RAEVANNA WOKE UP TO THE FEELING OF HER PHONE VIBRATING AGAINST HER CHEEK. Opening her eyes, she saw that it was still dark out, and her eyes had to squint for a moment as they adjusted to the darkness. Frowning slightly, she reached under her pillow and pulled out her phone, and her frown deepened when she saw it was Wanda.
The truth was, Raevanna hadn't heard from Wanda in awhile. Natasha and Blake had helped set up the young Sokovian woman in a safe house with Vision, and even though Wanda had promised to stay in touch, she had gone radio silent for months. It was worrying, and Raevanna had feared that something had happened to her, but seeing the call told her that Wanda was still alive, which offered some relief.
Pressing the answer button, Raevanna raised the phone to her ear, then said in a teasing yet firm voice, "You better have a good reason for dropping off the face of the earth for five months."
"I know, I'm sorry," Wanda said. "We just wanted some time to be alone."
"I get that, it's just-" Raevanna stopped herself when she sensed the worry behind Wanda's voice. "Hey, is everything alright?"
"Yeah," Wanda said. "Everything's fine, it's just..." She sighed. "Vision's stone is acting strange. And this is the third time in three weeks that it's happened."
Raevanna sat up, instantly on full alert. "Seriously? Wanda, that's not something you keep to yourself. Why didn't you tell us?"
"I'm probably just worrying about nothing," Wanda said dismissively. "It's fine, don't worry about it."
Raevanna shook her head, frowning. "Wanda-"
"It's probably just me," Wanda went on. "Forget I ever called. Bye."
Raevanna started to tell her to wait, but Wanda immediately hung up before Raevanna could even get a word out. Worried and confused, Raevanna looked at the phone screen before putting it back under the pillow and turning to Steve, who was asleep beside her.
"Steve," Raevanna said, shaking his shoulder. "Steve, wake up."
Steve groggily opened his eyes, lifting his head as he looked around. "What is it, what's happening?"
"Wanda just called," Raevanna said.
That woke Steve up almost immediately, his eyes snapping open as he abruptly sat up. "She did? Are she and Vision okay?"
"I'm not sure," Raevanna admitted. "She said Vision's stone was acting strange."
Steve frowned. "What kind of strange?"
Raevanna shook her head. "She didn't say. She just dismissed it and hung up, said it was nothing." Steve's frown deepened, so Raevanna went on, "But she did sound scared. Something's going on, something bad."
Steve rubbed his face thoughtfully, staying silent for a moment before getting out of the creaky old hotel bed. "Well, we have to get to them and make sure they're okay."
"Wait a minute, Steve," Raevanna said, holding out a hand to stop him. "Vision's stone is from another planet. If something's going on with it, then we're gonna need some serious help."
Steve furrowed his brows. "You're saying we need some otherworldly help?"
"I'm saying we need someone who knows how to deal with otherworldly things," Raevanna said. Then, an idea hit her, and she smiled before adding, "And I know just the place to look." Jumping out of bed, she grabbed one of Steve's jackets and tossed it to him. "Hurry up and get dressed, and I'll call Sam and Nat. It's time to visit an old friend."
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Raevanna took a deep breath as she stepped into the new Avengers facility, amazed that her old access code still worked. Steve was right behind her, and Sam and Natasha were a few steps behind him, looking around anxiously as they walked. It was no secret that coming back here was a huge risk, but Raevanna just had to hope that their friend would be willing to help them.
After the huge fight in Germany, Rhodey, who had been partially paralyzed from the waist down, had initially shared Tony's views on Steve's decision to help Bucky. However, after Raevanna returned from Elyon, she had learned that Rhodey had changed his mind, and was now an ally to Steve, Natasha, Sam, and Raevanna. He had restored his friendship with them and was more than willing to help them, which they appreciated. Raevanna just had to hope that he would be willing to help them now.
After walking through the facility, they reached the main hall, where Rhodey was in the kitchen, holding a bottle of alcohol in his hand. He straightened up in surprise upon seeing the four of them, and set the bottle down on the counter before crossing his arms.
"You guys got a lot of balls coming back here," Rhodey commented.
"We wouldn't have come if we had any other option," Raevanna said, trying her best not to stare at his high-tech leg braces.
Rhodey's stern face faded, replaced with a smile as he nodded. "I figured." He walked up to Raevanna and gave her a hug. "Good to see you, Raven."
"You too, Rhodey," Raevanna agreed.
They let go, and Rhodey smiled at the group. "Whatever you guys need, I'll do my best to help."
"We need a computer," Natasha said.
Rhodey frowned. "Why do you guys need a computer?"
"We'll bring you up to speed in a minute," Sam said. "Let's just get this done before Ross finds out we're here."
Rhodey nodded, leading them over to where they kept all the computers. As they walked, Sam and Natasha filled Rhodey in on why they were there, and Rhodey agreed that they needed some backup in order to help Vision. Then, when they reached the right room, Raevanna was the one who sat down at the computer, then looked up at her friends and boyfriend.
"So," Raevanna said, resting her arm on the back of the chair. "Who do you think we should call?"
"The Ghostbusters," Rhodey joked.
Raevanna rolled her eyes. "We're gonna ignore that and move on." She glanced at her team. "Seriously, what do you guys think?"
"I have no idea," Sam admitted. "You're the magical creature here, not us. If anyone would know, it would be you."
"Sam, magical creatures don't attract each other like magnets," Raevanna told him.
Sam shrugged. "I know, but you are the one who suggested it."
Raevanna shrugged as well. "I'm just being logical. Vision's stone is from another world, so we need otherworldly help. It's not that hard."
"Guys, focus," Natasha said to them. "Besides you, Raven, none of us know any magical creatures personally. Which means we're going to have to broaden the field."
Steve nodded. "So what other magical creature do we know besides Raven?"
They were all silent for a moment, thinking of who they could find. Then, a thought occurred to Raevanna, and she turned around to face the computer. "I might know someone."
Steve perked up. "Really? Who?"
"Have you guys ever heard of Wonder Woman?" Raevanna asked. When the others looked at each other in confusion, Raevanna began looking up the information as she said, "Her real name is Diana Prince. She's an Amazon from this island called Themyscira. She came here over a century ago to help stop the first world war, and since then she's been the island's Ambassador and political emissary."
"Really?" Sam said, smiling broadly. "So you mean we finally found someone besides Blake who's older than you?"
Raevanna rolled her eyes. "Ha-ha, very funny." She kept typing away at the computer. "Yes, she is older than me. Much older."
"You said she's an Amazon," Rhodey said. "What's that?"
"A race of warrior women," Raevanna told him. "And not only that, I've heard that she's only half Amazon. She's technically a demigod."
"A demigod?" Natasha said. "You mean-"
"Yes, half-mortal, half-god." Raevanna nodded. "From what I've read, her father is the king of the Greek gods, Zeus. Which makes her incredibly strong."
"But these are all rumors, right?" Steve said. "We don't know if they're true."
"Well, there's only one way to find out." Raevanna pulled up the official site for the French police system - the GIGN - and began typing.
"Is that the GIGN?" Rhodey asked.
Raevanna nodded. "Yep. Most of the sources say Diana operates in Paris. If anyone will have proof of Wonder Woman's existence, it's the French military."
After a moment of searching, however, they came up with nothing. So Rhodey leaned back, puffing air out of his cheeks in frustration. "Well, dammit. We're stuck."
"No we're not," Raevanna said. "Just leave it to me."
Rhodey frowned as Raevanna began typing again. "What, so you're saying you're just gonna hack into the most secure database in Fra-"
"I'm in," Raevanna said, cutting him off as she pulled up some video footage from a few months prior.
Rhodey, Sam, and Natasha glanced at Steve in shock, who shrugged, clearly as surprised as they were.
"Wait," Sam said, pointing to the footage before Raevanna could play it. "This is all in French. How the hell do you even understand this?"
"Blake m'a appris le français après que nous soyons devenus amis," Raevanna replied, causing Sam, Steve, and Rhodey to start in shock. "Elle a dit que c'était une bonne langue à apprendre au cas où j'en aurais besoin. Il s'avère qu'elle avait raison."
Rhodey was silent for a moment before frowning. "Okay, and what exactly did that mean?"
"In Layman's Terms," Natasha told him, "it means she speaks French."
Rhodey huffed, shaking his head in bewilderment. "Okay..."
Raevanna rolled her eyes again, then turned and hit play on the footage. Then, five of them watched as it showed several armed men standing guard in what looked like a hijacked bank. But then, out of nowhere, the doors to one of the rooms flew off their hinges, knocking the men back as a woman with dark hair and red and blue armor burst inside. One of the first men to recover fired his gun at her, but she dodged the bullet lightning fast, then sped over to the men and began taking them out easily, one by one. Raevanna watched, shocked, as one of the men slammed the end of his gun into the woman's head, but she didn't even flinch; instead, she whipped her head around and threw the man clear across the room. Then, she grabbed a briefcase from on top of one of the desks and literally leapt through the ceiling, shattering the glass and concrete.
Next in the video, the remaining man took a machine gun and pointed it at a group of hostages huddled in the corner. But then, the woman returned, dropping down from the ceiling and blocking the bullet just as the man fired. The man kept firing down the line, but the woman moved at blinding speed, blocking every single bullet before stopping in front of the man. He backed up, shocked, before the woman clashed her armored forearms together, creating a pulse of golden-white light that knocked the man back and destroyed the camera, therefore ending the footage.
The five of them were silent for a moment as Raevanna closed the site. Then, Steve decided to speak.
"We need to find her," he said. "Now."
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A/N: y'all shouldn't be surprised that diana is in this, all my marvel fanfics are connected and raevanna showed up in wonder woman so it's obvious that i would have diana show up here.
also i was talking with a friend yesterday and i think i made ultron more menacing than he was in the movie. marvel should takes notes from me smh lol
next chapter is basically gonna be copied and pasted from wonder woman but with some added stuff and some edits so it's from raevanna's pov. enjoy!
Blake m'a appris le français après que nous soyons devenus amis. Elle a dit que c'était une bonne langue à apprendre au cas où j'en aurais besoin. Il s'avère qu'elle avait raison. (French) : Blake taught me French after we became friends. She said that it was a good language to learn in case I ever needed it. Turns out she was right.
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