Extra #2

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The sound of small feet hitting the wood floor and the loud cry of their young daughter pulled Raevanna out of her deep sleep. Furrowing her brows slightly, she made no response or effort to get up, knowing that she'd had a long night and needed as much sleep as she could get. However, moments later the bedroom door swung open, and a heavy lump suddenly landed hard on the bed before small hands began to shake her shoulders.

"Mommy!" Natasha whined. "C'mon, wake up!"

"Your daughter is awake," Raevanna muttered to Steve with her eyes still closed, knowing that Natasha's yelling had woken him, too.

"Before six in the morning, she's your daughter," Steve muttered back, also not opening his eyes.

"Mommy!" Natasha went on, going from shaking her mother's shoulders to gently tugging at her hair and poking her face. "Wake up, Mommy, come on!"

"Are you going to get up?" Steve asked Raevanna. "She's calling you."

"If I remember correctly, she called you, too," Raevanna replied.

"Mommy, come on!" Natasha said, her voice going higher as her frustration grew. "Wake up!"

Finally Raevanna caved, rolling onto her side and looking at her daughter. "Yes, Nat, what is it?"

"You promised that we'd go to Coney Island today!" Natasha said. "C'mon, Daddy says breaking promises is bad!"

"I did say that," Steve said with his eyes still closed.

Raevanna turned to Steve and lightly slapped his shoulder in mock annoyance, causing him to chuckle. Then, she looked back at her daughter. "Natasha, I said we'd go today, not this morning. It's still early, the sun's not even up yet."

"I see the sun," Steve muttered, still not turning around or opening his eyes.

Raevanna rolled her eyes. "Babe. Not helping."

"Mommyyyyyyy," Natasha whined, crossing her arms and huffing loudly. "C'mon, you promised."

Raevanna let out a loud, audible sigh before nodding repeatedly. "Alright, alright, I'm up. Go get ready, I'll be there in a few minutes."

Natasha cheered happily before jumping off the bed and running out of the room. Raevanna sighed again once she was gone, then rolled over again so she could look at Steve.

"I really don't appreciate you encouraging her so much," Raevanna said to him, the only sign of her playfulness being her smile. "You know how excited she can get, and when she gets all hyped up and bouncy like that it's almost impossible to get her to calm down."

Steve's eyes finally opened, a soft smile gracing his lips. "You're just upset that she woke you up before the sun was fully up."

"Of course I am, you know I'm not a morning person," Raevanna protested.

Steve just laughed, shaking his head before pressing his lips to hers in a long yet soft kiss. Then he pulled away, his smile even wider. "I love you," he said in a soft voice.

Raevanna smiled back. "I love you, too." Sitting up, she stretched her arms up above her head and looked back at Steve. "I'm gonna head to the kitchen before she gets into the cookie butter again. Try not to stay in bed too long, Nat's gonna want the both of us to come."

With that, Raevanna got up, leaving the bedroom and walking down the hall into the bathroom. Natasha was there, struggling to get her pale pink rashguard over her head. Raevanna laughed softly, walking forward as she gave a gentle shake of her head. "Here, let me help you."

Raevanna grabbed the rashguard and gently tugged it over her daughter's head, then helped her put her arms through the sleeves. As soon as Natasha's head poked out, the small girl made a silly face, sticking out her tongue and puffing out her cheeks. Raevanna laughed again before she tickled Natasha's stomach, causing Natasha to giggle and break the silly face. Then, Raevanna swooped her up in her arms and spun her around before carrying her out of the bathroom.

They walked back down the hall and into the kitchen, where Raevanna set Natasha down in one of the chairs around the island. Then, Raevanna turned around and opened up the cabinet, saying over her shoulder, "What do you want for breakfast?"

"Bananas and cookie butter!" Natasha shouted happily.

Raevanna shook her head. "You can't have cookie butter for breakfast, love. How about we compromise on peanut butter?"

Natasha was silent for a moment, thinking. Then she perked up and nodded. "Okay!"

Raevanna smiled, taking out the necessary utensils and ingredients from the cabinets, drawers, and from the fruit bowl on the counter. Then, she raised her hands, violet sparkles fluttering from her fingertips, and moments later the knife began to magically cut and put peanut butter on the banana itself, leaving Raevanna's hands free to make herself some toast.

"I love magic," Natasha said, clapping her hands excitedly.

Raevanna smiled. "Me too."

Once breakfast was ready, Raevanna sat down in front of Natasha and gave her the plate. Then they began to eat, and Raevanna smiled when she saw that her daughter had peanut butter on her nose.

Did Raevanna miss being an Avenger? Sometimes, yes. But it was little moments like these that reminded her of why she left it behind. Raevanna had a daughter now, which meant she had to make sure she was there for her, and she couldn't do that if she was off doing hero work all the time. Natasha was Raevanna's number one priority, and her daughter took precedence over anything else offered to her.

"I had a funny dream last night," Natasha said after a few minutes.

Raevanna raised an eyebrow. "Oh, really? What was it about?"

"It was about Auntie Die," Natasha said. "She was in Wa... Wa..."

"Wakanda," Raevanna finished.

Natasha nodded. "Yeah. Wakanda. There was water everywhere. And some people wearing funny masks. And a big guy with wings on his feet. Auntie Die was fighting them."

Raevanna tilted her head, curious but also slightly alarmed. "Did she win?"

"I dunno." Natasha shrugged, picking a brown spot off her banana. "I woke up before I could see."

Raevanna frowned slighly, unable to stop a sigh from leaving her lips. She'd known for awhile now that Natasha tended to have what Blake referred to as "historic visions", which were basically dreams of things that had happened in the past and rarely had anything to do with Natasha or her parents. Raevanna was worried that someone could try to exploit that ability, which was why she and Steve had made Natasha promise not to tell anyone about it. Still, Natasha had learned from Diana that sharing dreams with others could help decipher them, so she often told Raevanna and Steve about any strange dream she had.

Raevanna also knew that T'Challa's death had hit Diana hard, even harder than when he had been snapped out of existence. And she knew about the invasion the underwater city of Talokan had launched on Wakanda the year after his passing as well, since Raevanna had fought in it herself. That was most likely what Natasha had been dreaming about, but Raevanna had made sure to keep the information about the battle away from Natasha, so she probably had no idea that what she was dreaming had actually happened. And Raevanna was very thankful that Natasha hadn't seen her in her dream; she was just an infant when the attack happened, and would most likely be very confused by it all.

"I'm sure she's alright," Raevanna assured her daughter. "You know how strong Diana is, if anything like that did happen to her, she would know how to handle it."

"Yeah," Natasha said, looking down at her plate.

Concerned, Raevanna opened her mouth to say more, but before she could, Steve entered the room, smiling warmly at his wife and daughter. Raevanna smiled back before standing up to speak to him.

"Good morning," Raevanna greeted.

"Good morning," Steve replied, then pulled her closer and connected their lips in a loving kiss.

"Eww, gross," Natasha muttered upon seeing the action.

Raevanna pulled away, shaking her head in amusement before walking over to the counter and turning on her tablet. Steve grinned, ruffling Natasha's hair before taking a spot next to Raevanna.

"What, you're calling Diana?" Steve asked once he saw the contact information on the screen.

"Of course," Raevanna said, then added quietly, "Nat had a dream about that battle against Talokan last night and I want to know if she knows anything about it. You know how sometimes Diana and Nat share dreams."

With those words, Raevanna hit the call button, and after a few moments Diana's face appeared on the screen.

"Hi, Raevanna," Diana said warmly. "Hi, Steve."

"Hey, Die," Raevanna replied as Steve waved. "How are you doing?"

"Cold," Diana said with a laugh, shivering and rubbing her biceps.

Raevanna exchanged glances with Steve before addressing her friend. "Really? Why?"

"Shuri's been experimenting with the central heating and cooling system here at the palace," Diana explained. "She broke the cooling controls and now the whole building is like a freezer."

"I'm not experimenting, I'm improving!" came Shuri's voice faintly from behind Diana. "And I didn't break it, it malfunctioned!"

Diana shook her head, chuckling to herself before looking up at Raevanna. "Other than that, all's well here. What about you?"

"We're good," Raevanna said. "Natasha woke us up early this morning so we could go to the beach."

"That sounds like something she would do," Diana said, grinning widely.

"But nothing crazy happened last night?" Raevanna asked. "No weird dreams or anything like that?"

Diana shook her head. "Nothing of that nature." She cocked her head and frowned. "Why, is something the matter?"

Raevanna shook her head, relieved that Natasha and Diana hadn't shared another dream. "Not at all," Raevanna said, then added when Diana raised an unconvinced eyebrow, "Don't worry about it. I'll tell you later, I promise."

Suddenly there was a gasp from behind Raevanna, and moments later Natasha came running up, saying excitedly, "Is that Auntie Die?"

Raevanna chuckled, nodding as she picked up her daughter so she could see the camera. Diana smiled when she saw the little girl; it was no secret that she adored Natasha, and loved every interaction with her.

"Hello, Natasha," Diana greeted.

"Auntie Die!" Natasha said, leaning forward and almost falling out of Raevanna's arms. "I miss youuuu!"

Diana laughed. "I miss you too, Nat."

"When are you gonna come see us?" Natasha asked. "It's been forever!"

"I'll try to come as soon as I can," Diana told her. "You know that being Queen is a big responsibility."

"I know," Natasha said, pouting slightly.

"Hey," Raevanna said, looking at her daughter. "What did I say, no pouting, remember?"

Natasha instantly retracted her lip, looking down guiltily. "Sorry."

Diana smiled, glancing at the two. "Well, I should let you two get back to getting ready. There might be a crowd on the beach, who knows."

"Alright," Raevanna said with a smile. "Tell Shuri I said hey."

"I will," Diana said, also smiling. "And thanks for calling."

Raevanna nodded. "Of course. Talk to you later, Diana."

"Talk to you later. Bye."


The call ended, and Raevanna turned to Natasha. "You wanna finish getting ready so we can head out?" Raevanna asked.

Natasha nodded eagerly, squirming to get out of Raevanna's arms. Laughing, Raevanna set her daughter down, and Natasha instantly took off, sprinting down the hall to her room. Once she was gone, Raevanna faced Steve, smiling widely.

"What are you smiling about?" Steve asked.

In response, Raevanna stepped closer and kissed him, putting her hands on his chest as their lips connected lovingly. Then, Raevanna leaned back, smiling again. "I love you," she said softly.

Steve smiled back. "I love you, too."

Raevanna's heart seemed to swell to fill her whole chest. This was the life she'd dreamed of. No battles, no war, no threats. Just her, the man she loved, and her daughter, living out the rest of their lives in peace. And there was nothing else in the world she'd rather have.

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A/N: another extra section? is she okay?

lol anyway, i took this chapter from a sequel i had started for this book but discontinued after a while. i've kept the sequel in my drafts just in case, but for those of you who didn't manage to read it, this is how that sequel opened. just a little peek into what raevanna's life turned out to be after endgame :)

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