Hondo's 40th Bday Bash

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"Hey guys! How is everyone doing?" Nichelle greeted the group, as the elevator doors swung opened. She had been waiting by the bench in the hallway of HQ.

 As soon as the elevator doors opened, a particular stench came out unto the hallway. The squad was coming in from a hard day of training and workouts. Tactical training, weight lifting, running, stretching... All five looked tired, but intrigued by her visit.

"Hey baby!" greeted Hondo who rushed in towards her

"Oh my! You need a shower!" she said turning away grinning as they approached her

"C'mere! Give me a hug!" Hondo said rushing to her with opened arms. Before she could move, he wrapped her up in a big bear hug, while the others giggled.

"Ew!" she complained, as Hondo's sweat messed up her brand new sweater. "Hondo! This is new!" she pushed him off, as the older officer giggled with the rest of the squad.

The rest of the group just shook their heads and giggled, as Hondo's smile lighted up the whole space. Street made an attempt to lift his arm and gesture to smell his armpits, but Luca slapped him stopped halfway. Luca shook his head, as Tan giggled! Deacon smiled also shaking his head. All five men wreaked of testosterone and sweat!

"Ok, so...before all of you go off to shower" she paused as some of the giggling died down, "Because it is very very needy right now, uff!" she paused taking a step backward, "We gotta talk about this young man's 40th birthday coming up this weekend!" she announced excitingly pointing at Hondo

"Woah! 40?" Tan asked surprised

"The big four oh!" Luca cheered

"Wait...young?" Street joked

"Hey, hold up young bucs. I can still kick your asses!" Hondo frowned at Tan and Street, while the two young officers giggled.

"Welcome to the four oh group, Hondo!" Deacon said extending his fist. The two officers extended the gesture, as the others cheered and giggled.

Nichelle was glad that the officers actually liked her idea. She continued "I'm thinking an all out SWAT themed Birthday Bash at my girl Denisha's place!"

"Heeeeyyyy" Luca cheered, as he high five with Street

"Uuuhhhhh"Tan said excited, as Deacon nodded

"And..." she broke the cheering session, "Since it is thanks to you we have a wonderful center, you know with the huge contribution that we received, I thought we could give back. And, since it's SWAT, you know we gotta have a little competition."

"Yeah" Luca said, as she had everyone's full attention

"Let's see who can give Hondo the best gift for his 40th birthday!"

"Hmmm...interesting!" Deacon said between cheers

"Now, guys, it's not about how expensive it is, it's about how much the birthday boy loves it! So," she tried to talk above the talking men, "you have to be creative! There is a prize though."

"Yeah?" Tan asked, as the others quieted down. Hondo hadn't stopped smiling!

"Whoever wins will receive a donation from the center to give to the charity of their choice. Could be church" she paused gesturing to Deacon, "safe house" she paused gesturing to Street, "community program, or whatever!"

The men chit chatted excitingly among themselves as Hondo and Nichelle got acquainted. After a couple of minutes, Nichelle reminded them of the bash that Saturday and excused herself. The men said their good byes and headed for the showers.

Once everybody finished in the showers, they began gathering their belongings in the locker room and getting ready to get home.

"I don't know about you guys but I got the perfect gift for the boss!" said Tan overconfident

"Oh yeah?" Deacon asked skeptically

"Is Chris coming to the party?" Luca asked Street

"I don't know, I'll tell her." Street answered

"Hey! I say let's up the ante!" Luca said with a mischievous tone

"What do you have in mind, Luca?" Street asked curious. Hondo remained quiet but attentive.

"How about, Hondo" he paused pointing at Hondo, "you choose the best, but also...the lamest!"

"Ok" Hondo closed his locker door as he swung his backpack over his shoulder, staring at his team with a frown.

"Whoever gives the lamest gift will do all of our armory duty for a week!"

"Ha! That's music to Jim's ears!" Teased Tan

Everybody laughed.

"Shut up, Tan!" Street snapped, punching him softly in the arm

"And..." Luca continued

"Woah! And?" Deacon asked surprised. Armory duty wasn't enough?

"There's more?" Hondo asked

"Yeah...let's add the loser has to wash Black Betty with a toothbrush!"

"Uhhhhhh" said the chorus followed by laughs and chit chat

"Luca, you're evil!" Street stated

"You're on, Luca!" Tan said, as everyone nodded their heads


It was a beautiful day in sunny Southwest LA, as Merriam Grover Estates received a high number of guest all headed to the house at the far end. Music was blasting, cars overflowed the small path, kids jumped in the pool, and adults danced in the back patio overlooking the lake. The front of the house as well as the entire back was beautifully decorated with SWAT related inflatables, decorations and blue and gray ribbons.

An inflatable slide was set up to one side, a small paintball obstacle course was set up to the right of the pool, two cornhole stations were set up near the terrace, along with a pool table and a darts board. The set up couldn't have been better!

Hondo's parents were enjoying the music as they sat in the lounging area beside the pool, while Darryll and his baby boy enjoyed the pool, along with Deacon's oldest kids and Calvin, Hondo's godson, who had brought his girlfriend and two cousins. Hicks was enjoying the music, as Tan and Bonnie were having drinks by the pool, chit chatting with Deacon. Annie watched as Victoria enjoyed the inflatable for what seemed to be the 100th time!

Everyone seem was having a wonderful time, and it got better when Chris and Street arrived. The young couple were received with opened arms and cheers, for it was the first time they had gone out together in public. The team got together by the pool, as they remembered that night in the terrace, where they had said their good byes to her. They chatted for a long time as they updated her on the action and she shared stories of her new reality.

It was getting late, and guests were already getting restless. So, Nichelle grabbed the microphone and called everyone to the terrace, where they had set up beautiful decorations and a tall tier with the letters SWAT. The middle was occupied by an amazing booth holding a large cake consisting of a replica of HQ grounds, with Black Betty in the parking lot. The set up included lights and the all famous SWAT theme song, as the base of the Black Betty cake moved from side to side making it seem as the truck itself was moving. It was truly remarkable!

"Baby, I absolutely loved this!" Hondo said impressed by the cake. He grabbed her by the waist and they shared a soft kiss.

The audience cheered as they were very impressed by the huge cake presentation. They gathered and sang happy birthday. Then, the catering committee cut and handed out more than 65 pieces of cake, as the audience savored the delicious dessert.

"This cake, baby! Damn!" was the only thing Hondo needed to say. Nichelle truly outdid herself!

Some of the guests began leaving as it was already deep into the night.  Denisha helped with the guests' goodie bags as Nichelle thanked for attending the party.

But...now was the moment of truth! As the remaining guests gathered around the lounging chairs, Hondo and Nichelle announce it was time for opening the gifts. So, they turned their attention to the left side of the terrace where every gift was place on top of two beautifully decorated booths.

"Ok, guys, time for the big reveal. Hondo, honey, come." Nichelle called as Hondo approached and placed his drink in one of the tables near the gifts' booth. The audience applauded as the birthday boy made his way tot he front.

"Alright, alright!" Hondo said excited

Nichelle whispered something to him, and he nodded. She then turned to the audience and said: "We had 20 Squad do a little competition to see who's gift was the best. But!" she said raising a finger, "we will leave those for the end."

"Ahhhh" complained the squad

"Because...we have other gifts too!"

...and so they went! One by one, Hondo opened the more than 40 gifts he had received. Sweaters, glasses, watches, wallets, shirts, sweat pants, and the works! He had a new outfit for each day of the next month! Not to mention tons of new accessories!

"Ok, so...we only have five gifts left!" called Nichelle as the crowd roared in excitement

"Finally!" called Luca, making people giggle and laugh

"Are you ready?" asked Nichelle staring at Hondo with a smile

"I've been ready!" Hondo said, following the audience's giggle

"Wait! Wait!" said Luca taking a step forward. "Look what I got here!" he said as he took out a toothbrush from his pockets. He began laughing as he knew his teammates understood the inside joke. He showed the brush around making sure each of them saw it and then placed in the table next to the gift's booth.

"You're evil, Luca. Really!" Street shout out

"Hey, now wait a minute." he paused, gesturing towards him. "Why don't you ask your Juliet where I got the idea?" he said grinning at her. She pinched her lips shut and shot a deep frown frown back at him.

"Wait! What?" Tan asked confused

"What is he talking about Chris?" he asked her, while taking a step sideways to separate from her a the young couple were standing one next to the other

"She called me after we talked with Nichelle to chat and I told her about the donation thing coz I thought I could give mine to her too. She asked me why didn't we come up with a cool punishment for the lamest gift!" Luca announced

"Luca, you snitch!" Chris snapped

"I cannot believe this Chris. I've been sweating it out all week!" Street complained shaking his head

A burst of laughter followed as the young officer realized it was his girl's fault he had been breaking his head trying to figure out the best gift to give Hondo. He went back and forth, tossed and turned in bed, all to avoid the dreaded armory duty!

"I'm sorry" she said

"No, you're not!" called Luca shaking his head with a wide grin

"You're right, I'm not!" she quickly answered giggling

Another round of laughter as now even Tan and Deacon joined the complaining. They were clearly stunned about the news. As the crowd settled, Nichelle continued.

" Alright, alright. Let's start! Go ahead. Pick one!" she said

Hondo went for the big box in the floor, wrapped with in a blue gift wrapper and tied with a huge gray bow.

"Yeah, watch and learn how it's done!" Luca called excited

"This yours Luca?" Hondo asked

"Hell yea, boss! The only gift you gonna need!" he said smiling

"Ok?" Hondo bent over and took the bow off. He then proceeded to tear the wrapper off. As he did so, Luca couldn't stop smiling, as the others frowned. Hondo didn't notice since he was working the gift.

After tearing what seemed to be a hundred layers of papers, while people laughed it off, the box revealed a brand Home Weight Lifting set, with everything he was going to need to keep up his regime.   

"Surprise! This is the one you wanted, man" Luca said excited with a grin from ear to ear

"Damn, Luca! You remembered? This is nice." Hondo said nodding his head. Hondo approached him and thanked him with a quick slap and hug. The crowd gave a round of applause.

"Ok, next one, honey!" Nichelle urged

After opening the large box he figured he wanted something easier to uncover. So he went for the small envelop in the front. It read: To Hondo, from Jimbo

"Street!" he called

Jim took a step forward, and with full on dimple display announced "Watch me not do a single minute of armory duty this week! Watch!"

"You seem confident." Hondo said impressed

"Yeah, too confident!" Tan teased

"You better get painkillers and Bengay ready, Tan!" Street snapped

Hondo turned the envelop around and tore the sealer. He then took a look inside and was so impressed his brows almost ended in the back of his neck!

"Wow! Two tickets front row to the Jazz Festival at LA Convention Center? Kid you outdid yourself" he announced nodding his head slowly

"Yeah! Woo hoo" A round of applause erupted as even Nichelle got excited. Hondo approached him and thanked him with a fist pump. Street put his hands up in triumph, as Tan and Luca shook their heads in disgust.

Jim made his way back to his place next to Chris, as he turned to Tan teasing with "Don't worry about it Tan, I can give you some good pointers. You know? Start with the automatic riffles, and then-"

"Shut up, Street! It's not over yet!" Tan interrupted, sitting besides Bonnie who was trying to understand what was going on, as well as the rest of the crowd who just laughed at their teasing.

Hondo took a deep breath, and went for the blue and gray birthday bag to his left. "Ok. Looks like...D?"

Deacon stood and grinned. "Hope you like boss"

"Aight" he said as he dug one hand into the bag, while holding it still with the other. He retrieved his hand slowly revealing a small antique box.

"Hmmm..." Hondo frowned as he took a quick glance at Deacon, who was smiling.

He grabbed the box with one hand and placed the bag with the tissue paper back. He was intrigued with the old looking collector's item. "This is really nice..and I aint even open it yet."

"Remember our first mission together? Were we had to go close to the border to track down the narco smugglers?" called Deacon with a smile

Hondo lifted his gaze to him, as he frowned remembering that ordeal. "Yeah, two whole days in the dessert!"

"Yeah, but we went into this huge mansion and you found something. You told me you would do anything to have one of those, with a cold one, and a nice girl beside you."

"Oh my God! Are you serious now, D?" Hondo's eyes lighted up and he was now super excited, a wide smile spread all over his face, "Nahhhhh, now way!"

He turned to the box and opened it to reveal a brand new authentic brunch of Central American tobacco cigars. 

"You already got the girl and the cold one, you only needed one of those. Enjoy!" Deacon added

"Woooow" Hondo said, dumbfounded. He was so excited he approached Deacon and they hugged, as he thanked his buddy for such an awesome gift.

"This! This right herr, gonna be tough to beat for sho!" he said placing the cigars back in the box and then carefully placing in back in the booth. As he did so, Deacon raised left fist in triumph.

"Tan you're in trouble!" Street teased

"I got this!" Tan snapped back

"Ok, honey, one more!" Nichelle announced handing him the small rectangular box

"Alright. Let's go, Tan!" he said excited, as the young officer got up to approach him.

Hondo took a deep breath, "Here we go!" He picked on the small tape in the side, and flipped the cover off. Beneath a bed of tissue paper sat a breathtaking 3d Lakers' basketball jacket with a logo of Black Mamba himself, Kobe Bryant.  "This is nice, Tan!"

"Look in the bottom!" Tan instructed, he said excited

Hondo's jaw dropped as he took a portrait with a picture of him and the guys who used to be in 20 squad, and a paper in the corner of the picture with Kobe's autograph. "Oh my God!"

"Remember when you took me to see a game with the guys? Buck got us tickets, I think in the 10th row. After the game, while everyone went to get more beer and the bathroom, I stuck around the locker area and got him to sign an autograph. I knew you're a huge fan of Black Mamba. I was keeping it for a special occasion, and I think this is it."

"Wow! The man. The legend. KOBE!" Hondo said as he showed the portrait for everyone to see. He then turned to Tan and extended his hand. They shook hands and then a quick hug. Hondo thanked him ans the audience cheered and applauded.

When Tan had returned to his chair, and the audience had calmed down, Nichelle continued: "These are all amazing gifts, honey. How are you going to chose the best one?!"

Hondo placed one hand on his hip and grabbed his head with the other. He kept shaking his head, as the audience cheered one. He smiled and took a look back at all the amazing gifts his squad had given him. It was a very very tough decision.  

"I...I...'ont know...damn!" Hondo stuttered as the crowd become restless. Each team member began screaming their name as the tension grew.

"Hondo, pick mine!" Street shouted

"Forget it, Street! Jazz doesn't beat Kobe." Tan snapped at him

"But a workout makes you follow Black Mamba's ideas." Luca shouted

"You guys don't stand a chance!" shouted Deacon

"Yo...STOP! STOP!" Hondo pleaded

"C'mon, Hondo, pick the best!" Chris shouted

"Girl! This..this...this ain't even fair right now!" he said shaking his head, as she and the audience laughed

"Just give Luca the toothbrush already" Deacon teased

"Ohhhhhh, snap!" Street said before erupting in laughter

"That was uncalled for, D!" Luca complained, "That was ice cold!"

Deacon and Annie were all laughs, as Hondo joined in, still grabbing his head and shaking.

"Yo, like, for real, for real...I can't choose. I love em all!" he said slowly

"You can't call truce, Hondo! Pick one!" Street shouted

"Yeah, honey, c'mon. Pick one!" Nichelle encouraged, approaching him and placing her arm around his back. They both giggled, as he took his hand off his head to give her a hug.

The crowd was becoming restless, his team members continued teasing each other, but Hondo could only pinched his lips and stared, going from gift to gift.

"Aight, aight. Listen!" he finally said, putting a hand up. The audience quieted down, as he was ready to reveal his final decision. "I love 'em all. Plain and simple." he turned to Nichelle, "Baby, spread the donation to the guys, I'll do the armory work and wash Black Betty."

"Whaaaat?" everyone was stunned at his decision

"Y'all were amazing and I owe you everything. Truth is, y'all stood by me even when I turned my back to you. All of these gifts represent more than just things, they represent memories. The attention to detail and the importance y'all give to me is beyond this world. I have nothing else to say than: Thank You. Thank you for being my family. You really outdid yourselves, and I appreciate it. So... everyone wins, nobody losses. Ok?"

The crow erupted in cheers as 20 squad approached their beloved leader and came together for one big group hug. Always SWAT! Always staying liquid!


Author's note: This Bit is dedicated specially for all those Hondo faithfuls, including Ari. I hope you enjoy! Votes and comments always welcome!

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