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"chaeun, just die if you're not going to wake up."

"who are you?!"

"stop bothering me."

"minho... minho... MINHO!"

"chaeun! chaeun! YOON CHAEUN!"

chaeun sat up straight. she was breathing heavily.

"water. i need water."

minho poured her a cup pf water from a jug that was on her nightstand.

"chaeun, are you okay? you're sweating and you looked hurt when you were sleeping. you even shouted my name a few thousand times. im right here."
minho hugged her and put his hand on her forehead, "you dont have a fever. but im worried. you should rest today. i'll stay with you."

he smiled and took of his school blazer, hanging it on the coathanger by her door.

"but what about school. dont miss it."
chaeun spoke, her throat was still sore.

"nah. id rather stay with you. school is boring without you." he sat on the edge of her bed.

chaeun had given him another set of keys to her apartment in case she slept in.

or of anything else happened.

"what do you want for breakfast? ill cook for you." minho suggested. he himself is quite hungry as they usually eat on the way to school.

"pancakes? can you cook them?"

"sure. that's easy."


"what could possi- YAH DONT POUR IT ALL ON THE PAN!"

chaeun ran to minho and stopped his actions. luckily minho didnt pOuR the wHoLe bowl.

chaeun took over because she doesnt want her kitchen to burn down.

she knew he couldnt cook anything except ramyeon and he is unexpectedly good thay but she wanted to see if he knew how to cook pancakes.

dudes, its just pancake.

you can do it, if you try a little harder.

"waaah i cant imagine if i didnt have you in my life. i would starve to death. or eat ramyeon every day." minho came up from behind and back hugged her.

"ew stop being cheesy. pancake is nearly done. can you set up the table?"

"yeah sure."

after breakfast they cuddled on the sofa and watched a movie.

"minmin... do you know where my parents are?" chaeun suddenly asked.

"why the sudden question?"

"answer me. do you know?"


"funny, i dont know too."

"just forget about them. they never cared for you anyway." minho said. his tone was serious.

"how did you know? i didnt know that.."

"shhh. enjoy the movie. its okay, im here for you. ill stay with you forever."

this made chaeun question more about her life.

chaeun's p.o.v.

minho spent the whole day at my apartment. he's so sweet to stay by my side.

he was sweet since i met him.


when did i meet minho?

minho was sleeping on my shoulder.

i gently lay his body confortably on the sofa.

i walked to my room and looked at the pictures on my desk...

there were pictures of me and minho but i dont remember from where...

i searched for a photo of my parents or at least from my childhood.

there were none.

where was i when i was a kid?

where are my other self 16 years ago?

why cant i remember anything?


minho knows something that i dont.

and he doesnt want to tell me.

should i ask him?

minho's p.o.v.

chaeun's question scare me.

i dont know how to tell her.

how all of this is just a dream.

i only exist in her dreams.

i know where her parents are.

they're not here.

they dont deserve a bright child like chaeun.

she doesn't deserve the cruel world.

that's why i created this world for her.

where she can be happy all the time.

i also dont deserve you, yoon chaeun.

you are too perfect for me and this world.

and you're waking up from this dream.

i woke up, realizing chaeun wasn't beside me.

i went to her room knowing that's the only place she could go.

i walk towards her room and peeked through the door.

she was crying.

does she know?

does she know that this world isnt real?

is it wrong if i keep her here?

just to keep her precious smile?

"i dont want to let you go."


yo tell me if u c anything weird

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