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When Peter woke up the next morning he was in Tony's arms yet again. He yawned and looked over to the older male, smiling brightly. Everything was perfect in this moment, he could honestly stay here forever. Sadly, he did have classes today that he needed to attend. Fuck. Classes!! Peter jolted up, whipping his head around to the nightstand where his phone laid on charge. He picked it up, checking the time. 11:18. Shit. Shit. Shit. He jumped out of bed, throwing on his boxers and pants as he scrambled around to get ready.

Tony frowned at the sudden movement, groaning softly as he sat up "Peter? What's the rush? You okay?" He had no clue what time it was, or that Peter had college classes to attend.

"I missed my first class and it's halfway into the second! I gotta rush, but I promise I'll be back after my shift at the bakery." He assured him, slipping a shirt on and pecking his lips. God those lips. Peter wanted nothing more than to stay in bed with Tony all day, but he had things to do, whether he wanted to or not.

"Have a good day, sweetie. I might stop in later.." he smiled, rubbing the sleep out of his eyes and getting up himself. He had afternoon meetings, and yeah he had a morning meeting, but he was pretty sure he pushed that so he could spend more time with Peter.

Peter smiled warmly "Well I woke up next to you so it's bound to be pretty good." He winked and rushed out the door, forgetting his backpack. He ran as fast as he could to the school, stopping when he reached the doors to catch his breath a bit before he walked inside. Something felt off, like he was missing something. Shit. The backpack. He sighed and ran a hand through his hair. He looked down, trying to think of what to do when he noticed he had thrown on Tony's t-shirt instead of his own. "Oh great. Just great." He sighed, pacing for a moment.

"Oh my God..." Giggling and hushed voices could be heard not far from Peter. Apparently the second classes of the day had let out. Peter felt his face flush as he turned to see the girls staring at him and giggling. He felt his stomach sink and his heart make it's way into his throat.

"You're Peter Parker? Right?" One of the girls said, walking up to him. She had a darker complexion, long brown hair and seemed to be effortlessly beautiful.

Peter swallowed, clearing his throat a little. "Y-yeah...why?" He spoke softly, cautiously. He dealt with bullies all through highschool, so this wasn't new, but he would never actually hit a girl back, so he wasn't sure what his defense strategy was supposed to be here.

"We just think it's super cute that you're wearing your boyfriend's shirt is all. And we admire your courage, and your writing." She smiled genuinely. "You've become a bit popular around here after the whole article thing. And with Flash being kicked from the photo journalism program, almost the whole school is on your side."

Peter frowned "He got kicked from the program?" Sure the guy was an asshole, but he was just trying to get some publicity.

"Yeah. Kinda like...unsportsmanlike conduct? But with articles." She laughed a little. "But seriously, he outed Tony freaking Stark. And labeled you as a stalker. Don't you think that warrants some consequences?" The girl tilted her head a bit, confused as to why Peter didn't hate the guys guts.

"Yeah...I mean a guess so... but we're all just trying to have our big break, I mean maybe he didn't go about it in the best way, but still. Getting kicked? Why didn't they just suspend him?"

The brunette raised an eyebrow at this "Yeah I guess that makes sense...wow Peter you really are something else huh?" She smiled. "Anyway...I'm Liz, and I just wanted to let you know you have at least one true ally." She extended her hand for Peter to shake, which he did, with a bright smile spreading across his face.

"Liz...thank you, that means a lot." He smiled once more before walking away towards his final and only class of the day. Throughout his class he kept getting looks, and hearing people whisper, but not in the negative way people were used to. No, this was the good kind of attention. The kind that said he made a change. A smile plastered itself on his face. And although he had to take notes on his phone because he left his backpack at Tony's, he still felt like he could walk on air.

Silence fell on the class as the professor walked over to the door. There had been a light knock, but since the lecture room was so big, only the people near the door heard it. Peter stretched his head, trying to see what was going on. What looked to be a security guard was talking with the professor. He squinted was that...? No...it couldn't be. The man turned and pointed up at Peter and the boy felt his heart skip a beat. It was! It was Happy, Tony's right hand man. He smiled and slid out of his seat, walking down to the front of the room.

"Hey, Tony said you might need this, he has some meetings but he'll be in the bakery later today." Happy handed him his book bag.

"Oh well class is almost over so, I don't really need it now." He laughed a bit "but thank you." He smiled.

"Another thing, since class is almost over, and I talked with May about covering your shift, would you join me for an evening out?" Tony stepped out from behind happy with a wide smile.

Peters eyes widened and he threw himself at Tony, hugging him tightly. "Yes!!" He giggled, beyond ecstatic. He didn't care that the whole class was watching, or that he was making a big ass scene. He was just excited to see Tony. He actually forgot where they were for a second,because he pressed his lips to Tony's and tangled his fingers in his hair, smiling all the while.

Tony smiled and kissed him back, not caring that there was a room full of college students and a professor staring directly at them.

When they broke the kiss to stare into each others eyes, Peter was snapped out of his trance by the sound of clapping. His face heated and he hid it in Tony's chest, laughing and smiling like a child.

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