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Edward felt like an eternity passed, and they weren't getting home fast enough. Fortunately, Esme was reasoning with him to stop accelerating as if they didn't have a poor, injured boy in the back seat. Devon wasn't in any life-threatening danger; he was just sore, probably with a couple of broken ribs or maybe not even that, but Edward was genuinely worried.
He didn't understand the reason for his sudden concern for this boy. They had only spoken a couple of times at school, in the only class they shared.
"I'm Esme, by the way," he turned to Devon and gave him a friendly smile. "I'm Edward's mother. Well... his adoptive mother."
Devon smiled a bit while trying to lift his head since he was lying down.
"Pleasure to meet you, Mrs. Cullen. My name is Devon. I share a class with your son."
"Oh, sweetheart, just call me Esme. Don't make me feel so old."
Both laughed, but Devon complained a bit about the pain. Edward growled, signaling them to be quiet. Fortunately, they reached their destination in a short time.
Parking the car in front of the entrance, Edward quickly got out and helped Devon out while Esme went into the house to find her husband. They had to act like normal people, so they had many limitations, but Edward was sure that Devon's scent had reached everyone present in the house.
Devon put an arm around Edward's neck while Cullen hugged him gently from the side to help him walk. It felt like an eternal journey into the house; Edward felt frustrated because he could simply carry Devon in his arms, but he resisted doing anything.
Carlisle met them halfway up the stairs.
"Esme already explained to me," he said with a slightly worried tone. "Take Devon to the couch while I get my things."
"Thank you, Carlisle."
Edward led Devon to the luxurious couch and helped him lie down. Devon felt relieved, but intense pain spread throughout his body. He didn't remember fights being so painful, or maybe it was just that those guys knew how to fight well, and there were many more of them. Usually, he faced guys his age or just a couple of years older than him.
Carlisle didn't take long to come back with a large briefcase in his hands, which he left on the coffee table before kneeling next to Devon with a friendly smile.
"Hello, Devon. My name is Carlisle."
"Pleasure to meet you, Dr. Cullen. Charlie talks a lot about you."
Carlisle chuckled.
"Alright, Esme said you fought with some guys. Can you show me where it hurts and describe the pain?"
Devon thought for a moment. Everything hurt, but he could focus on the area where everything radiated.
"The abdomen, I think," he said, "where the ribs are. And it's a constant pain, like someone pressing on my intestines."
Carlisle nodded and looked at Edward.
"Edward, help me take off his shirt."
Edward approached while Carlisle helped Devon sit up, and Edward lifted the fabric until it came off the boy's body. Devon lay back on the couch, and Edward stared at him.
If he could blush, he probably would have done it right then. Devon had a fit body, indicating that he exercised, but there were also some scars and marks from the recent blows.
"My hands are a bit cold, but I'll touch you a bit to check if you have a broken rib."
Devon nodded, and Carlisle placed a couple of fingers on the boy's abdomen, gently palpating. However, Devon let out a groan and grabbed the couch fabric tightly.
"Sorry," the blonde apologized, but Devon shook his head.
"It's okay, I'm fine."
Carlisle continued his work, and after what felt like an eternity to Devon, the older man stood up with a sigh.
"Fortunately, there are no broken bones, but the blows were strong. It's best for you to take some painkillers and rest."
Devon nodded gratefully. He was sure that if he had something broken, they would have sent him straight to the hospital.
"Thanks, Dr. Cullen. And I'm sorry for the trouble."
Carlisle shook his head with a smile.
"Not at all. Any friend of Edward's is a friend of the family." He looked at Edward as he took a few steps towards the stairs. "I'll get some injections. They'll work better than pills. Won't be long."
Carlisle disappeared, leaving only Edward, Devon, and Esme.
"Oh, I'll get the groceries from the car and prepare something for dinner," Esme said, giving Edward a smile. Still, he almost rolled his eyes.
"I'll help," Edward said immediately.
"None of that, Edward. Stay with our guest and take care of him," she ordered, but Edward could read her thoughts. She just wanted to leave them alone.
Edward stared at her, but Esme raised and lowered her eyebrows a couple of times while also leaving. Then they were alone.
"Thanks for helping me," Devon's voice was heard, and Edward approached him, sitting on the edge of the wooden coffee table.
Edward shook his head, downplaying the matter.
"I didn't really do anything."
Devon let out a laugh.
"Of course, you did. If you hadn't come to that alley, those guys would have finished me off. And you didn't take me to the hospital like I asked. So, thanks. I didn't want to worry anyone about this."
Edward then smiled a little.
"Don't mention it."
Carlisle returned shortly with a syringe filled with who knows what and injected Devon. However, it practically knocked him out, and he had fallen asleep on the Cullen's couch.
Devon opened his eyes feeling a bit sore, but he also felt confused because he didn't recognize the place where he was. He was a bit cold, but everything was bearable.
"I'm glad you woke up, Devon," he heard a cheerful and slightly high-pitched voice. "I brought you some tea, and Carlisle left you a bottle of painkillers."
Devon came out of his confusion and looked at a short-haired girl with a big smile. He recognized her from school; she must be Alice Cullen.
The boy tried to sit up, realizing that he was no longer in so much pain, but there was a bandage on his abdomen.
"Thanks," he murmured when Alice handed him the tea.
The girl smiled and sat next to him.
"How do you feel?"
Devon frowned while taking a sip of tea. This girl talked to him as if they were lifelong friends, and it's not that he really minded, but it seemed a bit strange since they hadn't exchanged a single word before.
"Much better, thanks," he left the cup on the coffee table, "could you tell me what time it is?"
"Six o'clock."
He sighed worried.
"Charlie and Mom are going to worry," he closed his eyes for a moment, dropping his head back on the couch's backrest. "Besides, I have to go get my motorcycle."
"Don't worry about that," Edward's voice was heard, and Devon quickly turned to look at him. He was climbing the stairs. "We already went to get it."
Behind him was another guy he recognized as Emmett
. He was very big and muscular but still attractive.
Emmett smiled a bit, waving with one hand, and headed to what seemed to be the kitchen.
"I appreciate it a lot."
"Aren't you staying for dinner, Devon?"
He turned to look behind him, where Esme Cullen came out of the kitchen, carrying a bowl of food in her hands. Behind her, Emmett appeared again with another bowl of food.
"No, thanks. Charlie's daughter arrived yesterday, and my mom wants us to spend some family time or something."
Esme nodded in understanding.
"Well, but I hope you come to eat with us some other time."
Devon smiled a bit.
"Of course, I will."
He stood up, and although there was a little pain, Alice helped him stand. Edward approached and handed him a shirt that wasn't the one he had on that morning.
"The other one was a bit dirty and bloody. I don't think you want to go home like that. This one's mine. We already put it in the washer; I can give it to you on Monday at school."
Alice gave her brother a quick playful look, and although she wanted to mention something, she didn't.
Devon felt his face heat up, but he smiled at Edward as he took the shirt and put it on.
"Thanks," he said, putting on the shirt.
It was a quick goodbye, and Edward accompanied Devon to the exit.
"You have a beautiful house," Devon mentioned as the other boy opened the front door.
"Thanks. Esme took care of making some adjustments and the interior design."
They both went outside; there was Devon's motorcycle waiting for him. Edward handed him the keys, and they stood in a strange silence.
"I apologize for all the trouble," Devon said apologetically.
"Don't worry about that. See you at school."
"Until then."
Devon got on his motorcycle, taking the helmet that rested on the seat and putting it on his head. Before starting, he waved to Edward and finally left. He still had to figure out what silly excuse he would give at home.
Edward stood there, looking at where Devon had gone, and almost let out a growl when he turned around and looked up. He could see through the window Esme, Alice, and Emmett watching the little scene.
He was starting to get irritated. While Devon was unconscious, he repeated to himself that he really didn't care about that boy at all. He was just being kind, but neither Alice nor Esme believed him.
Anyway, it was better to stop thinking about it. Although he couldn't stop picturing Devon in his favorite shirt in his mind. He really looked good in it.
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