Nightmare 5: Reality

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"But, how could I dream of real people if I've never seen them before?" you asked.

"It's because you have seen them before," he said, gazing into your eyes. "You just don't remember them."

"But, I got back the memories you took away," you said.

"No," Jeff muttered. "See, that wasn't the first time you've lost memories."


"What?" you asked quietly. "I don't understand..." You lowered your hands and placed them in your lap, scanning the floor of the car.

Jeff sighed and turned around to face you. He lifted your chin slightly to look into your eyes.

"How do you think I knew your name on that first night?" he asked.

You thought back to when you first met him. He was in your room, pinning you down on your bed. He had said your name, along with some other random stuff. So he knew your name because he knew you before then?

"We met two years ago," he muttered, "I saved you from falling off a cliff... I changed fate."

You didn't recall any of that. "I don't remember this," you sighed. "Are you lying again?"

"No, no. I'm not, I can promise you that," he said. He took your hand. "Let me explain everything from the beginning- the beginning before the first night," he begged.

"Okay," you mumbled.

Jeff's eyes lit up and he began to shift in his chair a bit. "You were supposed to die two years and ten days ago," he started, "but I accidentally..."

He glanced the floor and began again. "Jane and the doctor guy, Dr. Smiley, were the ones behind it. They lured you out into the woods and chased you," he said. "I was doing my own business and I saw you heading towards the cliff."

You tried to remember anything, but your mind was blank. It was like some sort of retrograde amnesia prevented it.

"I didn't see Jane or Smiley, so I went after you. I was curious, and your appearance was so... attracting," he mumbled, playing with your hair again.

You didn't really deem it the right time for him to give you a complement.

He said, "When you were about to reach the edge, I pushed you to the ground. I wouldn't normally do something like that, but I can hardly even remember why."

He paused and looked around for a moment. He then opened up the console on the passenger side and pulled out a small hair clip. "Do you remember this?" he asked, placing it in your hand.

"Actually I do," you said. You examined it some more and muttered, "I got this when I was a kid. I lost it..." Your eyes lit up. "I lost it two years ago."

"You dropped it near the cliff," Jeff said.

It was a lot for you to absorb. You really believed him one-hundred percent at that point.

"I started to visit you after that. We grew a bond... One that we'll probably never get back," he declared. "But I swore that I would protect you, and that's what I'm doing now."

"Then why don't I remember any of this?" you asked.

"I'm getting to that," he muttered, "You knew that they were coming, and I did too..."

He looked around again and said, "Maybe you shouldn't know that part..."

"Tell me," you demanded. You didn't want to be in the dark anymore.

"(y/n), it's impossible for me to give back all of your memories. I'm trying right now, okay? This is all I can do," he said. "I went through some thing too that I just don't wanna revisit."

You nodded slightly, understanding the situation.

"Anyway," he mumbled, "they were gonna come back ten days ago, so I took away your memories right before you went to sleep the night before, or as you know it, the first night."

You furrowed your brows. "Did I comply? Did I want to?"

"Not exactly," Jeff said as he looked away. "I did it for your own good, and you knew that, but you weren't for it completely." He put his hand through his hair and shook his head.

Was he lying?

"Then why were you trying to kill me that first night?" you asked.

He looked away and stared out the window. After a couple seconds he spoke again. "I thought that I could kill you before them and make it less painful, but I changed my mind in the moment," he said.

So your life was saved from a split second decision? You had a fifty-fifty shot at living?

"Your parents are both already dead, thanks to Jane. When I took away your memories, I gave you fake ones as well."

You widened your eyes and felt tears brewing. "H-how?" you asked. "Why wouldn't you tell me this sooner?" You raised your voice and started to cry. "Can I even believe you?"

"They actually died when we first met," he said, trying to calm you down. "It was Jane's warning... She was warning me that she would come back."

You actually remembered something. Your parents called a week ago.

"They aren't dead... They called me!" you yelled, crying.

"That was Jane. That's why I didn't want you to ever answer the phone," he said.

It was starting to all make sense, but you were still in slight denial.

"That's the one thing I won't believe. Even if it's true, I don't want to know... Even the thought of them still being here- being alive- is enough for me," you said.

"Okay," Jeff sighed. "I'll just continue then."

You gazed up and wiped away a tear or two before rubbing at your eyes.

"So now you know that I wasn't the one going to kill you. I was referring to Jane and Smiley," he said. "Whenever I talked about you dying on the tenth day, I was just getting you prepared. I didn't think that I'd be able to save you."

He leaned in closer.

"But that's when I came up with a plan," he whispered. "I put something in your drink around midnight on the tenth night. It was actually two hours ago... But it knocked you out. I snuck you out of the house and I've been driving since."

You kept your attention high as his explanation reached its climax. "So that's why you wanted the lights off when we got back? To hide from them?"

"Right," he muttered, "and the memory thing has some weird side effects, so that's why you kept blacking out and sleeping so much."

"Why did you take them again?" you asked, looking down.

"Take what?"

"My memories. You took them for a second time. It was the third or fourth night..."

Jeff looked away and then back at you. "I didn't want you to know the truth. I wanted you to live without thinking about an end," he said.

It was a lot of information to handle. You were upset that he kept you clueless for a long time, but you realized that his intentions were good.

"So what now?" you asked. You peered into his eyes and he gazed back at you.

"I'm going to kill Jane and Smiley."

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