Taeyong opened the cabinet and searched for some aspirin he remembered Johnny bought that one time he got a terrible headache after a twelve hours straight drinking session they had after the 127's first concert. Once Taeyong saw the medicine he took two pills and swallow it without liquid, he felt one of the pills getting stuck and irritate the lining of his esophagus, he sips water directly from the tap, he breathes and stares at himself through the metal wall mirror "I fucking hate alcohol!" murmured while rolling his eyes. He continued patting himself until he was completely dry, he wore his Calvin Klein boxer (birthday gift from Mark) and draped the towel around his shoulder. He went back to his room then went straight to his closet and snatched a white plain tee to wear. As Taeyong sits on his bed and tries to meditate "I guess the aspirin is kicking in..." the headache is almost gone now, but he's still exhausted, so he lay on his bed, reached for his phone, and placed the gadget near his face to unlock it. It failed, the screen shows Face not Recognized,  try again or enter your password "What the fuck? Am I that unrecognizable? "He tries to fix his hair, combing up some bangs, and tries to unlock the phone again. The screen now shows 'Enter passcode' annoyed, Taeyong hissed while entering his four-digit passcode "nine... five... seven...one" the lamest password you can think of,  9-5-7-1, his birthday. Once the phone unlocked, Taeyong was quite shocked upon noticing his home screen, it was different from his phone, the apps, the wallpaper "When did I use this photo as my wallpaper?" By then Taeyong flipped the gadget and checked the phone case. There's a GIVENCHY logo tag and indeed, this was not his phone! He knows who's the right owner though, because they both buy the same brand of the phone case, while Taeyong chooses the single star tud instead  "The fuck! This is Jaehyunnie's phone!"

Later he found his own phone at the foot of his bed and the phone, the "Jaehyunnie's phone" was now placed on his desk, he was sitting on his gaming chair, while he was biting his thumbnail, boring holes on the phone, contemplating to open it again. He was so confused as fuck, not because Jaehyun's phone is with him but the fact that he can unlock the phone with his password "it can't be..." Taeyong denied biting his fingernail while shaking his head "I probably entered the wrong number" trying to convince himself "yeah, that's it! I probably entered four, instead of one" He took the phone and pressed the power button, again the face ID can't identify and he saw the ENTER PASSCODE, he pressed his own four-digit passcode, slowly and carefully, once he pressed the number 1, the phone was automatically unlocked. He saw his picture with Jaehyun and Mark behind numerous apps, Taeyong was staring at the phone when he took notice of the PHOTOS app placed at the right corner, he opened it! "This is so stupid! Jaehyun's going to kill me!" The phone consists of 35 thousand pictures in the recent album, he scrolled to the right to check the albums. There's an album titled "photoshoot", "127SquaD", "NCT", "Vogue", "Foodie", "Neo City Tour", "Jeong Family".... and then, there's "용" (Yong). For the nth time this afternoon, Taeyong was appalled, stunned that he didn't even know how to react, "why?  Still, he opened the album and saw pictures of him, mostly stolen shots, some where he was sleeping, the back of his head inside the car, him laughing, even videos of him rehearsing and all of the selcas he and Jaehyun took. Taeyong played the video where Jaehyun was smiling and Taeyong was on the back practicing, it was their rookie era, he didn't have a chance to finish the video because the phone suddenly rang. It registered Jungwoo's name, Taeyong pressed the accept button "Hello?"
"Jaehyun- ah?!" Taeyong answered
"Hyung? Taeyong Hyung?"
"You got my phone?"
"Mmmh" Taeyong hummed "I'm not certain if I accidentally snatched it or you left it here?"
"I probably dropped it last night when Haechan and I sent you home"
"Ahhh that's why I have your phone"
"Uhm Hyung..."
"Uhm... Hyung, did you open my phone?"
Taeyong panicked, he wanted to scream that yes he opened the goddamn phone and saw the  "용" album with hundreds of pictures of him, and why the fuck do we have the same passcode? But instead "Nah, I saw it, the battery was drained and I recharged it not long ago... then you called" liar! His brain screamed
"I see"
"And, how can I open it? I don't have the passcode pabo yah!" Taeyong was shaking, he hopes Jaehyun didn't notice how he stammered
"Of course Hyung! By the way Hyung, can I see you?"
Jaehyun's voice is getting lower, that Taeyong can't help but feel every timbre of Jaehyun's voice resonate in every fiber of his spine.
"Huh? Why would you see me?"
"Hyung, to get my phone?"
"Yeah of course... you know what Jaehyun ah, I'm still drowsy and still had a little headache"
"Did you eat already?" Jaehyun now in a higher pitch, concerned voice passed through the line "I'm sure you haven't eaten yet Hyung! Do you want anything? I can buy it for you!"
Taeyong can feel the sincerity of his voice, if Jaehyun asked before this fiasco, devouring Taeyong's brain right now, he might tell him to buy steak or something "No it's okay! I just need sleep, I'll just pass your phone to Haechan okay?"
A long silence before Jaehyun replied "okay Hyung!, take care okay?"
"I will Jaehyunnie..."


"You look different"
Taeyong snapped from his oblivion and looked up to where the voice came from "what?"
"I said you look different!" Johnny dropped his bag and sat beside Taeyong. They were inside the practice room, Taeyong arrived earlier than others, he said he will grab breakfast outside, but the truth is he's not ready to face Jaehyun and there might be a chance that they will take the same car and he doesn't know how to handle Jaehyun at this state "What do you mean?"
"I mean you look like pale shit, plus the bags under your eyes are kinda cute tho!" Johnny chuckled
Taeyong punched his shoulder "fuck you!"
"Okay, okay! Let's be serious here! What's wrong? You've been glaring at that couch with black emotionless eyes for a good fifteen minutes already!?" Johnny asked, raising his eyebrow like trying to threaten Taeyong - don't you dare lie to me bitch!
"Fine! I have a question for you first!"
"Okay shoot!" Johnny straightened the way he seated and angled his upper body to his left facing Taeyong, all ears listening.
"Uhmm...  when you buy your new phone and you know, we are kinda obliged to set a passcode right?"
Johnny tilted his head quizzically.
"What I mean is...." Taeyong paused, assessing should he continue the question or not.
"Wow, the anticipation is killing me over a fucking password Yong! The fuck! Spill it already"
"What I wanted to ask is how do people choose their mobile passcode?" Taeyong spilled the question too fast like he was spitting triplets with extensive use of booming 808 bass.
"What?" Johnny is utterly baffled at the question "what? You are asking ''how do people choose their mobile passcode? Why do I feel I heard you wrong?"
"Nah.." Taeyong shaking his head "that's the question..."
"Do you think we should contact the management and arrange some therapy sessions for you already? You badly needed one"
"Stop it, John! I'm serious" Taeyong glared
"Okay, okay... back to your SERIOUS question" Johnny air quoting the serious "how do people choose their mobile passcode?? I don't really know. I mean never in my life this question occurred to me! I guess, maybe they use their favorite numbers, you know?  so it's easier to remember!"
"Favorite numbers? You mean someone out there has a four-digit number or even six as their fave?"
"Fine! You have a point there! it doesn't make sense when you have 1187 as your fave number..."
"That's your passcode?"
"Shut up!" Johnny rolled his eyes "or maybe dates! That's the easiest right?"
"Well, I've been thinking that too! What kind of dates are normally chosen as passcodes?"
"There's an anniversary date, wedding, dating, I guess even death date!" Johnny was now laughing "or the lamest birthday!"
But Taeyong is too serious about "Birthdate?"
"Yeah, I know it's kinda lame, but that's the easiest to remember I guess? But some don't use their own birth date, they use the birthday of someone special to them!"
"Yeah sort of... now I remember my dad, he used my mom's birthday as his passcode, well according to him he remembers her more than his, that's how he loves my mom! Cheesy as fuck!"
"Oh.." Taeyong blushed and that didn't bypass Johnny's hawk eyes "Oh I see! Someone used your birthday as their passcode right?"
"What? NO!" Taeyong denied aggressively as if he was caught red-handedly.
"Whoa! Chill dude! I'm just guessing tho! God! You're so easy to read Tae, anyway what's with this passcode thing?"
"Well... I was trying to write lyrics and add some passcode related..."
"Ahh, that's why you're spacing out! You are writing lyrics inside your huge brain!" Johnny says sarcastically
"Shut up!" Taeyong was preparing to erase the smirk on Johnny's face when someone entered the practice room.
"Hey, Jaehyun! What's up?" Johnny waves to where Jaehyun enters.
Taeyong gasps at the sight of Jaehyun approaching them, they had eye contact and Jaehyun smiled showing his adorably sexy dimples. Taeyong always finds Jaehyun handsome, he is proud that he's with his team and never he has thought of how handsome he is right now, wearing a plain black V-neck shirt, which he wears all the fucking time, but enough with drooling over how handsome Jaehyun is.
Jaehyun went straight to sit beside Taeyong, he forced a tight-lipped smile and nodded in his direction "so what are you both talking about?" he asked in wonder.
Taeyong panicked, he knows Johnny will tell Jaehyun and tease him over "the password conversation" they just had 'Think Taeyong! What to do? Jaehyun should not know bout this matter' No fucking time to waste, Taeyong stands up just before Johnny will answer Jaehyun's question, Johnny almost jumps from his seat, he was startled "what the fuck Taeyong!"
Taeyong ignored Johnny and reached for Jaehyun's wrist and trying to pull him up "Jaehyun ah, come with me, I need to discuss something with you" Jaehyun looked at his wrist where Taeyong was tugging, he frees his hand on Taeyong's grip and hold his hand instead, then he glanced at Taeyong and nod "yeah sure Hyung''
Taeyong helps him get up and walks toward the door "where are you going?" Johnny shouted, Taeyong proceeded walking while grabbing Jaehyun's hand, he then waved back his free hand and said "later Johnny!" without looking back, he missed how Johnny smirked like he figured something out.

Taeyong's heart was beating so fast, he was still grabbing Jaehyun's hand who's following him behind. What the hell was he thinking when he stood up, grabbed Jaehyun's hand, and left the practice room with him? He just creates a fucking scene and now he doesn't even know how to explain to the guy that clasps his hand, what the fuck is this all about. Taeyong keep leading and walking straight, he don't have any idea where to go, they walk past some SM staff and when Taeyong saw the last of the corridor, he closed his eyes and breathes in, he stopped and turned around facing Jaehyun "what do you think of Giselle?" Taeyong blurted out.
"Giselle? Aespa, Giselle?" Jaehyun raised a question, confused as fuck.
Taeyong smiles and nods "yeah Aeri! What do you think about her?"
Jaehyun doesn't know what, how to feel and answer Taeyong's question "hmmm... I don't know Hyung! We are not close, I think I just spoke to her once"
Taeyong was racking his head to connect all the dots and make his question realistic as fuck "well, I read somewhere that one of the reasons she joined the company was because... she had a crush on you"
Jaehyun stares at Taeyong "Hyung?"
Taeyong wanted the ground to open up and swallow him already "Hahaha, I know, I sound crazy, but... you know?" he smiled awkwardly.
Jaehyun kept staring at Taeyong like he was analyzing a Nobel prize entry.
"umm..." Taeyong wanted to punch his face and just die "about... Aeri..." he can't even think a lame explanation, and before he embarrassed himself more, Taeyong gave up, he'll just tell Jaehyun that Giselle is irrelevant from all of this, he'll ask him about the phone and...
"Do you like her Hyung?"
"What? What do you mean I like her?" Taeyong was confused about how Jaehyun thought that he was interested in Giselle instead.
"I mean... there's no other reason you are asking me about her right?"
"No! That's not the reason why I've asked you about her!" Taeyong explained
"Then why Hyung?"
"I don't know... but I'm sure that I don't like her on that level..." Taeyong stuttered
"I really wish you weren't Hyung..." Jaehyun whispered, he was stomping, more like kicking something invisible on the ground.
Jaehyun lifted his face and stared at Taeyong's orbs.
"Why do you wish I shouldn't like her? Why Jaehyun ah?" Staring isn't quite the word for what Taeyong does, his eyes rest, not unblinking but slowed; yet the effect is soft and inviting instead of harsh. Perhaps it is his lips that give away his intention, not quite smiling but tilting as if they mean to.
Jaehyun was surprised, eyes widening, his heavy eyelids a fraction too slow to blink. It was as if his brain was suffering a massive short circuit and was struggling to compute "it's just..."
Taeyong was trying too hard to calm down, he was dying to hear Jaehyun's answer, but God is not on his side right now, because the moment Jaehyun opened his mouth to initiate talking
"Hyung!!! Taeyong Hyung! Jaehyun Hyung!!" Mark was yelling "Koosung Hyung was looking for you two! Dude, practice is starting now, let's go!" he explained when he reached them.

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