When Tony Stark woke up after what seemed like a ten-thousand year nap, his head was pounding. The slightest bit of light sent his stomach reeling from the pain. Before long, he found himself in the bathroom of his penthouse, vomiting up anything he had consumed the night before, which was mostly alcohol. Something felt off, wrong. Tony was well aquatinted with not remembering what happened on a night when he had too much to drink, but something told him there was a serious piece of the puzzle that he needed to find out. And when he walked back into his room and saw none other than Pepper Potts, naked in his Egyptian cotton sheets, he knew he had fucked up.
Peter had woken up the next morning riddled with guilt, even though he and James hadn't done anything but have coffee and walk home. The college student couldn't get the sinking feeling in his stomach to go away. He thought about calling, maybe texting Tony, but eventually decided this was a conversation best had in person.
A part of Peter wishes he never even woke up that morning, that he has slept through what was one of the most heartbreaking moments of his life, but of course, he didn't. As the brunette stood, flowers that were once a neat bouquet now spread out in a messy pile at his feet, he could feel the tears streaming down his face. Sad tears? Angry tears? Shocked? All of the above? Yes. Peter couldn't believe what he was seeing. He knew Tony had a reputation for this sort of thing, but he was foolish enough to let himself think he was different, special to the playboy. Boy was he stupid.
"Peter, peter.. I promise this isn't as bad as it seems—" Tony started, but he was too late. Peter wasn't listening, he was too busy staring, wide eyed at the woman who was once naked, and now getting her clothes on quickly, that was just in his lover's bed. He stayed silent, not saying a single word to Pepper as she scurried out of the tower.
"You— You lying, sneaky, son of a bitch!" Peter shouted, the tears falling more quickly now, his face reddening with rage. "We get in one little fight and you let that blonde tramp crawl into bed with you?" He snapped.
Tony stood, guilt ridden and still trying to recollect his memories. "Peter...I don't really know what happened.." He spoke softly, calmly, trying to get the other to understand his side of the story.
"Oh and that makes it SO much better!" Peter spat, voice laced with venom and dripping with sarcasm.
"No, but I just... you're the one who walked away." Tony defended, reverting back to his old mannerisms.
"So because I walked away, because I was devastated and you were being a complete ass its my fault that you...that you cheat3ed on me?"
Tony shouldn't have said what he said next, the second it came out of his mouth he regretted it. "Yeah, maybe it is." He snapped back.
Peter took a step back, brows furrowing in pure astonishment as he shook his head and snatched up the flowers. Tony didn't deserve them, not now. He tossed the plants into the garbage and pulled off the bracelet Tony had gotten him some time ago. "I hope it was worth it, because I am done with you, Tony Stark." He spat, throwing the bracelet down at Tony's feet before be left.
Tony's whole world just stopped, and he fell back onto the bed, placing his palms over his face and sobbing silently. He didn't have any defense, didn't have any reason Peter should stay. He did a horrible, fucked up thing and then blamed the one person he loved most for it.
Maybe it was sheer anger, or maybe Peter needed a friend, but after a few hours of drinking, he found himself sobbing silently on Jame's doorstep.
"Peter.. what happened?" James asked, brows furrowing in confusion. He hadn't really expected to see the other again, except maybe in class or something.
If Peter hadn't have been so wasted, he probably would have thought twice about what he did, but he was wasted, and he wasn't thinking. Without saying a word, he moved forward and stood on his tippy toes, crashing his lips against the other male's and wrapping his arms around him.
James, while shocked, kissed back, even though he knew Peter was drunk, even though he knew the other probably didn't have any real feelings for him. The kiss got more heated and James pulled Peter inside.
Stop here if you don't want to read smut
Peter moaned softly against the other's lips, his hands tangling in James's slightly curly hair, tugging at it impatiently. He could feel his pants tightening already, just from the feverish kiss, and he needed more. James slid Peter's shirt off, tossing it aside and running his hands over the smaller male's naked torso before he took of his own shirt, pressing their bare chests together.
Moans and whimpers escaped the superhero as he struggled with the button on his pants, eventually getting them off and releasing some of the pressure on his erect cock. James chuckled a bit at Peter's frustrations, pulling his own pants off as well.
Peter broke the kiss, gasping for air before he dropped to his knees, yanking off James's boxers and wrapping his lips around the head of his dick before he could speak. This earned Peter a loud moan from James, who proceeded to grab fistfuls of the bottom's hair, guiding his head back and forth on his erection.
Peter moaned at the feeling of the other's length in his mouth, saliva dripping down his chin as he sucked him off. Eventually, James got bored of this and pulled Peter up, taking off his boxers for him. He wrapped an arm around the flexible student's waist, pulling him up. Peter wrapped his legs around James's muscled torso, knowing exactly what the man wanted to do. He ground his cock against the other's skin, moaning at the friction he was creating while he waited for James to push into him.
Finally, James thrusted up into the other, both of them throwing their heads back and moaning in ecstasy, something they would be doing all night long.
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