52 - Trouble in Lagos

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RAEVANNA! ASH CALLED OUT, DARTING BACK INTO THE ROOM. There's something you have to hear!

Raevanna looked up, wiping her red and puffy eyes as she squinted at Ash before planting her head back into the pillow. "I said leave me alone, Ash."

No, you don't understand, Ash insisted, running up to the side of the bed. It's about that woman, Rodi.

Raevanna's head snapped up so she could see him. "You mean the same one who cost me my relationship? Yeah, I don't really want to bring her up again."

Raevanna, she set you up, Ash told her. She works with this man named Zemo, she made sure Steve saw you with her so the two of you would fight. They're trying to split you two and the Avengers up.

Raevanna abruptly sat up, shock washing over her features. "Wait, what?"

Yeah. Ash nodded. They called it Phase One.

Raevanna met his eyes. "Are you serious?"

Of course I am, you know I can't lie, Ash replied.

Raevanna sighed, shaking her head; she knew something was off about that woman. "Okay, so what else did you find out?"

Not much else, Ash said. But I did find out that Rodi isn't her real name. When Raevanna raised an eyebrow in surprise, he explained, That woman's real name is Aphrodite. Like-

"The goddess of love," Raevanna finished with a nod. "That makes sense, her abilities seem to revolve around infatuation and persuasion."

I don't know who she is or what she is, Ash said. But she's obviously not human.

Raevanna nodded again in agreement, lowering her head. "I agree. And I need to tell Steve." Then, without another word, she left the room, leaving so she could tell Steve what Ash had found.

Raevanna walked down the hall, her heart going up to her throat as she grew closer to Steve's room. She was worried that he wouldn't listen to her; that he would ignore what she had been told out of his anger towards her. Raevanna just had to hope that he would listen.

Raevanna paused in front of Steve's door, her bottom lip between her teeth as she thought for a moment. Was this a good idea, talking to him so soon? Would he even want to hear what she had to say?

After a moment of thought, Raevanna took a deep breath and knocked on the door. Steve opened the door a few moments later, his confused expression morphing into a frown when he saw her standing there.

"What do you want, Raven?" Steve asked coldly, crossing his arms.

Raevanna's heart skipped a beat when he used her pseudonym instead of her real name, but she quickly put it aside and spoke to him. "Look, I found something out about that woman."

"You mean the one you just kissed?" Steve rolled his eyes. "I really don't want to bring her up again."

"No, you don't understand," Raevanna said. "She's not who I thought she was, she put me under some kind of spell-"

"You really are trying to sell this, aren't you?" Steve said, cutting her off. "Enough with the spell, Raevanna. There's no such thing as someone who can make you fall in love with them just by looking at them."

"Yes, there is," Raevanna insisted. "Her name is Aphrodite, like the goddess of love. She did something to me, Steve, I know she did-"

"Enough, Raevanna!" Steve snapped. "This nonsense about a goddess of love and putting you under some kind of spell has got to stop!" Raevanna was silent, staring at him in shock, and he huffed dryly, shaking his head. "Your aunt warned me about my loyalty. If only she had known... she needed to worry about you."

Raevanna felt tears well up in her eyes, but she maintained her composure. "Steve..."

"Blake found Rumlow," Steve said, his coldness returning. "We're moving out in fifteen minutes, so I suggest you get ready." Then, he closed the door in her face, leaving her alone in the hallway.

Raevanna watched the closed door for a moment, then quickly wiped her eyes and turned back around. Even though she wasn't going to press the issue now, she wasn't going to give up. She would do anything to prove to Steve that Aphrodite was the cause of this. And she would spend her lifetime trying, if that's what it took.

Returning to her room, Raevanna found Ash waiting patiently for her. He perked his head up slightly as she entered, then cocked it when she began moving around the room, getting ready to leave.

So how'd it go? Ash asked.

"He didn't believe me," Raevanna said.

Ash's head lowered, and if he had ears Raevanna knew they would have drooped. Oh. I'm sorry.

"It's fine." Raevanna shook her head, walking over to her closet and pulling her old black suit out of the back. "But we have a mission right now, so I have to focus."

Are you gonna give up? Ash asked as Raevanna pulled her shirt off her head.

"No, of course not." Raevanna shook her head, changing into her suit before pulling a polo shirt over it. Then, she faced Ash. "Listen. I love Steve more than anything, and if I were to lose him again I'd never be able to live with myself. So if my words can't convince him, I'll just have to get proof. But I can't do it alone." Holding out her arm, she said, "So come on. You're coming with us."

Ash's face brightened, and without hesitation he jumped forward, turning into a tattoo that lay right in the middle of Raevanna's inner forearm. Nodding once to herself, she then turned and left the room so she could go on the mission.

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A few hours later, Raevanna sat in an open courtyard in Lagos, Nigeria. Sam and Steve were off at different vantage points in the city, watching for suspicious activity. Blake sat across the table from her, while Wanda was a few tables away, and Natasha was a few more tables away from her. The four women were all undercover, dressed in civilian clothing as they assessed the situation.

"All right, what do you see?" Steve said after a moment, speaking through their radio.

"Standard beat cops," Wanda said, looking around. "Small station. Quiet street. It's a good target."

"There's an ATM in the south corner, which means..."

"Cameras," Wanda replied.

"Both cross streets are one way," Blake informed her.

Wanda nodded slightly. "So, compromised escape routes."

"Means our guy doesn't care about being seen, he isn't afraid to make a mess on the way out," Raevanna said. "You see that Range Rover halfway up the block?"

"Yeah, the red one? It's cute."

"It's also bulletproof, which means private security, which means more guns, which means more headaches for somebody," Natasha told her, also speaking over the radio. "Probably us."

Wanda lifted her mug to her lips. "You guys know I can move things with my mind, right?"

"Looking over your shoulder needs to become second nature," Natasha told her, leading the young woman to turn around to Natasha, who gave her a little wave.

"Anybody ever tell you you're a little paranoid?" Sam asked Natasha.

"Not to my face," Natasha replied. "Why? Did you hear something?"

"Eyes on target, folks," Steve said to the team as Raevanna chuckled into her drink. "This is the best lead we've had on Rumlow in six months. I don't want to lose him."

Sam huffed in amusement. "If he sees us coming that won't be a problem. He kind of hates us."

After a moment, Raevanna noticed a large garbage truck pushing its way through traffic, with no regard to pedestrians or other vehicles. Steve seemed to notice it, too, for he said to Sam after a moment, "Sam, see that garbage truck? Tag it."

Sam was quiet for a moment before he spoke. "That truck's loaded for max weight. And the driver's armed."

Raevanna's eyes went wide. "It's a battering ram," she said softly.

"Go now," Steve ordered.

Natasha jumped to her feet and ran, followed by Blake and Raevanna. Wanda, however, hesitated in confusion. "What?" she asked.

Raevanna rushed up to Wanda, putting her hand on her shoulder. "He's not hitting the police," Raevanna told her. "So come on, we have to go!"

Wanda jumped to her feet, following Raevanna as they chased after the truck. Then, they arrived at a building labeled "INSTITUTE FOR INFECTIOUS DISEASES" just in time to see the garbage truck slam into the guard station. Then, two trucks rushed into the compound through the newly made hole, and soldiers in black armor emerged from the trucks, firing their rifles around the courtyard. Four of the soldiers fired gas canisters into the building, and several others wearing gas masks entered.

Steve was the first to arrive, taking out several of the soldiers before addressing the team. "Body armor, AR-15's. I make 7 hostiles."

That was when Sam flew in and up to a rooftop, spinning and using his wings to block gunfire before he took out two soldiers. "I make 5," he said.

Then, Wanda arrived, flying over the rooftop and into the courtyard and blocking fire with her powers. She then took control of one soldier and lifted him upward as Raevanna followed behind her, then said, "Sam, Raven."

Sam glided down from the rooftop, catching the soldier on one of his wings. Then, Raevanna spread her wings, flying up and throwing the man down to the ground.

"Four," Sam said.

Soon, Sam's drone, Redwing, flew by, scanning the inside of the building. "Rumlow's on the third floor," Sam said.

Steve nodded, then turned to Wanda. "Wanda, just like we practiced."

"What about the gas?" Wanda asked.

"You and Raven get it out."

Wanda nodded, then quickly used her powers to lift Steve up and through the window. As soon as he was inside Wanda raised her hands to the building, preparing to take out the gas. Raevanna stepped beside her, extending her hands to use her magic on the gas as well. But when she tried to do so, nothing happened. Confused, Raevanna jerked her hands a little, but no magic came out. So she tried again, only to get the same result.

"Raven, are you alright?" Wanda asked, frowning at Raevanna in concern.

Raevanna shook her head. "I'm... I'm not sure."

Wanda nodded at her after a moment. "Then go help Steve. I can handle this."

Raevanna hesitated. "Are you sure?"

"Yes." Wanda nodded again. "Now go, quickly."

Raevanna dipped her head in a nod of thanks, then spread her wings, flying up into the air and through the window before landing inside the building. She arrived just in time to see Steve throw his shield from around a pillar, the vibranium weapon ricocheting off two soldiers before returning to him. As a third soldier rushed towards Steve, Raevanna lunged, grabbing the soldier's vest, then lifted him up into the air and threw him into the ceiling, stepping back as he dropped to the floor.

Steve turned to Raevanna, annoyance in his eyes as he looked at her. "What are you doing here, I thought I told you to stay with Wanda to get the gas out."

"I tried," Raevanna told him. "I can't."

Steve frowned. "What do you mean, you can't?"

"My magic's not working," Raevanna said. "I couldn't get the gas out, and it took half my strength just to do that." She pointed to the soldier she had thrown. "I think... I think my magic has been cut off."

Steve crossed his arms. "But you still have your wings."

Raevanna sighed. "That's true." Then, a thought occurred to her, and she said half-to herself, "But I don't think I..." Shaking her head, she straightened up and tried to make her wings disappear. Nothing. She concentrated hard, trying again, but they wouldn't turn into tattoos. They just stayed there, her feathers rustling slightly in the wind. "Shit," Raevanna hissed.

"What?" Steve asked.

"They're not going away," Raevanna said to him. "I made my wings come out to fight, but now I can't hide them again." She shook her head again. "I seriously think my magic has been blocked."

Steve frowned. "Which means...?"

"Which means I can't use it," Raevanna said. "I'm basically just a girl with wings."

Steve was silent for a moment, his eyes softening in concern. But it was short-lived, for they almost immediately hardened again, and he huffed. "We'll figure it out later. Let's go find Rumlow first." Then he ran off without waiting for a reply.

Raevanna shook her head, sighing softly. She knew it would take a long time for him to heal from what had happened - it had hurt him deeply and it was obvious. She just had to prove to him her suspicions about Aphrodite, and wait for his heart to heal so he could see the truth and forgive her.

If he ever decided to forgive her at all.

Raevanna ran through the building, following Steve until they reached one of the labs. She stopped beside him, dread filling inside her when she saw an empty vial-shaped space labeled "bio-hazard" in front of them.

"Rumlow has a biological weapon," Steve said, addressing the team.

"I'm on it," Natasha replied over comms.

"Right behind you, Nat," Blake added.

Steve turned to Raevanna. "Go help them, I'll take care of Rumlow."

Raevanna shook her head firmly. "No. I'm staying here, and I'm helping you."

Steve snorted in frustration. "If you don't have magic anymore-"

"Doesn't mean I'm helpless," Raevanna finished, crossing her arms. "Magic or not, I'm still the same person. I just have to rely on different tactics to fight."

Steve set his jaw, clearly annoyed with her. "Go help Blake and Romanoff, now." When Raevanna started to protest he snapped, "That's an order, Raven." Then he turned and ran off.

Raevanna huffed, shaking her head. "You don't get to give me orders," she muttered. Then, she hurried off after him.

Raevanna ran out onto the balcony, arriving just in time to spot Rumlow - wearing heavy black armor and a helmet painted like a skull - aiming a mounted grenade launcher at Steve. Before Raevanna could even move, Steve raised his shield as Rumlow fired, and the grenade slammed into the shield, throwing both Steve and Raevanna back inside. They both quickly scrambled to their feet, rushing outside again, only to have Rumlow fire two more times. The impact of both grenades threw them out a window, onto a truck, and finally to the ground, and while Raevanna landed hard, the wind knocked out of her, Steve struggled to rise, and managed to get his legs under him.

"Sam," Steve said. "He's in an AFV heading north."

Raevanna's head was pounding, and she winced as she pushed herself to an upright position, feeling the scrapes and bruises on her skin. Eventually getting to her feet, she put her hands on her ribs and faced Steve, who was watching her with guarded concern.

"You okay?" he asked.

Raevanna straightened up, exhaling softly as she nodded. "Yeah. I'm alright."

Steve nodded back. "Good. Let's go, then."

They ran off, following Rumlow through the market. As they ran, Raevanna had to weave in and around the stalls and stands, trying her best to keep her wings from knocking things over. She was already receiving hundreds of confused looks for having them; she didn't need to give another reason to draw attention to herself. And the farther she went, the more she felt like Aphrodite had been the one who had blocked her magic, which meant she had to find the woman and demand answers.

"I got four, they're splitting up," Sam said, snapping Raevanna out of her thoughts.

"I got the two on the left," Natasha said.

"Sam and I will take the ones on the right," Blake added.

Steve and Raevanna nodded, running across the tops and hoods of cars. Then, Raevanna stopped, spotting a vest in the middle of a crowd. So she jumped down, with Steve right behind her.

"They ditched their gear," Steve said. "It's a shell game now. One of them has the payload."

Suddenly, someone threw a bomb at Steve. It stuck on his shield, and he looked up at Raevanna before he threw it in the air, causing the bomb to detonate safely away from citizens. But then, out of nowhere, someone came up behind Steve and punched him in the back, sending him flying, and Raevanna had no time to respond before the same person did the same to her, knocking her into a stall with a loud crash.

"There you are, you son of a bitch," Rumlow sneered, stomping up to Steve. "I've been waiting for this!"

Steve got to his feet, blocking Rumlow's swing before the two began to fight. Raevanna jumped back up as well, then joined the fight, swinging and punching at Rumlow as fast as she could. But then, he suddenly punched Steve away, then grabbed Raevanna's hair and yanked her back before holding his fist in front of her face, watching her as she panted heavily and glared at him.

"What's the matter, Tinker Bell?" Rumlow taunted. "All out of magic tricks?"

Raevanna continued to glare at him for a moment before her eyes drifted down to the tattoo of Ash on her forearm, and a smirk spread across her lips. "Not quite," she retorted.

Then she reeled backwards and bashed her head into his face, causing him to cry out in pain and let go of her. As soon as she was free, she landed on her back, then lifted her arm and pointed the tattoo at Rumlow, and without hesitation Ash sprang out, tackling the man with a fierce growl before pummeling and tearing at him and his armor.

Raevanna jumped up, rushing over to Steve and kneeling beside him. "Hey, you okay?" she asked as he sat up.

Steve nodded at her, but didn't reply. Instead, he got to his feet, and Raevanna did the same, then spun around just in time to see Rumlow shove Ash away from him, then lunge for the creature with a knife in his hand.

Steve leapt into action, jumping between Ash and Rumlow before battling him again. Raevanna rushed over to Ash, calling him back to his tattoo form before rejoining the battle alongside Steve. However, after several minutes of relentless fighting, neither side seemed to have the upper hand.

"Come on!" Rumlow shouted as the fight went on.

Out of nowhere, the man then kicked Raevanna away before he pinned Steve to a building and extended a blade from one of his gauntlets.

"This is for dropping a building on my face," Rumlow hissed, leaning the blade closer to Steve's neck.

However, before Rumlow could stab him, Steve grabbed the man's arm and yanked the gauntlet off - only for Rumlow to reveal another knife. Raevanna jumped back in when she saw the knife, grabbing Rumlow's arm and tearing the weapon from his hand. Then, she tossed it aside and kicked him hard between the legs, and as he bent over from the pain she roundhouse kicked him in the head, knocking him down and ending the fight.

Defeated, Rumlow rose to his knees in front of Steve and Raevanna, then removed his mask, revealing a face that was covered in nasty burn scars.

"I think I look pretty good, all things considered," Rumlow said breathlessly.

"Who's your buyer?" Steve snapped.

"You know, he knew you," Rumlow replied, ignoring his question. "Your pal, your buddy, your Bucky."

Steve took a step closer in shock, unsure of why Rumlow mentioned Bucky's name. "What did you say?"

"He remembered you," Rumlow told him. "I was there. He got all weepy about it. Till they put his brain back in a blender." Still out of breath, he went on, "He wanted you to know something. He said to me, 'Please tell Rogers... When you

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