THE TRIP BACK TO THE TRISKELION WAS VERY LONG AND VERY TENSE. Both Steve and Raevanna were upset with Natasha for not telling them about her separate mission, but it was Raevanna who knew that it had been Fury who had assigned it to her. So she had convinced Steve to go with her to confront him about it, knowing that if anything, Fury would tell her why he did what he did.
Sure, Raevanna did respect Fury. He was a good leader, and since she worked for SHIELD she had to (for the most part) follow his orders. But she did not trust him in the slightest. A man with as many secrets as him couldn't be trusted, in her opinion. Tony's words to her three years prior had rung true: his secrets have secrets. And Raevanna didn't like it one bit.
When they arrived at the Triskelion, Raevanna led Steve through the halls and towards Fury's office. Raevanna's eyes were narrowed slightly in anger as she pushed open the door; she had many strong words for the man.
"You just can't stop yourself from lying, can you?" Raevanna snapped to Fury as they entered.
"I didn't lie," Fury replied calmly, clearly knowing what Raevanna and Steve were upset about. "Agent Romanoff had a different mission than yours."
"Which you didn't feel obliged to share," Steve argued.
"I'm not obliged to do anything," Fury replied.
"Those hostages could've died, Nick," Raevanna said.
"I sent two of the greatest heroes in history to make sure that didn't happen," Fury told her.
"Soldiers trust each other, that's what makes it an army," Steve said. "Not a bunch of guys running around and shooting guns."
"The last time I trusted someone, I lost an eye." Fury glanced at the two. "Look, I didn't want you two doing anything you weren't comfortable with. Agent Romanoff is comfortable with everything."
"I can't lead a mission when the people I'm leading have missions of their own," Steve told him.
"It's called compartmentalization," Fury informed him. "Nobody spills the secrets because nobody knows them all."
Steve pointed at Fury. "Except you."
Fury was silent for a moment before he spoke. "You're wrong about me. I do share. I'm nice like that."
He gestured for the two to follow him, turning and walking out of the office. Raevanna glanced at Steve in confusion before she trailed after the man, stepping into an elevator with Steve following behind her.
"Insight Bay," Fury said once the doors closed.
"Agent Knight and Captain Rogers do not have clearance for Project Insight," the SHIELD computer answered.
"Director override, Fury, Nicholas J," Fury told it.
"Confirmed," the computer said, and at those words the elevator started moving down.
The three were quiet as the elevator went down. Raevanna's hands drummed against her thigh, her eyes down as she pushed down her growing emotions. As much as she hated to admit it, Fury was just doing his job. She couldn't fault him for that.
"You know, they used to play music," Steve said after a moment.
Fury chuckled. "Yeah. My grandfather operated one of these things for forty years." Looking around, he leaned back and put his hands in his pockets before addressing the two. "My granddad worked in a nice building, he got good tips. He'd walk home every night, roll of ones stuffed in his lunch bag. He'd say 'hi', people would say hi back. Time went on, neighborhood got rougher. He'd say 'hi', they'd say, 'Keep on steppin'.' Granddad got to grippin' that lunch bag a little tighter."
"Did he ever get mugged?" Raevanna asked.
Fury shrugged. "Every week some punk would say, 'What's in the bag?'"
"What did he do?" Steve asked him.
"He'd show 'em," Fury replied. "Bunch of crumpled ones... and loaded .22 Magnum." Fury smiled. "Granddad loved people. But he didn't trust them very much."
Raevanna was silent as the elevator continued down. Fury had a point; trust was something that was earned, not given, and not everyone deserved trust right away. But with trust also came respect, and she knew that if you lost that trust, the respect that came along with it would be lost as well. And both were things that were hard to gain back.
While deep in her thoughts, Raevanna's eyes wandered up. Almost immediately they widened when she saw what was in the Insight Bay, and her jaw dropped slightly in shock. So she nudged Steve with her elbow, then jerked her head in the direction of the bay, which also caused Steve's eyes to widen.
"Yeah, I know," Fury told them. "They're a little bit bigger than a .22."
They were Helicarriers. Three massive, highly advanced Helicarriers, which were almost fully functional as agents worked around it. Fury showed Raevanna and Steve around, and as they walked Raevanna saw that the Helicarriers had giant cannons and guns mounted on the sides.
"This is Project Insight," Fury said to them. "Three next generation Helicarriers synced to a network of targeting satellites."
"Launched from the Lemurian Star," Steve said knowingly.
"Once we get them in the air they never need to come down," Fury said. "Continuous suborbital flight courtesy of our new repulsor engines."
"Stark?" Steve asked.
"Well, he had a few suggestions once he got an up close look at our old turbines." Fury looked around at the carriers. "These new long range precision guns can eliminate a thousand hostiles a minute. The satellites can read a terrorist's DNA before he steps outside his spider hole. We gonna neutralize a lot of threats before they even happen."
Raevanna crossed her arms, appalled by his words. "I thought the punishment usually came after the crime," she said.
"We can't afford to wait that long," Fury replied.
Raevanna's brow furrowed. "Who's 'we'?"
"After New York, I convinced the World Security Council we needed a quantum surge in threat analysis," Fury answered. "For once we're way ahead of the curve."
"By holding a gun at everyone on Earth and calling it protection," Steve said, his anger and disgust as obvious as Raevanna's.
Fury gave them a look. "You know, I read those SSR files. Greatest generation? You guys did some nasty stuff."
"Yeah, we compromised," Steve retorted. "Sometimes in ways that made us not sleep so well. But we did it so the people could be free."
"He's right, Nick," Raevanna agreed. "This isn't freedom, this is fear."
"SHIELD takes the world as it is, not as we'd like it to be," Fury told them, clearly growing annoyed with them. "It's getting damn near past time for you two to get with that program."
Raevanna was silent, glaring at him. Then, she huffed, frustrated. "Don't hold your breath." Then she turned and stormed off.
Fury and Steve watched her go, silent. Then, Steve turned to Fury, raising an eyebrow.
"What happened to her?" Steve asked.
Fury shrugged. "She had to leave you behind." When Steve frowned in confusion, Fury explained, "A broken heart can change a person, Captain. Especially when that someone still loves you."
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Later that day, Steve, now dressed in casual clothes and a baseball cap, took off on his motorcycle, heading away from the Triskelion in order to clear his head. The Smithsonian had dedicated an entire exhibit to Captain America, and he often went there to ground himself; to remind him of who and what he was fighting for.
When he got there, the museum was crowded with people, as usual. Steve wandered around, heading for the exhibit. No one really recognized him, thankfully, so he was able to get there undetected.
"A symbol to the nation," the Smithsonian Narrator spoke from overhead at the beginning of the exhibit. "A hero to the world. The story of Captain America is one of honor, bravery and sacrifice."
Steve walked inside, looking around at the replicas and displays. But then, he turned around and bumped into someone. The woman almost fell over from the impact of her hitting him, but Steve's hand shot out, and he grabbed her wrist before pulling her up to him. However, she was lighter than he expected, and she stumbled forward before bumping into him again. Steve started to apologize, but then he stopped himself when he saw who it was.
"Raevanna?" Steve said in confusion.
Raevanna smiled apologetically, quickly stepping back when she saw who it was. She was also dressed in casual clothes - an army green windbreaker and dark jeans - and her hair was tucked under a baseball cap as well. However, she also had very large glasses on her face, which further masked her appearance.
"Uh, hi," Raevanna said. "Sorry, I wasn't looking where I was going."
Steve withheld a smile at the adorable tint of pink in her cheeks. "It's fine, neither was I," he said. Frowning slightly, he added, "So... what are you doing here?"
"I, uh... I needed a break," Raevanna said. "After that whole... thing with Fury, I needed to get out and take some time for myself."
"Right." Steve grinned knowingly. "In the Captain America exhibit."
Raevanna snorted, crossing her arms. "I'll have you know I was going around the entire museum," she retorted. "Not just here."
Steve nodded in amusement. "Oh, sure. Right."
Raevanna rolled her eyes. "You know what, Rogers? You need to be stopped."
Steve just laughed softly, and he smiled wider when Raevanna grinned and shook her head with a quiet laugh.
"So what are you doing here, Captain?" Raevanna asked him.
"Same reason as you, actually," Steve said, then grinned and added when Raevanna raised an eyebrow, "And no, it's not because I'm some kind of narcissist."
Raevanna tilted her head. "Oh, no, no. Of course not."
Steve rolled his eyes in amusement. "And you tell me I need to be stopped."
Raevanna's eyes scrunched up as her nose crinkled in amusement, and her tongue pushed out between her teeth. Then, they both were quiet for a moment before Raevanna wound a lock of her hair around her finger. "Well, I should get going. I have a date tonight."
Steve couldn't stop his face from falling at her words. "A... a date? W-with who?"
Raevanna's grin stayed on her face, though her voice was dead serious as she spoke. "My couch and a bottle of wine." Steve frowned, trying to understand her words, and she winked before saying, "See you around, Captain." Then she maneuvered around him and walked off.
Steve watched her go, her words suddenly clicking in his brain. Then, he smiled to himself and shook his head before walking through the rest of the exhibit, unable to keep her out of his mind.
Meanwhile, Raevanna walked out of the museum, smiling to herself at Steve's reaction. But then, her phone vibrated, and after looking at the caller ID she put her Bluetooth earpiece into her ear and turned it on before answering the call.
"You better not start with Twinkle Toes," Raevanna said with a grin.
"Yeah, umm... that's not gonna happen," came Blake's voice, and Raevanna's heart jolted when she heard how frightened and tired her friend sounded.
"Blake?" Raevanna asked, instantly worried. "What's wrong?"
"I need you to get back to the Triskelion, now," Blake said. "It's Fury."
"Why, what happened?" Raevanna asked.
"Someone... someone just tried to kill us."
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Raevanna burst through the hospital doors, her heart practically in her throat as she rushed down the hall. When Blake had told Raevanna that an assassin had tried to kill Fury and Blake herself, Raevanna was shocked. Knowing Fury's profession, she had to admit that she wasn't surprised that he would want to be killed, but she was surprised that Blake would be targeted as well. Blake's past was shrouded in mystery; not even the best SHIELD agents knew much about her. True, Blake had been around for centuries and had made many enemies, but she was so good at keeping off the radar that most people who would've wanted her dead didn't even know what she looked like. To most, Blake was just a normal person — you could get the vibe that she was a warrior, not an immortal.
Raevanna rushed up to Natasha, Blake, and Steve, who were already there. Fury had been hit worse than Blake — three gunshot wounds to the abdomen — but Blake was pretty bad too. She had been shot in the arm and shoulder, and had a nasty cut over her left eye — received from the car crash that the assassin had triggered. But even so, the wounds were gone now, the only evidence of them being the dried blood on her face and the bulletholes in her clothing.
"Oh my god," Raevanna said, hugging Blake tightly. "Are you okay?"
Blake nodded. "Yeah, I'm okay."
Raevanna leaned back, touching one of the holes in Blake's shirt. "Did it hurt?"
"Of course it did," Blake replied, giving her a small smile. "But I'm good now. No worries."
Raevanna just shook her head, turning to the window as she, Blake, Steve, and Natasha watched the doctors operating on Fury.
"Is he gonna make it?" Natasha asked, addressing her question towards either Blake or Steve — both of which had encountered the assassin.
"I don't know," Steve said.
"Tell us about the shooter," Raevanna said.
"He's fast and strong," Steve said.
"Had a metal arm," Blake added.
Raevanna saw a strange look pass over Natasha's face at Blake's words, almost as if she recognized the fact that the assassin had a metal arm. But before Raevanna could ask her about it, Agent Hill joined them, also watching the operation.
"Ballistics?" Natasha asked.
"Three slugs, no rifling," Agent Hill replied. "Completely untraceable."
Natasha nodded. "Soviet-made."
Maria Hill turned to her, surprised. "Yeah."
Suddenly Fury state began to deteriorate, and the five turned to the window, watching in shock as he began to flatline.
"Don't do this to me, Nick," Natasha whispered as Fury was given a shock with a defibrillator, followed by another. "Don't do this to me, Nick. Don't do this to me."
They continued to watch the doctors as they tried to revive Fury. But it was no use. He was still showing as flatlining.
Steve turned away, and Raevanna bit back tears as the doctors finally called his time of death.
Director Fury was gone, and there was nothing any of them could do.
Raevanna blinked a few times to get rid of her tears, then turned and walked away. Guilt was eating away at her, for the last thing she and Fury had done together was fight. However many secrets he kept or however many times he frustrated her, Fury was the reason why Raevanna was a SHIELD agent in the first place. He had been the only one of high power who had vouched for her when she was brought before the World Security Council, who were hesitant to let a magical creature such as herself join their ranks after the Battle of New York. Fury had continued to vouch for her even after that, and he had believed in her and what she could do.
Raevanna leaned her head back, closing her eyes as tears began to fall down her face. Why was it that she had to lose all the people she'd grown to care for? And why did it have to be murder, instead of natural causes? She'd already lost her parents. Then Dr. Erskine, and now Fury. She couldn't bear the thought of losing anyone else.
"Rave," a voice said.
Raevanna lifted her head and opened her eyes, quickly wiping away her tears as Blake walked up to her. The agent's warm hazel-green eyes were full of concern as she looked at Raevanna, who was struggling not to break down.
"Hey," Blake said knowingly. "It's not your fault. Don't blame yourself."
Raevanna sniffed, wiping her eyes again. "I don't blame myself for it." She looked up at her friend. "But I am mad at myself for having our last interaction be a fight."
"He wasn't," Blake said. When Raevanna frowned in surprise and confusion, Blake explained, "I was with him before the crash. He felt bad about lying to you and not telling you about Nat's mission. Even went as far as trying to postpone Project Insight until he could figure out another alternative."
Raevanna blinked. "But I thought he didn't-"
"He did care," Blake said. "He cared about you a lot. And he respected you. You've made a lot of sacrifices to keep this planet safe, Raevanna, and that never went unnoticed."
Raevanna couldn't help but smile at her words. It did make her feel better, knowing that Fury felt that way. Her conscience felt eased, and her heart felt lighter.
Blake grinned sadly. "Now, come on. If you want to say goodbye, you gotta do it now."
Raevanna followed Blake back and into a room. Fury's body had been laid out on a table, and Natasha and Steve were already there. Natasha was looking at Fury's body with tears running down her face, but not saying a word.
Raevanna stood beside Natasha, looking down at the man. Then, she ran two fingers along the bridge of his nose, whispering in Valyrian, "Goodbye, my friend. Though your body is dead, your soul lives on, here with us and those who loved you. Your presence on this Earth while your heart was still beating was one that truly mattered, and tonight, the spirits of the heavens have a new member to join them. You will be forever missed, but never forgotten." She looked down at him and gave him a sad, tender smile before switching to English. "May you find the peace and rest you so rightfully deserve."
Natasha glanced at Raevanna, nodding faintly in approval as Agent Hill joined them.
"I need to take him," Agent Hill told them.
When Natasha didn't respond, Steve walked over to her. "Natasha," he said.
Natasha still didn't respond; instead she tenderly touched Fury's head before she turned and walked out, with Steve following her as he called out her name again.
Raevanna watched them go, then turned back to Fury, wiping her eyes again.
"I don't know what you said," Agent Hill said to her. "But it sounded beautiful."
Raevanna nodded at her. "It's the words we speak to our loved ones when we gather for their passing." Agent Hill frowned slightly, so Raevanna explained, "It's what we say when we bury our dead." She turned to look at Fury again. "He was a good man, and a dutiful soldier. I'm proud to have known him."
Agent Hill smiled. "He felt the same way about you."
Raevanna grinned back, nodding gratefully at the woman. But then, before anyone could say anything else, Rumlow poked his head into the room.
"Blake, they need you back at SHIELD," he said to Blake.
Blake straightened up, nodding. "Y-yeah. Can you give me a minute?"
"They need you now," Rumlow snapped. "Let's go, come on."
"Hey," Raevanna said sternly, stepping between her friend and the man. "Try to have a heart, Rumlow. She just lost Fury and she almost died."
"Yeah, but we all lost Fury," Rumlow retorted coldly. "So there's no reason to get all weepy about it till after we find out who did it."
Raevanna opened her mouth to protest, but Blake stopped her, putting her hand on the young faery's arm.
"It's okay, Rave," Blake assured her. "I'll go, it's fine." Then she turned and went up to Rumlow, shoving past him as she snapped with a hint of her old humor, "Try to keep up, Grease Lightning."
Raevanna shook her head with a smile, then left the room
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