♡ 13 ♡

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Yujin and I had been excitedly preparing for the past few days. 

After a few moments of stretching and warming up, we got down to business. We began by going over the basic steps, making sure we had the timing and the footwork down. We had a few stops and starts as we worked out the kinks, but soon enough the routine was starting to come together.

We had spent hours perfecting the intricate steps of our dance routine for Mr. Lee's class. We hoped that our performance would not only impress the class but also Mr. Lee himself.

Today was the final day of practice before the dance. We knew that this routine was going to be a success. We were ready to show it off and prove that we had what it took to be the best. Our practice had paid off and we were ready to take the stage.

Yujin and I had been practicing our dance routine for the past 5 hours. It had been a long day, but we were determined to make sure that our performance would be the best it could be.

I felt a little nervous as I looked at the clock, realizing that we only had a few hours left to practice before it was time to go home. Even though we both had been in dance lessons since we were kids, this routine was far more difficult and complex than anything I had ever done before. I had to make sure I remembered every single step. 

I glanced over at Yujin, who had been a constant source of encouragement and support throughout this entire process. He was always pushing me to do my best and never letting me give up. I felt a wave of gratitude for having such an amazing friend.


As we went through the routine, we talked back and forth about any changes we wanted to make. After a few rounds of practice, we decided to take a break to let everything sink in. We sat down and talked about our goals for the routine, and how we could make it even better.

"hey yujin..." I called him as he turned his attention to me

"d-do you perhaps uhm nevermind" 

"what is it?" he said as he went near me.

"it's nothing, really" 

"oh come on it's making me more curious" he whined "I won't stop bugging you until you tell me"

"I-I'm just curious... do you perhaps like someone from our class? like you know it's been a month since school started you must have someone that caught your eye" I said

I might regret this later on

"n-no, I'm not the time of guy to like someone that fast" He said.

I look at him and saw his ears were starting to turn red.

I think he's lying

"what about you? do you like someone from our class?" I was taken aback by his question and I quickly denied it.

 I'm still trying to figure out what I truly feel, but if I was sure about what I feel towards him, I think this isn't the perfect time to confess.

After our short break, we took a few more rounds of practice, fine-tuning our moves and adding a few flourishes here and there. 

Finally, after another hour of practice, we both agreed that we were ready for the presentation at Mr. Lee's class tomorrow. We exchanged a high-five and I knew that we both felt a sense of accomplishment. We had worked hard and we were both confident that our performance would be a success. 

We took a few moments to bask in the satisfaction of our hard work, and then we decided to call it a day. We had done our best, and we are both excited to see how our classmates and Mr. Lee would respond to our routine.

Yujin bid gunwook and mom goodbye before bidding me goodbye and walking home after I escorted him downstairs.

"how was practice?" mom asked

"it was good, I think we'll get high marks on this project" I said with confidence

"well then good luck to both of you"

"now both of you come here dinner is ready" mom calling gunwook and me for dinner

Gunwook and I had just finished dinner with our mom. We enjoyed a delicious meal of beef and rice. After we were finished, Mom reminded us that we still had classes tomorrow and we should get some sleep.

We reluctantly got up from the table and made our way upstairs. I was starting to get nervous thinking about the presentation that I have tomorrow. Gunwook could tell I was nervous and tried to reassure me.

"It's going to be okay" he said. "you and yujin have been working hard for days to make sure your dance moves will be perfect, I'm sure you'll both do great tomorrow"

I nodded and tried to believe him. Before I could enter my room gunwook spoke again and said, "And hyewon please get some sleep, you wouldn't want your dance to be sloppy wouldn't you" 

"okay okay I'll get some sleep now, good night gunwook"

"g'night sis"

I closed my eyes and let the warmth of my bed envelop me as I drifted off to dreamland.

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