Meeting gone wrong.

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You peak over at the clock on the wall while writing an email. You notice you have ten minutes before the meeting. You're honestly nervous for this whole ordeal but Patrick demanded you join him for this one. Plus, you might get that raise if it goes well. 

You're saddened that you're unable to read your novel while he is away. That's how you killed the time. He's usually gone an hour at these, and you finish your work load a little after lunch. You like reading and doing sudoku puzzles to tide you over those final three hours. Your current novel isn't quite work appropriate but... you like to fantasize while you're bored. The current book you picked up is a slow burn romance between two co-workers who sit near each other in a cubicle. Not the best choice with your office job but you love it. 

As you press send you see Patrick leave his chair and head towards the door. As he leaves his office he strides over behind your little station. 

"Just listen to me for one second. In these meetings they can get really heated and opinionated. All of us are very wealthy, handsome, and successful men. There is no women who attend these meetings. So, just stay next to me at all times and don't speak unless spoken to. Understand?", Patrick demands flow out of his mouth. 

You nod in acceptance and slowly rise from your chair. You notice Patrick is still standing right behind you. You feel your cheeks flush a pretty pink while also having the hair on the back of your neck stand up. you turn to leave and are face to face with Patrick. He is sporting a face smile. You can tell because he's the first person who fools everyone but his mouth, yet his eyes are extremely dead. He honestly scares you when he looks your way. 

He then extends his elbow to lead you and you oblige by taking it. He then walks you down the hallway to the elevator. You're confused why he doesn't have his Walkman with him because he usually strides in every morning with his music blaring in his headphones. He sometimes wears them on his way to meetings. 

In the elevator you close your eyes and take a few deep breaths. You're nervous but as long as you comply with Patrick you will get this raise hopefully. Your eyes fling open as the elevator dings and the door opens. You walk alongside Patrick and practice your breathing techniques. You follow him down a hallway and hang a right into a conference room. When you arrive here's only two empty seats left, right next to each other. You and Patrick walk over to those seats and get settled. Everyone is staring into your soul. Some have a look of confusion and disgust. Others are staring at you like a piece of cake. 

Patrick gets up from his chair and clears his throat, to get everyone's attention. 

"Thank you all for coming here. My assistant, y/n, will be here to takes some notes. Now, let's get started.", Patrick announces. 

You get mildly embarrassed when Patrick introduced you. Now everyone knows your name and that you're a hindrance of some kind. You notice white noise start up and people getting up from their seats. Everyone is laughing and sipping on their sparkling waters. 'This feels like a social event more than a meeting', you think to yourself. 

You get up from your chair and start to walk around, "Taking notes". As you walk around you bump into a gentleman. You look up. You notice the man with a slightly wide nose and triangular shaped eyebrows. Brown hair that stands slightly taller than Patrick's'. His eyes are an icy blue and his face is softer than Patrick's yet still extremely angular. He stands just shy of six foot and maybe 170 pounds. He has some muscle tone but it's not too pronounced. 

"I'm so sorry sir!", You apologize. 

"No need. My name is Paul. Paul Allen.", He then extends his hand out to shake yours. 

You reluctantly put your hand out to shake back. You look around for Patrick but are unable to find him in the crowd. 

"So, you're Patrick's assistant y/n?", Paul Allen questions. 

You simply nod your head. 

"Don't speak much huh? He's got you on a tight leash?", Paul questions. 

"No, just a little shy in nature with big crowds.", You respond. 

You peak around and Patrick isn't in sight. 

You notice Paul's eyes grazing over you. Looking at every detail and curve. You adjust your skirt and dress shirt. 

You then feel a hand on your shoulder and a booming voice from behind you. 

"How's it going, Paul?"

'It's Patrick!', You connect the dots. 

Paul lets out a small chuckle and reaches into his jacket pocket. 

"I've got new cards. A subtle off-white color. Font is Copperplate Gothic; it even has a watermark. How neat is that y/n?", Paul responds. 

"It looks good, Paul", You say then clear your throat. 

You feel Patrick's grip tighten on your shoulder. Paul Allen then hands his card to you and says, "If you ever get sick of him as your boss, you know where to find me."

Paul then gives a small wink then walks away. 

"We're leaving", Patrick leans down and hisses into his ear. He then guides you outside the conference room by your shoulder and down the hall. Every protest to get out of his grip just makes him tighten harder. 

"Patrick- please you're hurting me.", you whisper. 

You then get into the elevator and Patrick slams the button to our floor. 

"Not a word until we get into my office!", Patrick yells at you. Your ears turning red. 

He then half drags you out of the elevator into his office. He slams the door behind you and shoves you into his chair. 

"What the fuck was that?", He questions. 

You grab your shoulder in pain and look up at him in horror. You're confused why he is so upset and violent. He then starts pacing around the room, he loosens his tie and takes his coat off. He then sits on his desk and moves his chair, so you are facing him. 

"Patrick... Why are you so angry?", you question him. 

"You... cannot talk to... HIM. Paul Allen. Mr. Perfect. You were supposed to stay by my side, not talk. You didn't listen. You were bad.", Patrick spits. 

"I- couldn't find you. I searched but then I ran into him, he was just being nice...", You say then were shortly interrupted. 

"No! He's not being nice! He's a guy! All he wants to do is fuck you. You're innocent! He wants to take that from you! Take you from me!", Patrick screams. 

You try to not cry as you look down. As you look down you notice Patrick's bottom drawer is open. You open the drawer while Patrick paces some more. You gasp as you find some coke in his drawer. 

'He's high? Is that why he's so angry?', you think to yourself. 

You stand up from the chair and walk over to Patrick. 

"Patrick, I'm not leaving this job or you. You don't have to worry about that. You're high, I can tell. You really need to go home Patrick. You're upset and being here isn't going to help... Another thing, your job is not to protect me. I'm simply here to be your assistant. Patrick, this controlling behavior... you grab me... it's not okay. I think you have a problem with drugs, and I'll be here to support you but, you've got to start trusting me.", You say cautiously. 

"I trust you. I just don't trust others. I don't have a drug problem; it helps me focus and stay awake. And one final thing...", Patrick responds, this time calmly. 

He places his hand on your cheek and says, "I can handle you however I like. I'm in charge. Don't you forget that, or I'll have to show you. I'll see you when we walk out in two hours."

Patrick returns to his desk. That's your signal to get back to yours. You walk out of the room and quickly find your spot. You're confused of his god complex, but you'll talk about his behavior when he's sober. All you're thinking about is going home and relaxing. Today's been insane. 

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