Chapter 4: Ashido

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Izuku Midoriya has just gotten home after a 22 hour long shift. Dealing with a drug cartel lieutenant who got high on his own supply, killed ten of his own crew, then went on the run from police and from his own cartel. Luckily no civilians were killed and Izuku's crew arrested twelve other cartel members. But in the last fire fight Izuku took two 9mm rounds to the chest and a 556 round to the back. If it wasn't for his tactical armor he would have either been dead or in surgery. He is sore to high hell but besides that.

As he opened the door the moonlight shined behind him as he walked into the door, "What a fucking day."

Inko had just left as he got home.

He laid his badge down on the table and laid down on the couch, "Owe. Everything. Hurts."

Suddenly there was a knock on the door, "Great."

He pulled his pistol out of his holster and got up.

He racked it and walked over to the door, "Who is it!?"

"It's Ashido!"

He opened the door, "Hey Ashido. What's up?"

"Well I saw the news and I wanted to check up on you. Also why is your pistol out?"

He pressed a button on it and the mag fell into his hand. He then racked it again and the bullet that was in the chamber fell into his hand, "We live in a high price neighborhood, with heroes and politicians, my daughter is asleep, and I am a SWAT sergeant. I am not well liked by criminals."

"Oh! That makes sense."

He put the bullet back into the magazine, put the mag back into his gun, and holstered it, "Yeah. Well what's up?"

"Like I said I wanted to check up on you."

"Well I feel like shit."

"Yeah I heard you got shot at."

"Yep. Two 9mm to the chest and a 556 to the back. So to say I am sore is a understatement."

"Is there anything I can do to help?"

"I mean not much. You can come in if you want."


She entered and Izuku laid back down on the couch, "Ow."

"Hey um. I wanted to tell you something. About Bakugou."

"No offense I am not in the mood to talk about him."

"It's about what a lot of us did about Bakugou."

He sat up, "What?"

"Well he was sharing a hero agency with Kirishima as a kind of hero team."

"Yeah I know. They stopped after that get together a month ago. They haven't been seen working together since."

"Because since Kirishima is the owner of that he kicked Bakugou out basically. A lot of us aren't talking to him anymore or teaming up unless absolutely necessary. I have blocked him on everything, Jiro is debating on moving since they live next to each other, Shinso broke his nose after a team up and Bakugou yet again ignored orders. That is only the start."

"Good. No offense but Bakugou deserves worse."

"Hey um. How deep is yours and his past."

"I don't wanna talk about it right now. Sorry. Just. Tired."

"That's cool. Um. I also heard you were quirkless."

"Yeah. A lot of on SWAT are or we have quirks that don't do much. Me, Street, and Deacon are quirkless. Luca has a quirk that makes him build muscle mass 5% faster then a normal human. Alonso has a quirk where she can manipulate steel in very small amounts. Nothing that weights more then a gram."

"Oh! Does um. Does SWAT ever accept people with kind of strong quirks?"

"Not really. There are a small handful of individuals but to say they are monitored like a hawk is a understatement. Why?"

"Well um. My brother. He is a police officer and has been wanting to try for SWAT for a couple years."

"Ok. Well what is his quirk?"

"Well it is kind of like mine. It's called Meltdown. Basically he can melt anything he touches."

"Oh! I know who your talking about. Um Mahiro Ashido?"

"Yep! That's him."

"Good cop. Worked with him a couple times. But I think with his quirk he could make it. His entire five years on the on the job never once has he used his quirk. Even in situations where if he used his quirk he would have had a better chance of survival. Kid has a good head on his shoulders. But yeah I think with his track record he could make it on. Try outs start in a couple months. If you want I could get him on the list."

"T-That would be awesome! But um. I wanted to ask for something else."


"I never really knew who you were when you moved here. So I dug into you. No offense."

"You do realize I dug into everyone one of the heroes that lived her before I moved right? No offense taken."

"Well um. I saw what you have accomplished. Whenever you got those laws passed that made it so police could do more without heroes. I didn't understand at first. Then I saw the video of you saying why. Why we couldn't trust heroes that much because that's what started the whole shit show during our first of at U.A. college. It made sense. Not to mention you becoming a sergeant at the youngest age recorded at twenty five. Hell are you not the youngest on your team?"


"Whenever you got that promotion. Did the other guys say anything? I mean Deacon was next up wasn't he?"

"He was. And he was offered it. But he declined. He said out of everyone on 20 squad I deserved it more for everything I have done. And the captain agreed. Yeah it was a bit of a rough start at first. Especially since Street had just joined. Whoa boy. Him having to take orders from someone two years younger then him? That was an issue. But I proved why I was leader and earned his trust."

"Well um. I wanted to ask. If you could maybe help my brother? He still needs to improve on some stuff and he has hit a wall. He is still improving but not enough. He wants to make it to SWAT this year."

"Hm. And he is what twenty three? Hm. Yeah in two more years he hits a point he won't be the top of the list."

"I know. SWAT likes to take members younger then twenty five because at that point they are set in their ways."

"True. But not always. Look. Tell your brother to meet me at SWAT HQ in two days. It will be a Wednesday and my team is on call. I will see what he needs improvement on and see if I can even help. But I will say something."


"Cops being related to heroes. Its a mess I'm going to be honest. If it was someone else asking me this. Like I don't know. Shinso. I would say no. But since it's you I think it will be fine."

"Why me? Why not Shinso?"

"Shinso is a good hero. But his quirk rubs cops the wrong way. They don't mean it. But Brainwashing? I mean yeah. And his sibling would do the same to cops. Unless their quirks are so different. But your quirk is fine. You seem pretty well liked by cops. Only issue that have is you need to stay off your damn phone on stakeouts. Or turn the volume down or wear earbuds."

"Ow. But yeah. So you think he could do it?"

"I am not going to make any promises. I will see what the kid can do. If I like it I will help. But if he doesn't show he wants to put in the work I am done. I don't need someone who just wants to skate by always doing the bear minimum on SWAT."

"I understand. I will talk to him."

"Good. Look like I said the kid seems like he has a good head on his shoulders. Never even had so much as a complaint about him. And the two times I worked with him on a case he seems cool. He has a really good chance of getting in anyway."

"You really think so?"

"Yes. But look no offense. I just got off a 22 hour shift. I am sore. I am tired. Could we talk about this another time?"

"Oh! Yeah no problem!"

As she got up Izuku spoke, "Ashido."


"Did you really come over here to just check on me?"

"I honestly just wanted to check up on you. You ok?"

He shook his head, "Just up in my head is all. See you later Ashido."

"See ya Midoriya!"

Once Ashido left Izuku went and showered, applied bandages, got dressed, and went to bed after kissing Aiya on the cheek as goodnight.

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