39 - Language!

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RAEVANNA SWIFTLY DUCKED UNDER THE ARM OF A HYDRA SOLDIER, POPPING BACK UP BEFORE ELBOWING HIM IN THE BACK. Blue explosions made from strange otherworldly energy went off around her, churning the ground and sending snow flying, but she paid it no attention as she sidestepped away from a soldier's swing and grabbed the back of his neck before slamming him into the ground.

After her and Steve's return from Elyon, things had slowly begun to return to normal - or as normal as things could get for them. In between missions with the Avengers - most of which involving the remnants of HYDRA - the two had spent their time looking for Bucky. But no matter how hard they looked, the man had vanished. All their leads led to dead ends, and it was disheartening.

After some convincing from Steve, Raevanna had resumed seeing Dr. Hansen, and even though Raevanna still couldn't stand the blonde woman, she had to admit that it was helping. She was able to open up a little more about her parents' death, but not enough to the point where one could consider it progress. It wasn't that she didn't want to; it was just that she didn't trust the doctor enough to say more.

So now, as Raevanna used her magic to fling several HYDRA soldiers away from her, the last session she had with the doctor was pushed to the back of her mind. She had other things to think about - like this mission, for starters. The Avengers were here at this HYDRA base in Sokovia to locate Loki's scepter, and judging by the response from the soldiers, they most likely had it.

As Raevanna fought the soldiers, she looked up to see Tony flying through the air in his Iron Man suit. Then, out of nowhere, he bounced off of the base's force field, hurtling through the air before righting himself.

"Shit!" Tony hissed.

"Language!" Steve scolded as he rode through the snowy terrain on his bike, then said, "JARVIS, what's the view from upstairs?"

"The central building is protected by some kind of energy shield," JARVIS replied. "Strucker's technology is well beyond any other HYDRA base we've taken."

"Loki's scepter must be here," Thor said. "Strucker couldn't mount this defense without it. At long last."

"At long last is lasting a little long, boys," Natasha said.

"Yeah," Clint agreed. "I think we lost the element of surprise."

"No shit, Sherlock," Raevanna said. "Cause these guys are totally trying to blow us up just for the fun of it."

"Raven," Steve said sternly. Then he snapped to Tony, "You see what you did?"

"Oh, calm down, Spangles," Tony retorted. "We all know that Raven's been using language like that since 2012."

"He's right, Cap," Natasha said.

"Yeah, it's not anything new," Clint added.

"Wait a second," Tony cut in sharply. "No one else is going to deal with the fact that Cap just said 'language?'"

Steve sighed. "I know." He threw his bike at some soldiers driving up in their truck, then muttered, "It just slipped out."

Raevanna chuckled to herself, then turned and slammed her hands together, forcing two HYDRA soldiers to crash into each other. But then, out of nowhere, a silver blur slammed into her, sweeping her feet out from under her and knocking her flat on her back. Raevanna gasped when her back hit the snowy ground, and she looked up just in time to see a blonde boy in a dark blue windbreaker look down at her and smirk before speeding off in a streak of silver light.

"Uh, guys?" Raevanna said as she got to her feet. "We have a new player in the game here."

"Raven's right," Steve said over comms. "We have an enhanced in the field."

"Clint's hit!" Natasha said, and Raevanna realized the speeding man must've caught Clint off guard, which resulted in him being shot. "Somebody want to deal with that bunker?" That was when the Hulk stormed by, coming to the rescue by smashing into the bunker, and the redhead said quickly, "Thank you."

As Raevanna continued to fight against the soldiers, she huffed and said, "Tony, we really need to get inside."

"I'm closing in," Tony replied, and a few moments later there was a loud explosion, and he then said, "Drawbridge is down, people."

A pause in the fighting led Raevanna to regroup with Steve and Thor. Despite the cold, a thin layer of sweat lined her brow, and she quickly wiped it away before looking at the two men.

"The enhanced?" Thor asked Steve.

"He's a blur," Steve told him. "All the new player's we've faced, I've never seen this. In fact, I still haven't."

"Clint's hit pretty bad, guys," Natasha said over comms. "We're gonna need evac."

"I can get Barton to the jet," Thor said to Steve and Raevanna. "The sooner we're gone the better. You two and Stark secure the scepter."

Steve nodded. "Copy that."

That was when a few soldiers began to approach in their HYDRA tank. The three heroes looked at it, unfazed.

"Looks like they're lining up," Thor said.

"Well, they're excited," Steve answered.

Raevanna smiled, rolling her eyes in amusement before gathering magic in her hands and slamming them to the ground just as Thor pounded on Steve's shield with his hammer. The earth churned and rippled from Raevanna's magic, and combined with the pulse from Steve's shield, it promptly knocked down all the soldiers.

"Find the scepter," Thor said once they were down. Then he flew off without another word.

"And for gosh sake, watch your language!" Tony joked.

Steve sighed. "That's not going away anytime soon," he muttered.

Raevanna smiled at him. "It's your own fault, you know."

Steve smiled back, shaking his head. "Don't rub it in."

Raevanna's smile widened, and she pressed a swift kiss to his cheek before saying to Natasha, "Everything good, Nat?"

"We're locked down out here," Natasha replied.

"Then get to Banner," Steve said, motioning for Raevanna to follow. "Time for a lullaby."

The couple ran to the HYDRA base. Raevanna easily broke down the door and immobilized the guards, and Steve took care of the rest before they burst into another room, where none other than Baron Van Strucker was trying to hide something. The man froze when he saw the two, looking at the two in brief panic.

"Baron Strucker," Steve said. "HYDRA's number one thug."

Strucker smirked at the two. "Technically, I'm a thug for SHIELD."

Raevanna scoffed. "Well then technically you're unemployed."

"Where's Loki's scepter?" Steve questioned him.

Strucker's smirk widened. "Don't worry, I know when I'm beat. You'll mention how I cooperated, I hope."

Steve rolled his eyes. "I'll put it right under illegal human experimentation."

The mere thought of Strucker's action made Raevanna's eyes narrow and her jaw tighten. "How many are there?" she demanded.

Suddenly, out of nowhere, something slammed into Steve, sending him flying. Raevanna spun around just as a blast of red energy slammed into her as well, and she was knocked across the room. Landing hard on her side, she looked up just in time to see a girl in red back away from the open door before it swung shut.

"We have a second enhanced," Steve warned the team as he and Raevanna got to their feet. "Female. Do not engage."

Raevanna huffed, rolling her shoulders before she looked at Strucker, who seemed very pleased with himself. Then, the man taunted, "You'll have to be faster than-"

Before he could finish, Steve threw his shield at Strucker, and the weapon rammed into Strucker at full force, knocking him out instantly.

Raevanna glanced at Steve in surprise, who simply shrugged before addressing the team. "Guys, I got Strucker," he said.

"Yeah," Tony replied. "I got... something bigger."

Raevanna faced Steve, raising an eyebrow in confusion. But just as she started to ask, a strange sound hit her sensitive ears, and she perked up, her brow furrowing in confusion.

"Raevanna," Steve said, noticing her reaction. "What is-"

Raevanna shushed him, holding up her hand before walking forward. Now on full alert, she listened closely for the sound until it came again, this time a little louder.

It was crying.

Raevanna followed the source of the sound, weaving around the room before she stopped in front of a brick wall. But she could feel an air current whispering through the cracks, so she drew back her fist, coated it in magic and struck the wall hard. The impact of her knuckles hitting the wall blew open a huge hole in the stone, and Raevanna hopped into the room on the other side of the hole before looking down and gasping.

"What?" Steve asked, rushing over and hopping into the room as well. "What did you-" He stopped when he saw what Raevanna was looking at, and his hands balled into fists. "Oh my god."

It was a girl, barely older than seventeen by the looks of her. She was thin, but Raevanna could tell that she had once been strong. Her clothes were dirty and ragged, and there were cuts, scrapes, and fading bruises on her exposed skin. Tears streamed down the girl's face as she hugged her knees to her chest, and when she looked up, Raevanna saw the huge scar over her left eye.

To any other person, the girl would appear normal. But the reptilian eyes, bright purple hair, and dragon wings told Raevanna that the girl was a Dragonborn.

From Elyon.

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A/N: dun dun duuuuuuunnnn!!

lol well here we are in the start of age of ultron! y'all shouldn't be surprised that i added a new character, but tbh i don't think she'll get her own fanfiction. she'll probably just be a side character in this act alone.

anyway, ready for the big reveal?


the dragonborn

i appreciate all that you've done for me, raevanna. i really do. but all i want is to go home. i don't fit in here, and i probably never will. you and i both know it.

LISTEN, i know jamie plays blink in the gifted but i really felt like her look works for a dragonborn so don't hate, okay? okay :)

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