011. Too Many Short Jokes

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Chapter Eleven
Too Many Short Jokes

     THE MORE TORI NOTICED MF GLARING AT CHERYL, THE MORE CURIOUS SHE BECAME as to why she was glaring. Did Cheryl get caught up in some drama with the Serpent girl? But then again, that wouldn't really be a surprise to Tori considering how Cheryl Blossom was the Queen of Drama at Riverdale High. Every time she asked Cheryl what was going on, the redhead simply changed the subject so Tori came to the conclusion that it was just none of her business so she should just stop asking. Cheryl had to leave school early for a doctor's appointment so Tori ended up walking to her locker alone after biology class.


     Tori recognized Fangs' voice and rolled her eyes and she turned to face him as he made his way towards her.

     "If you're here to crack short jokes, feel free to keep walking," Tori said while slamming her locker shut.

     "I came to ask if you wanted to join us at the arcade. We didn't really get to properly welcome MF back so we figured why not spend some time at the arcade," Fangs said.

     Tori was a little hesitant at the mention of the Jones girl. Being in the same room with MF and Sweet Pea gave her an unsettling feeling but she had nothing else better to do with her spare time. She sucked in a deep breath and decided her answer to Fangs' offer.

     "Sounds fun," she said while smiling enthusiastically.

     "Great! The others are waiting outside," Fangs said.

     The both of them headed down the hallways and reached the exit where Sweet Pea, MF and Toni were waiting outside. Toni was standing by herself while MF was leaning into Sweet Pea who seemed to be laughing at something she had said. Tori forced herself to smile when Toni noticed her walking beside fangs and threw her arm around her shoulder.

     "Toni, you just saw me in biology last period," Tori said.

     "Doesn't mean I don't enjoy your company," Toni fired back while smiling.

     Tori only smiled back as a response and let Toni keep her arm around her shoulder. Tori looked at Sweet Pea who had MF leaning into his side while he had his arm wrapped around her shoulder. Oh, how she wanted to tell someone how their very close interactions were making her feel but she felt like they would only question why she felt this way and tell her that she was overreacting and had no reason to feel the way she did. Maybe she could talk to Cheryl, but the Blossom girl would squeeze every single detail out of Tori and if she ever found out that Tori was jealous of a Serpent, she would never hear the end of it.

     "Hey," was the only thing Tori said as she forced herself to smile at the pair so they wouldn't sniff out her jealousy from a mile away.

     MF smirked and even winked but Tori decided to pretend she didn't notice a thing, although she wanted to scream and shout when she hopped onto Sweet Pea's back.

     "How's the weather down there?" MF laughed while looking down at Tori.

     "I'm not that short," Tori mumbled as she stuffed her hand in the pockets of her hoodie.

     "Whatever you say, Shorty," MF said.

     Tori only sighed and rolled her eyes at the short jokes she had been getting lately. Yes, she was short but there was nothing funny or interesting about it. To block out the world around her, she put on her headphones and listened to Dua Lipa while the Serpents around her conversed and laughed. Tori had never felt so left out until now and she didn't know if she should let the irrational part of her blame MF, or let the rational part of her sweep it under the rug. She decided to go with the latter since MF was their friend and she had just come back to school after apparently being suspended for two weeks for fighting. Just let them reconnect with their friend assuming that they've known each other much longer than Tori knew them.



     "You're still playing that game after losing five rounds?" Toni asked while laughing.

     "It's this final boss level that fucks me up and I intend to beat it," Sweet Pea said as he pulled out another quarter from his pocket and tried again.

     "Try going right," Fangs suggested.

     "He said 'right', dumbass!" MF said when Sweet Pea failed to follow Fangs' advice and lost again for the sixth time.

     "You try it then," Sweet Pea fired back.

     "You know damn well I never play that game," MF said.

     Tori took it upon herself to step forward and give the game a shot. She took out a quarter of her own and inserted it into the coin slot.

     "You sure you know what you're doing?" Sweet Pea asked.

     "You have a really bad habit of underestimating me," Tori said as she started the level.

     Toni and Fangs stood behind her and the four Serpents watched as Tori pressed the buttons on the game console and only took a few hits. Two minutes later, everyone was cheering when the word VICTORY appeared on the screen.

     "And Tiny Tori strikes again," Fangs said.

     "One more short joke and I will kick your ass, Fogarty," Tori threatened as she glared at the tanned Serpent boy who only raised his hands up in surrender.

     The five of them decided to take a break and get some food before doing anything else. Tori felt a little uncomfortable when everyone else ordered an alcoholic beverage to go with their food but didn't say anything, not thinking it was her place to dictate their choices.

     "You're not gonna have any?" MF asked while looking at Tori.

     "No, thanks," Tori replied while forcing another smile.

     She had been doing that a lot lately.

     "Don't know what you're missing," MF said while smirking.

     "Really, it's fine," Tori said as she shifted uncomfortably.

     MF noticed how uncomfortable Tori seemed to be and sighed while smiling.

     "What do you want instead?" she asked.

     Tori was a little confused about MF's sudden change in attitude and caught Sweet Pea smirking at her reaction.

     "See, she has a heart," he chuckled.

     "I never said she didn't," Tori said.

     "No one said you did," MF clipped.

     "I'll just have a soda," Tori mumbled as she made her order and waited.

     When everyone's orders came, Tori was quick to finish everything and just go home from the suffocating and thick tension around the group.

     "Damn, you finished all that already?" Fangs asked while looking at Tori's empty plate and glass.

     "Yeah, I have to be home soon," Tori said as she placed some money on the table to pay for her food and soda and slipped out of the booth they were sitting in.

     "You can't be serious," MF groaned. "You can't stay for a few more minutes?"

     "Try having a vicious Latina mother and then ask me that," Tori said while smiling sarcastically.

     "Text me if you're still alive," Toni chuckled.

     "Ha ha, very funny, Toni," Tori said as she grabbed her bag. "I'll see you guys tomorrow."

     Once Tori was outside, she felt like she could breathe again. She wasn't sure she could last another minute in there pretending that something wasn't bothering her when in reality she wanted to scream until she released everything from within. And even though she was walking home alone, she still counted her breaths to keep herself from losing her grip. She still tried to remain calm even though there was no one nearby to judge her for being attracted to a Serpent and being jealous of another Serpent. If she was being completely honest, she wouldn't be surprised of the two ever dated since Sweet Pea was an guy attractive who was also funny and bold while MF was gorgeous and candid, even though she was sometimes harsh about it.

     Tori on the other hand found herself to be unadorned and a little too energetic to the point where it may be annoying for some people. She wondered if she may have developed a habit of getting too attached too quickly due to her longing to belong somewhere or with someone. She wondered if she may have gotten attached to Cheryl because she was the first to accept her, even the rough parts. And although Reggie only accepted the good parts but barely due to her parents' history, she still attached herself to him at the thought of someone finally being able to accept her, not realizing that it was never genuine.

     God, how naïve and desperate can a person get? Tori thought to herself as she sighed in defeat. No wonder nobody wanted anything to do with me.

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