HALF AN HOUR LATER, RAEVANNA WAS FLYING OVER WAKANDA ALONG WITH RHODEY AND SAM, KEEPING PACE WITH ONE OF THE WAKANDAN CARRIERS FILLED WITH WAKANDAN SOLDIERS, NATASHA, STEVE AND BUCKY ON BOARD. Bruce ran beside them in the Hulkbuster armor that Rhodey had brought along with him, looking utterly delighted as he leap-jogged alongside them.
As Raevanna flew alongside the carriers, she couldn't deny that she was terrified. She had never faced anything like this before, and it was way more than she signed up for. This wasn't just a battle; this was war, which was something she had little to no experience in. She had no idea what was going to happen or if she was going to even survive, and the uncertainty of the outcome only made her fear worse.
"How we looking, Bruce?" Natasha asked Bruce, snapping Raevanna out of her thoughts.
"Yeah, I think I'm getting the hang of it," Bruce said. "Wow! It's like being the Hulk without actually-" Suddenly he stumbled on a rock and fell to the ground, and a carrier went by him, from which Okoye gave him a dubious look, but Bruce quickly stood up, regathering himself as he said, "I'm okay. I'm okay."
"I got two heat signatures breaking through the tree line," Rhodey said over comms, catching their attention.
Raevanna looked up at the trees, seeing that the heat signatures were Proxima Midnight and Cull Obsidian. Her throat tightened in fear; she knew they would be back.
The carriers swerved into U-turns, causing the crafts to tilt and allow the practiced soldiers to slide over one side into a run, never coming to a complete halt. A Dora Milaje shouted a command nearby as the last Wakandans joined ranks, and the others quickly leapt out of the carrier to join them. Raevanna touched down gracefully before watching Diana and T'Challa approach a group of warriors and begin speaking to what looked like their leaders.
"Hey," Blake said, nudging Raevanna's ribs with her elbow as she approached the young faery. "What's with the sudden fascination with the Amazon? You trying to replace me or something?"
Raevanna turned to Blake, appalled by her words. "What? No, of course not." Sighing softly, her shoulders sagged before she added, "It's just... You remember when I broke up with Steve?"
"And you were moping around like a depressed walrus for the year afterwards?" Blake asked, then nodded and crossed her arms before she went on, "Yeah, I remember."
"Well, Diana's going through the same thing, but with T'Challa," Raevanna said.
Blake's eyes went wide. "Wait, you mean her and Catman used to date?"
Raevanna nodded. "Yeah." Her gaze wandered over to Diana. "And I just don't want her to make the same mistake I did."
Blake turned to look at Diana and T'Challa. "You'd think that a demigod would know how to make a better judgment call."
"That's true," Raevanna said softly. "But even a demigod can be all too human."
Blake glanced at Raevanna in surprise, but didn't reply.
Turning to face the barrier, Raevanna saw that Diana, T'Challa, Steve, and Natasha were walking to the edge, where Proxima Midnight and Cull Obsidian were standing. As they moved, Raevanna stepped forward before taking a spot beside Diana, then proceeded forward until they stopped a few feet away. Proxima drew her sword across the barrier consideringly, testing its strength.
Natasha eyed the two aliens. "Where's your other friend?" she asked coolly.
Proxima glared at the blonde assassin, anger flaring in her eyes at the woman's words. "You will pay for his life with yours. Thanos will have that stone."
Steve shook his head. "That's not gonna happen."
"You are in Wakanda now," T'Challa added. "Thanos will have nothing but dust and blood."
Proxima met his gaze with a challenging glare. "We... have blood to spare." Then, she brandished her sword with a snarl, and the ships behind her began to raise their outer hulls, allowing their hideous alien "passengers" - called Outriders - to disembark.
"Skoros se qogralbar," Raevanna muttered to herself. This even worse than she'd feared.
As the monsters swarmed towards the dome, the five heroes returned to the massed forces.
"Did they surrender?" Bucky asked a bit sardonically when they reached him.
Steve huffed, shaking his head. "Not exactly."
T'Challa immediately stood in front of his troops, facing the enemy. Leading the Wakandans in a war cry, he told them to hold fast as the Outriders bounded toward the barrier, and seconds later Proxima dropped her sword arm down in the signal to attack.
"What the hell," Bucky said flatly, astonished at the numbers of Outriders.
"Looks like we pissed her off," Raevanna said, drawing her sword from its spot at her hip and watching as the Outriders bombarded the force-field, squeezing limbs and bodies partly through, only to be bisected.
"They're killing themselves," Diana said softly.
As a few Outriders managed to squeeze through with their bodies intact, the Border Tribe took a knee and raised their shields. The Kingsguard behind them leveled their sonic spears over their comrades' shoulders, and then, on T'Challa's command, fired at the approaching monsters. Bucky quickly joined in, using his M-249 machine gun, while Bruce fired the Hulkbuster's hand repulsors, and Blake drew her own gun and began firing. Raevanna jumped into the air, hovering over the others before gathering magic in her hands and launching balls of violet energy at the monsters. Sam, who was also soaring overhead, sent a couple Redwings into the fight as he flew, then swooped to fire at the Outriders with his Steyr pistols.
"You seen the teeth on those things?" Sam asked over comms.
"Alright, back up, Sam," Rhodey said as he, too, flew above them. "You're gonna get your wings singed." Once Sam was out of the way, he flew over the heaviest concentration of Outriders and dropped a barrage of mines, all of them exploding fantastically.
As they fought, however, everyone noticed a pack of Outriders starting to run around the force-field to the right of the defenders' position. Raevanna dropped down to the ground, landing beside Steve before watching the Outriders.
Diana, who had seen it as well, turned to Steve. "Captain," she said, "if these things circle the perimeter and get in behind us... there's nothing between them and Vision."
Steve nodded at her. "Them we better keep 'em in front of us," he replied grimly.
Okoye looked to T'Challa. "How do we do that?" she asked.
T'Challa faced her. "We open the barrier."
Raevanna saw a look of horror appear on Diana's face, and without hesitation she rushed over to him and pushed his arm down, stopping him as he lifted his comm. Raevanna couldn't help but shake her head; this wasn't going to help them, and it was obvious as they talked that T'Challa wasn't going to change his mind.
So Diana stepped back, staying silent as T'Challa lifted his wrist and put his comm to his mouth. "On my signal, open North-West Section Seventeen."
"Requesting confirmation, my King," Raevanna heard the Dome Control say, sounding very nervous and unsure. "You said open the barrier?"
T'Challa nodded. "On my signal."
Raevanna sheathed her sword, dropping her hands to her sides before balls of violet fire burst into life around her knuckles. Diana drew her sword as Steve readied one of his Vibranium hand guards, and Blake drew her axe before twirling in in her hand. Then, T'Challa shouted a command in Xhosa, and the Border Tribesmen disengaged their shields and stood as he walked out in front of them, never taking his eyes off the enemy.
T'Challa paused for a split second before shouted, "WAKANDA FOREVER!" Then he crossed his arms over his chest, unsheathed his claws, and closed his Black Panther helmet, charging for the barrier. Raevanna took to the skies and flew above the heroes and leaders as they led the charge, and halfway to the barrier, T'Challa shouted into his comm, "Now!"
The barrier opened at his words, and the Outriders poured through, distracted from trying to find any other access. Raevanna watched as Diana, T'Challa, and Steve pulled ahead rapidly due to their enhancements and abilities, and then literally leapt into battle. Gritting her teeth and pushing down her growing terror, Raevanna dove down into a mass of Outriders, stretching out her wings and using them to knock the monsters back as she sped past. Then, she landed in a clear spot, thrusting her hands down and expelling a pulse of black magic that extended out from her, vaporizing the Outriders in a powerful blast.
But as soon as they were gone, another Outrider leapt out of nowhere, landing on Raevanna's back and digging its fangs into her shoulder. Raevanna cried out in pain, grabbing the monster and pulling it off her body before drawing her sword and lopping its head off. Blood spattered across her face from the attack, but she ignored it as she let out a loud battle cry and took to the air again, using her magic to clear out the Outriders that tried to leap up and attack her.
The fight raged on, but soon Raevanna, Diana, the former Avengers and the Wakandans began to struggle against the seemingly endless stream of Outriders. Looking down, Raevanna saw Steve and T'Challa were fighting side-by-side, and Diana was a few feet away, also fighting. As she used a long, glowing golden lasso to knock away several Outriders, a cry caught Raevanna's attention, and both she and Diana turned and saw Blake get knocked down by an Outrider, then struggle to keep away the fangs that were snapping at her head as Bucky rushed over to help her. When Raevanna looked to her left, she saw Rhodey hovering over the breach, pouring ammunition into the flood of bodies until a huge hammer — Cull Obsidian's — knocked him out of the sky and to the ground, and a few hundred yards away, Bruce was dogpiled and pinned.
Distracted by the attacks on her friends, Raevanna didn't see the two Outriders charging for her. Before Raevanna could even turn to them, they leapt into the air and sunk their claws and fangs into her legs, causing her to cry out in pain and attempt to throw them off her. But then, seconds later, one of the Outriders was pulled down, and Raevanna looked down briefly to see it was Diana, who was now plunging her sword through the monster's head. But as Diana stood up to take care of the other Outrider, dozens more surrounded the Amazon, snarling before they all leapt at her, knocking her onto her back and forcing her sword and shield out of her hands.
"There's too many of them!" Raevanna heard Bruce shout.
The feeling of another Outrider's teeth in her calf brought Raevanna out of her thoughts, and she barely had time to react before a third Outrider grabbed onto her wing and dragged her down to the ground before snapping its jaws at her head. But, just as they started to overwhelm her, a large beam of rainbow-hued light suddenly landed in the middle of the action. An ax then flew out of it, wreathed with lightning as it tore through the Outriders, freeing Diana and the other heroes, then flew back to the light and into its master's hand just as the beam ended, revealing it to be - much to Raevanna's delight - Thor, as well as a teenage tree-creature and a raccoon in a jumpsuit, who chambered a round in its large gun. Natasha, Steve, and T'Challa paused to look at them in astonishment, while Proxima Midnight and Cull Obsidian paused in apprehension.
Bruce opened the Hulkbuster's helm, laughing with joy at the sight of them. "AH-hahaha! You guys are so screwed now!"
"BRING ME THANOS!" Thor bellowed, then charged toward the hordes of Outriders, followed by the tree creature and the raccoon. Lightning gathered around the god of thunder until he finally launched himself into the air before he landed in the densest concentration of Outriders, vaporizing the monsters and making a crater where they had stood.
Raevanna smiled to herself, relieved by his appearance. But then, she was snapped back to reality as more Outriders swarmed around her, and she raised her hands before she created a force field to protect herself. However, as Raevanna struggled to fend them off, they suddenly began disappearing, one by one, as none other than Diana made quick work of them all. Once all the Outriders were gone, Diana walked up to Raevanna and extended her hand to her.
"Come on," Diana said.
Raevanna eyed Diana's hand before taking it, allowing the Amazon to haul her to her feet. "Thanks," Raevanna said with a huff.
"Don't thank me yet," Diana said. Looking around at the battle, she flipped her sword in her hand, her voice grim as she spoke. "This battle is far from over."
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the video for prisoner (dua's collab with miley) dropped today and i stg these bitches need to calm the fuck down. like the sexual tension between those two was fucking insane and that entire video just screamed "lesbians" to me.
i mean, sexy & horny lesbians, but still. lesbians.
TRANSLATIONS (from Valyrian):
Skoros se qogralbar : What the fuck
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