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Ellison's POV

I could practically feel Hudson, Chastity, Brenden, and Amelia panicking after June won the immunity challenge, and while I'm happy for her, that doesn't exactly mean the best of news for myself or Griselda, considering we're the only other two in the minority along with June.

It isn't worth trying to turn them against one another, they're too solid. After another vote or two they might be willing to, but as of right now it won't happen.

Griselda and I are basically going to have to campaign to the four of them to keep us safe.

"I'm not voting for either of you, I'm voting for Amelia. I do not like her." June said to Griselda and I.

"There's no point in trying to flip the vote, they're all going to stick together." Griselda responded.

"I'm gonna go talk to them now, Griselda I'll let them know that you want to after." I said in a defeated voice. I felt like my game was already over.

How am I supposed to convince a group of people that I'm less of a threat than an older woman?

"Hey guys, could I talk to you guys for a second?" I asked Hudson, Brenden, Chastity, and Amelia.

"Yeah of course, what's up?" Chastity asked.

"He's here to beg for us to keep him. Chances are Griselda will be here after." Amelia said as she crossed her arms.

"I am, I was hoping you guys would hear me out." I said to them, trying to keep my cool around Amelia so that I can get her on my side so she won't vote me out instead of Griselda.

"Sure, go ahead." Hudson said to me.

"The only intimidating thing about me is that I've won two immunities, right?" I asked them.

Slowly, they all began to nod their heads.

"Griselda has already won one immunity, and I know that that isn't the same as two wins, but she also idoled out the biggest threat in the entire game. That'll look more impressive at a final tribal council than two immunity wins." I said to the four of them.

"That's true." Chastity said after thinking for a moment.

"Griselda hasn't crossed anybody while Earl and Karen don't like me from early on in the game. The only reason Karen was keeping me around was because it was beneficial to her game. She has no enemies, since Alyssa respects game for game." I said, continuing to push for my safety.

"Those are good points." Amelia admitted.

Hudson's POV

A little after Ellison wrapped his campaigning up, Griselda came up to the four of us to plead her case as well.

"Ellison has two immunity wins, I only have one. Yes, I did have an idol, but Ellison has completely reformed his game on several occasions. He was in a good spot on the strength tribe and flew to the bottom with no allies, before being pulled into the majority on the tribe swap, and then going back to the bottom after the merge. If he stays around any longer, he could flip his game around again and it'd be an amazing underdog story to win the game." Griselda said to us.

"Wow. I didn't think about it that way." Chastity said to her.

"If you think about it, Ellison has weaseled his way through the game, surviving vote after vote. That's all that I have to say, I hope you guys keep me, as I'm less of a threat, but that's completely up to you and at the end of the day I respect whatever decision you reach." Griselda told us before heading down to the beach.

"Fuck. I don't know what to do." Brenden said before sighing.

"I think Ellison has to go." Chastity said, voicing her take on the situation.

"Ellison would be more willing to work with us to take June out, I feel like Griselda would try to find some way to keep them both." I said to the three of them.

"That's true." Amelia said, agreeing with me.

"But at the same time, Ellison could go on an immunity streak and win his way to the end." Brenden added.

"Well, what are we going to do?" Chastity asked.


"Kalabaw, welcome back to tribal council. Please take your seats, let's get started." Jeff said as the seven of us filed into the tribal council area.

"Please Welcome the members of our jury. Earl, Ralph, Karen, Duke, and Alyssa, voted out at the last tribal council." Jeff said to us as the five of them filed in.

"Alright, Ellison, three strategic, three social, and you, the last Strength tribe member remaining. From the looks of it, it could be the two groups of three with you in the middle. Is that the case?" Jeff asked.

"No, at this point in the game, the tribal lines have blurred and there's a majority group of four with myself, June, and Griselda on the outside." Ellison responded.

"Hudson, is that true?" Jeff asked me.

"I mean, it's no secret that those are the tribal dynamics. Everyone has come together as one tribe and different groups have formed. This game changes day by day, and although I'm in the majority, I could be on the outside tomorrow, and then back in the next day. You never know with this game, I'm sure none of us expected Alyssa to be the one going home last night." I said to him.

"Did anyone?" Jeff asked as Ellison, Griselda, and June raised their hands.

"So, only the three people who voted Alyssa out had any indication of what was going on. Could that be the case tonight? Some have no idea what's going on?" Jeff asked us.

"I don't think that's the case. It's been made clear that either Griselda or Ellison are going home tonight, Jeff." Amelia said.

"So June has to choose between her two allies?" Jeff asked, looking at June.

"Not at all, my vote tonight is going to Amelia." June stated.

"Of course it is, but it won't be doing anything. Imagine wasting your vote." Amelia said, scoffing.

"Imagine being a rotten nineteen year old who still thinks she's in high school." June shot back.

"Shut the fuck up hot dog water lookin ass bitch." Brenden said to her.

"I didn't know dogs knew how to speak." June said.

"What's that supposed to mean?" Chastity asked, curious.

"I knew you were clueless, but I'd expect you to at least get the reference to Brenden's boring gameplay. All he does is follow Amelia's every decision." June responded.

"Where is this coming from? Go back to your nursing home." Amelia said before rolling her eyes.

"I'm sick of being targeted for no reason, left out of the loop. The only time I was pulled in was because you needed a number. I get I'm an outcast because of the age gap, but you could at least make it less obvious that you're using me." June yelled.

"Get over it. This is Survivor." Chastity said, becoming involved.

I don't want to make any comments, because I don't want June to dislike me. If I make it to the end, I want her vote.

"Are we all ready to vote?" Jeff asked as everyone nodded their heads.

"Hudson, you're up first." Jeff said as I got up to go and vote.

June's POV

I wrote Amelia's name down and held it up for the camera to see.

"I can't believe your parents raised someone as nasty as you." I said before dropping my vote into the urn.

I've never had to put up with so much bullshit in my life. I came into this game a sheltered, quiet woman, and I'll be leaving it with confidence.

I returned to my seat.

Jeff came back with the votes.

"If anyone has a hidden immunity idol and would like to play it, now would be the time to do so." Jeff said as nobody stood up.

"I'll read the votes." Jeff said as he opened up the urn.

"First vote, Ellison. That's one vote Ellison."

"Second vote, Amelia. That's one vote Ellison, one vote Amelia."

"Third vote, Griselda. That's one vote Ellison, one vote Amelia, one vote Griselda."

"Fourth vote, Griselda. That's two votes Griselda, one vote Ellison, one vote Amelia."

"Fifth vote, Griselda. That's three votes Griselda, one vote Ellison, one vote Amelia."

"Twelfth person voted out of Survivor: Strength vs Social vs Strategic and the sixth member of our jury, Griselda. That's four, that's enough. Please bring me your torch." Jeff said as Griselda sighed and stood up.

She brought her torch over to Jeff before wiping away her tears.

"Griselda, your tribe has spoken." Jeff said as he snuffed her torch.

"It's been fun playing with everyone, despite what happened, I'll always value the time I've got with each and every one of you. Good luck in the rest of the game." Griselda said before walking out of the tribal council area.

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