Raevanna looked up from where she sat on her bed, seeing that Natasha was standing in the doorway, then shook her head. "Not at all. Come in."
The day was nearly over. While Raevanna, Steve, and Tony had decided to stay at the compound with the newly arrived Nebula and Rhodey, Diana, Bruce, and Rocket had volunteered to travel to New Asgard to find Thor. Natasha, however, was getting ready to leave to go find Clint, who, like Thor, hadn't been seen or heard from since the Snap.
Natasha walked forward, sitting down on the bed next to Raevanna. Then she smiled. "Steve told me about the baby. Congratulations."
Raevanna smiled back. "Thanks."
"But..." Natasha sighed, her face growing serious as she glanced down. "That's not why I'm here." She looked up and went on, "I'm headed out to Tokyo, and I was hoping you'd come with me."
Raevanna frowned, confused. "Tokyo? What's Clint doing in Tokyo?"
Natasha sighed again, taking her phone out of her jacket pocket, then tapping it a few times before handing it to Raevanna. Raevanna took it, seeing that it was security footage of a man in dark clothes, fighting what looked like cartel members. Horror flooded through her as the man mercilessly slaughtered at the cartel members, leaving behind carnage in his wake, before silently walking off screen, leaving the mutilated bodies behind.
"Don't tell me that's Clint," Raevanna said, handing the phone back to Natasha.
"I wish I could," Natasha said. "But it is him." Raevanna's eyes went wide, and Natasha continued, "Ever since he lost his family to Thanos, he's been going on a killing spree all over the globe, calling himself Ronin. Rhodey tracked him to Tokyo, so that's why I'm going there. But I want you to come, because..." Natasha inhaled sharply, seemingly on the verge of tears. "I don't think I can do this on my own."
Raevanna couldn't believe it. In all her time in America, she could count the number of times she'd seen Natasha cry on one hand. It was shocking to see her break down now, and it broke Raevanna's heart to see it. So she put her hand on her friend's arm, giving her a warm smile.
"Of course I'll come," Raevanna said. "Clint's my friend, too."
Natasha smiled back gratefully. "Thanks, Raven." Quickly wiping her eyes, Natasha then stood up, leading Raevanna to do the same. "We should get going, before he leaves again."
"Right," Raevanna said with a nod.
The two women left the room, going down to the hangar where the quinjet was. Steve saw the two heading for the large jet, and confusion washed over his face before he jogged up to them.
"Hey, where are you going?" Steve asked Raevanna.
"I'm going with Nat to find Clint," Raevanna replied.
Steve's frowned in concern. "But I thought-"
"I asked her to come with me," Natasha said, cutting him off as she quickly stepped in. "I feel like this might be a two-person job." When Steve still looked concerned, Natasha smiled and added assuringly, "Don't worry, Steve. We'll look out for each other."
Steve's face softened, and he nodded. "Alright. Just be careful." He glanced between the two. "Both of you."
"We will," Raevanna said.
And with that, she and Natasha boarded the jet and took off to Tokyo.
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Several hours later, they arrived in Tokyo. It was night, and it was raining heavily, which concerned Raevanna since it meant it would be harder to see. But she put aside her worry and turned to Natasha, who was looking down in worry.
"Hey," Raevanna said. "It's gonna be okay. If anyone can get through to him, it's you."
Natasha smiled, nodding at her as she was assured by Raevanna's words.
They got out of the quinjet, and Natasha cloaked it before they walked through the city. Both dressed in casual clothes, Natasha had an umbrella to shield her from the rain, but Raevanna didn't, allowing herself to be soaked within seconds and not minding the water that dripped from her hair and into her eyes.
"You sure you don't want an umbrella?" Natasha asked, glancing at Raevanna.
Raevanna shook her head. "No thanks. I'm used to the rain."
Natasha nodded, not saying anything further.
They kept going until Raevanna stopped, a strange feeling coming over her. Turning to one of the buildings, she was shocked to see a shuriken lodged in the wooden doorway. She walked over to it and put her hands on it, immediately sensing Clint's presence.
"What is it?" Natasha asked.
"He's here," Raevanna said, turning to Natasha and gesturing to the shuriken.
As soon as the words left her mouth, there was the sound of shattering glass, and both women looked up to see a man plummeting from one of the taller buildings. He landed on the ground with a sickening smack, and Raevanna flinched just as Natasha grabbed her and pulled her into the shadows to hide. Then, they watched as fighting ensued in two more buildings, filled with different screams, shouts, and gunfire, before a man in a dark raincoat jumped through the glass window, with another man who Raevanna knew was Clint doing the same. Both of them landed in a dark alleyway, and the man in the raincoat turned to Clint, who had just landed after him. Raevanna recognized him as Akihiko, the leader of a yakuza gang, who Clint appeared to be hunting.
"Why are you doing this?" Akihiko said in Japanese. "We never did anything to you!"
Clint drew out a katana and reversibly wielded it before replying in the same language, "You survived... Half of the planet didn't. They got Thanos... you get me."
Then, both sides engaged in combat before Clint pierced Akihiko's stomach; however, it only did minor damage to him.
"You're done hurting people," Clint said, still speaking Japanese.
"We hurt people?" Akihiko replied. "You're crazy!"
With those words, Akihiko charged, but Clint immediately blocked. Both clashed swords for two seconds, and it appeared that the yakuza leader had the upper hand, but then Clint punched him in the face before he sword-pointed him to his throat, and Akihiko froze, petrified. Akihiko lowered down his sword as if he was about to surrender, but suddenly charged again at Clint, and both swords clashed again as Clint sliced Akihiko's stomach.
Akihiko then dropped into a Gatotsu-like sword stance before shouting in Japanese, "DIE!"
They both drew their katanas and the sword-fight continued. Even though Clint was clearly a better fighter, Akihiko also appeared to be quite experienced. Their swords clanged, and for a second, it looked like Akihiko gained the upper hand again as he swung at Clint's neck. But Clint ducked and slid under the katana, then fatally sliced Akihiko in the stomach as he slid past.
Raevanna covered her mouth to muffle her shocked and horrified gasp. This wasn't the Clint she remembered. The Clint she knew would've never done something like this.
Wordlessly, Akihiko dropped his katana and fell to his knees. Clint walked up to him, staring at him through his mask.
"Wait!" Akihiko pleaded. "Help me! I'll give you anything! What do you want?"
Raising his katana, Clint glared at him before he said in English, "What I want... You can't give me."
"No," Raevanna whispered, knowing what he was going to do.
She rushed forward, moving silently in order not to startle him and ignoring Natasha's calls to come back. But then, she stopped a few feet away as Clint thrust his blade downwards into Akihiko's stomach, killing him. As the body of the Japanese man fell to the ground, Clint flipped the sword and wiped it on his gauntlet, ridding it of the blood that coated the metal. However, that was when he noticed Raevanna behind him, and his shoulders sagged before grabbed his mask, pulled it off his face, and slid his hood off his head. Then, he turned around and looked at Raevanna, then behind her at Natasha, who had walked up to join her.
"You two shouldn't be here," Clint told them.
"Neither should you," Natasha answered.
"I've got a job to do," Clint said.
"Is that what you're calling this?" Natasha said, gesturing to the dead body at Clint's feet.
"Killing all these people isn't gonna bring your family back," Raevanna agreed. "You know that."
At the her words, Clint began to look emotional, clearly on the verge of crying. The loss of his family was hitting him again, and Raevanna could tell.
"We found something," Raevanna said to him. "A chance, maybe..."
Clint openly began to cry. "Don't...," he said.
"Don't what?" Raevanna asked.
Clint shook his head. "...Don't give me hope."
Natasha smiled sadly. "I'm sorry we couldn't give it to you sooner."
Wordlessly, Raevanna and Natasha walked up to him and embraced him in a three-person hug. Clint began crying harder, breaking down in front of them at their comforting actions, and it was then that Raevanna made a decision. She wouldn't stop trying to fix this. She would keep trying to help and bring back everyone they'd lost, not just for her sake, but for everyone.
Whatever it took.
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A/N: nat is a queen who deserved better. that's all i have to say.
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