Chapter Seven

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Chapter Seven

Miles now made a habit of greetings and farewells. Rudy found himself looking forward to them every time.

Turns out, when the kid wasn't wallowing in himself he was actually... Okay. Just barely tolerable.


"Y'know the book you picked up the other day..." Miles said one day, waving goodbye to a customer." You do realise that was the second in the series an not he first one?"

Rudy raised an eyebrow."Yes."

"Oh," Miles smiled."because it would suck if you didn't read the first one because holy hell! What an introduction, right? I mean Jesus, Harry is like so cool-"

Rudy listened to Miles talk a mile a minute, using his hands all of a sudden and get over-excited. Rudy nodded wen he was supposed to and smiled a little when Miles tripped over his words by trying to get something out a little too fast.

It was probably times like these Rudy was grateful that the shop was usually quiet - that and he didn't like people in general. He could see why Kelly loved working here so much, being able to communicate and be herself most of the time in the workplace even if Rudy wanted her to shut the hell up most of the time and that she liked to knock over the tub of 50p pens whenever she came over.


Rudy was half way through the Dresden Files series when Miles asked. Miles was one of the few people that Rudy let into his company then, one of the few people he could actually look at with more emotions than the boredom and irritation he usual had to endure with everyone.

 Miles was babbling away until their shift ended. They both changed out of their uniform, Miles going a little quiet as Rudy pulled on his Rolling Stones t-shirt. He turned questionably as Miles snapped his head to the inside of his locker, face bright red, and stumbled back into his previous line of topic. Rudy shrugged, thinking nothing of it and turned back sharply just as Miles starting to take of his shirt, showing a line of pale skin just below his belly button and the elastic top of pale blue boxers.

They left the building together; Rudy opening the door and stopping to let Miles through first which he did, ducking under his arm like a bridge even though he wasn't even close to touching it and giving a soft thank you before they were both out in the early winter's of the night, the sky sending tiny spits of rain that wasn't enough to bother either of them right at that moment.

This was where Miles was supposed to say "goodbye" or "see you tomorrow" but he wasn't. Rudy waited, looking down at him and wondering what was making Miles hesitate. The kid shifted from foot to foot, staring at the opposite building in the alley for too long and then not. Anywhere but Rudy.

Rudy wondered if he was waiting on him to call the shots this time. Maybe he wasn't.

And then,"would you like to get coffee?" It came out rushed and high. Rudy was blinking so rapidly once his brain translated it and echoed it through his head again and again until it bounced around in time with his rapid heartbeat."...or something..."

"I don't like coffee," Rudy finally said, happy that his voice was steady and didn't sound as wrecked as he felt but angry at his response.

"Oh," it was Miles' turn to blink but it looked more like he wanted to cry as he settled in Rudy's answer. His cheeks were bright scarlet and he was now glaring at the ground. "Oh,"he said again,"okay, I'll just... yeah. Goodnight." He sniffed before he turned quickly and started to walk down the street.

Rudy couldn't help himself when he tried again, his heart thundering painfully and his whole body quaking with an empty feeling."I like hot chocolate."

Rudy would always swear how he had never seen someone whip around so hard and changed their emotions faster than a bullet as he came back; almost bursting with happiness as walked over, grinning his head off, shrugging his big parka jacket over his regular hideous jumper because the thing was just a little too big for him.

"Really? Great. I know this really, really good cafe that will still be open just like, 10 minutes away, if you're cool with that."

Rudy grinned and Miles stuttered before smiling small back, eyes being cast to the ground, looking pleased. 

"You know what's funny that someone like you would go for hot chocolate," he said.

"Someone like me?" 

"You know," he mused,"I always imagined you drinking coffee black; dark and bitter, reflecting your personality as you brood in the corner booth of the cafe but no! Mr. Rudy McBroody drinking hot chocolate, probably with extra whipped cream and marshmallows and adds extra sugar because he's actually a big teddy bea-"

Rudy takes Miles' whole face in his hand, which is literally the size of his palm, and snorts loudly, pushing him slightly so he stumbles away, laughing."Shut up," he tries to grumble, admitting none of it.

Turns out the cafe did make good hot chocolate; the best. The old, greying waitress greets Miles fondly, obviously more than just acquainted and says things that makes Miles blush and hiss and choke on his coffee while she winks at Rudy. She brings them enough refills so they stay there more than a couple of hours and Rudy had never smiled more in his whole life. He feels happy and comfortable.

He takes Miles home again, walking the streets with content air and listening to Miles talk and laugh about subject after subject; filling Rudy's silence but in a way that isn't forced to irritates Rudy.

It was funny in a way as there in the city seeing the stars was impossible but Rudy could swear they were dancing in Miles' eyes, lighting up his whole world.

A/N: sorry this is late. I started an actual job this weekend and bloody school is draining me

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