Mario & Luigi: Remodeling

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Author's Note: This Bit is a continuation of previous one with the same title. The inspiration for this one was not an episode, but a dilemma that happened among fans because they attempted to understand the various changes in the setting of Luca's house. The change in walls, positioning and others promp fans to create a blueprint to explain the layout of the house. One of the writers of the show stepped in and clarified that Luca had done various renovations in the course of several years (seasons of the show). Hence, this story...


"C'mon, bro! Stop nagging!" complained Luca looking through the rear view mirror

"I'm not naggin', bro. I'm serious. It's been a long time since we've done a deep clean." Street said annoyed

"What are you talking about, dude? We cleaned the house the other day, remember?"

"That was months ago, Luca! I found Takis in the couch yesterday and a dead cockroach behind the stove this morning!" Deacon and Hondo shot a puzzled frown at each other, then at Street, as Chris and Tan giggled softly.

"Damn! Y'all better getcha act thing ya know, y'all be sleeping with mice!" Hondo said shaking his head. His remark made others giggled.

"Ughhh" Tan interrupted, disgusted

"I thought you said you were gonna clean once a week, switching back and forth between the two of you?" Chris asked puzzled

"Yeah, that's how it started. Now? We just do the switching!"

"Must be a pig's pen!" Tan said with a smirk, turning his head to look at the driver

"Hey! That's my house you're talking about, Tan." Luca said slapping him in the arm with one hand while continuing to drive Black Betty with the other

"Says the guy with so much dirty laundry, he's gone to Walmart twice for clean underwear!"

"Shhhh!" Luca snapped, placing one finger over his closed lips. "Street? That was cold!" he ended with a frown. The rest of the squad joined in with a laugh, as Street shook his head with a disappointed look.

"No, it's not. Look, bro, you either clean or pay someone to do it!"

"Alright fine. We'll clean-"

"We?" Street interrupted immediately, "Uh uh, bro. It's your week! Besides, I told you I'm going with friends to the Auto Show in San Diego."

"I heard it was gonna be the bomb, kid!" Hondo said

"It is! I asked for Friday so we could leave early and get the best spots. They're doing live shows, events and giveaways. It sounds so awesome!"

"How'd you get in?" asked Hondo curious

"Friend of mine bought me the ticket as a birthday gift. Luca tried to get it but they sold out all three days in like 4 hours."

"Man, I wanted to go...even for Sunday! But they maxed out!" Luca complained

The ride to HQ had taken some time because of late afternoon traffic. By the time they arrived back, Hicks was content on getting their reports and sending them home.

"Hey, Luca!" called Deacon as the team was exiting the building, now in he parking lot

Luca made a stop, waiting for Deacon to approach him. He was surprised but intrigued. He took some steps towards the approaching officer.

"What's up, D?"

"Listen, are you gonna be cleaning your house?"

"Yeah, gotta get Street off my back."

"Are you cleaning on Saturday? Say...noonish?"

"Um...yeah. Probably. I'm not getting up early for that. Probably gonna ride some waves, then the house. Why?" he asked curious

"Luca you can be my savior!"

"Sure, what's up?"

"Sunday's my anniversary but I'm booked our with security gigs . I need the money! With Sammy's boy scout fees, Matthew's camp, Tory's graduation, Lyla's birthday and the repairs to one of the cars and new furniture... It's a mess." Deacon said holding his forehead.

"Deacon, you need some help? You know we got your back the last time, man!"

"No, its nothing like that. I'm good. Overtime here and those gigs are perfect, but if I don't do something this weekend, Annie's gonna be furious. The problem is that the inlaws are out of town, and our sitters are either sick or out of town too. I can get Tory to stay with Chris, and maybe Lyla can stay with her friend and her mom, Sammy's gone with the boy scouts this weekend, which leads Matthew. Can't leave him alone in the house. So, could you maybe stay with him for an hour or two?"

"I got you, Deac! He can help me set up the house so Street can get off my back!"

"You sure? He's a quiet kid, so he wont be a bother."

"Nah, it's alright. Matthew's cool. Bring him by the house and I'll stay with him as long as you need."

"You sure, Luca?"

"Of course!"

"Thanks, man. You just saved my marriage!" Deacon said with a smirk as he fist pumped Luca, who showed a great big smile.

On Saturday...

"Hey Matty! What's up?"

"Hey! Nobody calls me that, dude!" Matthew said with a smirk, shaking his head

"Aw, my bad. U go by Matthew now?"


"Ok. Well...we gonna do some remodeling today!"

"Dad said cleaning"

"Yeah, but I woke up with the Martha Stewart drive!" said Luca hyped up, moving his hands lively, "So...Im thinking about moving the TV, the stand, maybe placing the pinball over there. This place is gonna look brand new!"

"So...we are not gonna clean?"

"Oh, yeah...maybe. I got a great plan for the garage too! About time that gets a redo!"

"How exactly do we do that?" Matthew asked concerned

"Don't worry about it. Last time, me and Street did it ourselves and it turned out great." He paused. "So, I say we can go over here...and then..." and on and on he went, explaining his vision.

Matthew was so puzzled, by mid explanation he had taken his phone and out and continued his queued game.







"Uh...Uncle Luca?"

"Yeah, Matthew?"

"Um...I think we have a problem."

"Yeah, I think so too. I don't think that was supposed to go through the roof!"

"Or the window!"

The two looked at each other as debris fell from the hole in the roof, glass kept breaking off from the window, the flat screen laid flat on the floor and the pinball machine rested against the fridge in the kitchen. Not to mention the dust cloud coming from the garage!


"Hold on, Matthew!" Luca said as he dug his hand into his pocket. "Oh no! Shhh be quiet." he said quickly as he took a look at the screen

"Hey buddy!" he greeted, as e clicked on the speaker item

"Hey Luca! How's it going?"

"'s-it's-it's going"

"Literally!" whispered Matthew giggling

Luca shoved him softly, frowning hard on him.

"Ok, um..listen. Chris just texted me that she's trying to reach you, but you don't answer. Everything ok?"

"She called?"

"Yeah, twice."

"Must've been drowned out by the noise of the jack-GASP!- uh...I mean, the vacuum!"

"Huh? What were you gonna say?"

"Nothing. Uh...listen, I'll call her and see what she needs, ok? You go on and enjoy the show."

"Ok, sounds good. You sure you're ok, Luca?"

"Yeah. Hey! Um, Deacon left Matthew here, so since I had an extra pair of hands, I decided to make some renovations. Ok? Split the bill?"

"Again? Didn't you renovate last year? And the year before that?"

"So? Every year you gotta innovate, bro! Bring in new vibes!"

"Ok, fine. Just text me my part and I'll wire the money."

"Perfect. Yo, Jim! You gonna love it, bro!"

"I already did...two years ago. But sure. I gotta go!"


Sunday night...


Street arrived. He turned off the engine, stepped off his bike, opened the gate and placed his bike in the garage, as he has done since he moved in. As he was unloading his bag from the compartment he noticed the garage was actually cleaned and organized.

"Wow! He actually did it." he said out loud, impressed by how neat it looked. Luca even got shelves to place boxes, neatly identified with labels that read: tools, bike stuff, car parts, etc.

"LUCA!" shouted Street, as he went into the house. "Wow!" he said amazed

As soon as he opened the front door he was amazed at how remodeling had gone. Luca even managed to move the AC unit! The flat screen was moved, so was the pinball machine. The living room also changed, and there was even a brand new window at the far end.

"Wow, dude!" Street kept looking around, as he dumped his bags in front of his bedroom door. Everything was either throughly cleaned or new. "Luca?"

He was surprised his roommate hadn't greeted him at all, as the house was silent. "Must be out!" Street said to himself, heading towards the kitchen. "Woah!" he said stopping at his tracks. "New fridge?"

He opened the door of the new refrigerator and found that one of the water bottles had a small note taped to it. Street grabbed the bottle and read the note out loud:

"Jim, I went out. Be back soon. Bill is on the counter. Thanks, buddy!"

He glanced over the kitchen counter and found a paper neatly folded under the coffee maker, which again, was brand new.

"Why is everything new?" he wondered approaching the paper

He took a big sip of water, placed the bottle down, grabbed the paper and unfolded it.


His eyes bulged out! The bill hsd not one, but three different company logos! He almost passed out when he read the rounded number!


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