36 : The vows

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The grandeur goblet  brimming with the red wine ,touched the floor succeeding by a loud chime as karn hurled it..his orbs combusted with wrath and he roared like a wounded lion..His disarrayed room screamed the intensity of his rage and his legs strived to preserve the balance as he got severely inebriated.. dhuryodhan,who was the sole witness to karn's insanity, smirked..his heart coveted to guffaw loudly..The ecstasy he felt inside was ineffable.. Kauravakumar dhuryodhan marked today as the day of his triumph.. The day which he victoriously accomplished his endeavour to disrupt the relationship between karn and Arjun..

" Bhrata karn..what is this? Please restrain yourself"
Curbing his bubbling happiness, dhuryodhan falsely appeased him..The bestial smirk that never left his lips , unfortunately didn't get discover by karn..

" How can I..my own brother dishonoured the woman I love and you are suggesting me to restrain myself?"
Karn clamoured making Dhuryodhan's smirk wide..tears dripped from his scarlet tipsy eyeballs..

"  I anticipated this.. that's why I suggested you to keep Arjun apart from her.. draupadi is a pious and meek maiden ,so it's obvious that anyone will fall in love with her..but here, the disgraceful fact is that your brother literally forced himself upon her "
Dhuryodhan spurt his virulent words , enkindling the rage inside karn..he balled up his fingers to form a fist..His pale knuckles give a blow on the wall beside , agonising himself..

"Bhrata karn.. please restrain your wrath..i can comprehend your Agony.. deception,that too from the person whom we loves the most is tortuous "
Dhuryodhan poured more fuel into the blazing flame.. dhuryodhan's each word felt like sabres to karn..it perforated his heart and incised him mercilessly..

" But Do you believe that it's pertinent to endure this just because you love your brother? No bhrata karn..Think about yourself ,your love..don't you desire to live a life that you hanker for? Indeed you do.. I'm aware of that than anyone else..so , finally it's time to establish a life of your own , a life you desire for..never Iet in anyone..I repeat, any one to capture what you desire..I expect that you comprehended what I said..take care bhrata ..let me take my leave.."
Dhuryodhan concluded with a vicious smirk , grasping karn's shoulder.. And unbeknown to dhuryodhan's venomous objectives, karn assented his heart to credit and adopt dhuryodhan's words..

" Never dhuryodhan..As you suggested, I'll never let anyone seperate draupadi from me..In the name of God, I'm vowing to you draupadi that I won't let anything or anyone in this world to snatch you away from me"
Karn soliloquied..Sizzling tears permeated from karn's orbs as soon as dhuryodhan left the chamber..he glanced at the dark infinite sky and enclosed his eyes, reminiscing the smiling countenance of draupadi..


A mellow drizzle along with a Clement Zephyr mollified the mother Earth..
Draupadi paced on the tuft in Arjun's private garden, anticipating his arrival..the hem of her red odhni touched the damp green grasses and gentle zyhper rocked her damp locks..The pearls of water over her pulchritudinous visage gleamed under the Twilight of blazing fire lamps..
In the same way as the drizzle showered ,Today she'll pour out her insecurities to him and will alleviate her aching heart..the warmth of his embrace and the credibility in his words was her only solace..as her govind said,now only her Arjun could tranquilize her agitated heart..
Amidst the thoughts , she felt a warm arm gyrating her petite waist from behind..He gently hauled her towards himself, causing her frigid frame touch his robust torso.. his warm lips brushed over her buttery shoulders..For a jiffy, draupadi,the beloved of savyasachi,got thawed in the warmth of his love..but , ultimately she is yagyaseni, the fireborn..
She immediately liberated herself from his clasp and glanced at him..A glance which made Arjun wonderstruck..he witnessed wrath and agony simultaneously sparking in her orbs..

"Oh! So the princess of panchala, the fire born daughter of King Drupad is drenching in the drizzle..why?"
He interrogated,Coating his words in jest to alleviate the atmosphere..his lips curved up to form a satisfying smile,but the smile got deceased as soon as he discovered her trenchant stare upon him which was more sharper than his darts..

" But that couldn't mitigate the fire blazing inside me.."
She replied, rather quipped making Arjun's brow escalate in surprise.. nevertheless he felt a pang inside, he concealed it and continued

"Oh! So my beloved is still enraged.. right? Hmm..Then I think, I'm all set to witness my krishnaa's wrath.. but getting drenched in rain is not good for health krishnaa,get inside and we can continue your cold war.."

He spoke to mitigate her wrath but instead, it blazed even more..

" You don't need to get solicitude regarding me Arya.. no harm will come to me and..."

" And I won't allow anything or anyone to harm you.."
Before draupadi could conclude, Arjun concluded and glanced into her brownish orbs..his hazels shone with love and affection..

"You don't need to..Albeit you are present with me, I could still feel misfortune lingering around me.. I'm feeling forlorn.."
Averting her eyes, she divulged..agony tightly gyrated her heart and suffocated her, making it arduous for the words to emerge from inside..

"I always prefer to oblivious about the Past..thus I have no yearnings to heed your explication ,Arya..but I also couldn't be indifferent about the events that occurred when you were at Manipur.."
Her words were soo crisp and precise that Arjun comprehended the context of her words without giving any further account on it ..

"I anticipated this..and I could feel your Agony..obviously, why not? You're my wife,my beloved..and I'm accountable.."
Before Arjun could conclude, he found his lips got fastened up by her slender fingers adorned with red alta.. he stared deeply into her brown orbs with fresh tears brimming at the waterline..

" And there you're mistaken Arya.. I have already made my statement precisely.. I don't want your explication.. instead I want a promise..I'm feeling insecure Arya , insecure thinking about what if mata kunti behest you to marry another princess..may I know what will you do then? don't say that this won't occur again because I'm very well aware that it will.. and I'm also aware that you'll never disappoint her.. I've heard that the men in your dynasty never remarries..but about us,things are occurring in an odd manner.."
Draupadi shared her anxiety and Arjun swiftly comprehended her agony..his eyes softened..his cold palms gentle fondled her damp cheeks to wipe the tears that cascaded down from her orbs..

" you are absolutely right krishnaa..I can't infringe my mata's behest.."
After a jiffy of silence,Arjun divulged ceasing yagyaseni's palpitation..she stared incredibly at her husband whom she relied upon the most..As a loving child to her parents , she could perceive Arjun's devotion as a son towards his mother and mata kunti deserves it..
But on the other side,the wife inside her screeched in agony..

" Yet , there's a correction in it..yes , I'll comply with my mata's each and every words..but that doesn't means that Arjun will lorn his wedded wife.. prior to making such statements , I'll divulge everything to mata about us..I know my mata..for her ,nothing matters more than me and my delight..then,about your husband arjun, he will never let this occur once again and I vow to you making the heavens and the earth witness that I'll never leave your hand and neither won't lorn nor sacrifice you for anyone or anything.."
He asserted..he glanced at his beloved to behold her striving to restrain her sobs.. without a word, her arms tightly gyrated him for a warm embrace..she let out her anguish in the form of tears , grasping his torso firmly.. Arjun gently fondled her tresses and conferred soft kisses over her pate..
His touches and kisses poured a mizzle of euphoria above her..her anxities got washed away by his tranquilizing words and soothing touches, again proving that only the son of shakra ,the lord of thunder and rain could mitigate the fierceness of, the beloved daughter of vahni,the lord of fire..

An hour after ,just as the earth got liberated from the freezing drizzle , draupadi's heart also got liberated from   all the perturbations that suffocated her from the past few days.. Dangling on the swing of Arjun's balcony, she relaxed herself on her beloved's chest as he gently fondled her tresses, making her enclose her eyes in bliss..
The gentle kisses that he conferred over her countenance made her nestle more onto his robust chest..
Arjun on the other hand, drowned deep into his fathomless depths of thoughts..the Swift change in the demeanor of his eldest pricked his heart..nevertheless he tried to neglect it, it retrieved into himself like a huge tide..A bunch of questions tweaked his heart , agonising him..

Draupadi who found solace in his warmth glanced at him lovingly only to beheld a Stoic arjun , glancing blankly at the darkness..she could feel his heart palpitating hastily and it perturbed her..she gained her sitting posture and glanced at him , placing her palms over his cheeks and spoke

"Is anything wrong Arya? I'm noticing you from the past few minutes..you are not feeling well..may I know what is agitating you..?"
Arjun's glance fastened on her..she scrutinizingly examined his orbs and the only thing she could perceive is the agony..Her brows scrunched..she placed her hands over his chest and interrogated..

" I implore for an answer..here,I could feel your heart palpitating hastily..what is bothering you..if you want,you can share it with me.. remember, I'm your better half"
She interrogated,rather demanded and Arjun gently stood up from the swing.. grasping onto the railings of the balcony,he closed his eyes and spoke

" Jyesth has changed a lot krishnaa and it's making me agitated.."

Arjun exclaimed and draupadi's jaws got tightened..yes, she was well aware of her brother in law's change in demeanor..his fascination towards her music nowadays is surpassing the boundaries and sometimes his fascination towards her beauty.. draupadi is not a halfwit to not comprehend the impact of her beauty over others..The mere thought made her gnash..she gently paced towards him and was about to touch him, a thunderous knock on the door made them aghast.. draupadi gently nodded at him and Arjun  moved towards the door to open them..

" Hail his royal highness prince Arjun, I apologise for interrupting you at this hour, but prince nakul is imploring for your permission to meet you.."
As soon as he opened the door, his servant in waiting appraised him.. Arjun escalated his brows..Nakul often does this with him.. imploring for a meeting at midnight and makes him awake all the night with nakul's pointless conversations..but for Arjun ,this felt imperative because he knows draupadi is there with him and she won't do such things when she is with him..

" Permit him "
Arjun curtly said and slammed the door .. draupadi stood behind him , anxiously watching him.. their visages reflected anxiousness and it escalated the thickness of atmosphere.. another knock made Arjun open the door in haste..

" Bhrata Arjun.. I apologise for interrupting you but it's essential now.. eldest has demanded for your presence at the royal court.."
Nakul divulged..from histone itself,Arjun comprehended the solemnity.. An inquisitive draupadi stood behind Arjun and interrogated

"May I know the cause prince Nakul? Summoning the royal court at this odd hours of night is strange "

Nakul inhaled a sharp breathe and rubbed his temples in distress.. Arjun turned to prepare himself to present at the court and Nakul spoke..

"That tyrant jarasandh is becoming a nuisance to the mankind bhabhi sree..He has abducted 100 kings from different parts of aryavart and now he is going to sacrifice the lives of those 100 kings to attain immortality.."
Nakul concluded and Arjun froze..he swivelled his head and glanced at draupadi to behold her standing there like a torpid figure with tears percolating from her orbs..

" Pitasree.."
She whispered, succeeding by sitting on the floors like a lifeless log..Arjun sprinted towards his beloved and grasped her tightly while nakul watched the duo in astonishment..


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