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Leonard's POV

"Welcome, to Survivor season two, Healers VS Heroes VS Hustlers!" Jeff announced as myself and the seventeen others around me all began clapping and cheering.

Ever since the show aired last season, I knew I wanted to come onto this show. I fell in love with it as soon as I saw the first episode.

Before the cameras began rolling, Jeff had given us specific instructions as to what colored mat we'd each stand on.

I was told to go to the yellow mat, and I noticed that instead of only two tribes, there were three.

"As some of you may have noticed, this season, you'll be split into three tribes of six. You all fall into one category, Healers, Heroes, or Hustlers." Jeff said looking at all of us as we all began getting excited.

"Those on the blue mat, you are the Heroes." Jeff said as the six castaways on the blue mat started clapping and cheering.

"Those on the yellow mat, you are the Healers." Jeff said as I clapped while my tribemates clapped and cheered.

"And those on the red mat, you are the Hustlers." Jeff said as the castaways on the red mat cheered.

"Girl with the purple hair, what's your name and why do you think you're on the Heroes tribe?" Jeff asked her. She was short, with short purple hair.

"I'm Faith, and I think I belong on the Heroes tribe because I fought in the Vietnam War, and I fought for my country. I feel as if whenever someone thinks of a real life hero, the army is the first thing that comes to mind." Faith responded, taking pride in her experience in the army.

"Strong statement." Jeff responded.

"True statement." Faith said to him.

"Guy in the back, why do you think you're on the Healers tribe and what's your name?" Jeff asked an African American man.

"I'm Duke, but I mean I'm not really sure, I'm unemployed but I'm still in college and I'm majoring in psychology." Duke responded hesitantly.

"Girl with the blonde hair, what's your name and why do you think you're on the Hustlers tribe?" Jeff asked a girl with glasses and blonde hair.

"Hi I'm Madison, and I think I'm on the Hustlers tribe because I'm a Bartender from New York City. It's actually a really difficult job because I'm constantly being approached by drunk guys who still try and make advances on me after I say no, and I don't get payed that much. I have to work for a living, and I know we all do but I feel like us Hustlers have to do it more than others, who get it easier than we do." Madison responded as the rest of the Hustlers tribe nodded their heads in agreement.

"That was a great answer." Jeff said with a smile.

"Alright, on this boat there's a bunch of supplies that will help you survive. There's food, building supplies, tools, fishing gear, and much more. On my go, you'll all race from one end of the boat, grab some supplies, and then race back and place it on your mat. After two minutes is up, you'll all be taken to your beaches with the supplies you grab." Jeff said as we all got ready to run.

"Survivors ready? Go!" Jeff announced as all eighteen of us took off running towards the supplies.

A blonde guy wearing a gold chain was the first one there for the Healers, and he picked up a machete and a bundle of bamboo.

"Grab the chickens!" He yelled to a younger girl with dirty blonde hair, who listened to his instructions and picked up two cages containing three chickens in each.

When I reached the pile of supplies, I looked over to see one of the Hustlers, a guy with dark brown hair, running towards the only fire making kit in the pile.

I changed my course and started running towards it as well, and I reached it first. I picked it up, earning a dirty look from the dark brown haired Hustler.

"Nice!" An older woman with blue eyes and gray hair from my tribe said to me.

I smiled at her before running back to the Healers mat.


"Time is up everyone! Please drop what you have and return to your mats" Jeff said as I let go of a hammer.

We all walked back to our mats, where Jeff then informed us that we would be heading back to our camps.

Logan's POV

When we got to the Hustlers beach, it felt amazing. I already loved our tribe, and I felt really good about us. I feel like we'll have a strong sense of unity because of how Madison started things off with her mini speech on the boat.

"Ok, so we need to get started on a shelter." Alex said to the rest of our tribe. Alex had dark brown hair and brown eyes.

"Frank, can you start cutting the bamboo?" Layla asked Frank as she handed him a machete that Kenna grabbed during the supply grab.

Frank took the machete and chucked it into the ocean.

"Fuck you!" He yelled as he spat on the ground.

"What?" Alex asked him.

"Fuck you and fuck your bamboo! I'm gonna go find the idol!" Frank yelled as he ran into the woods laughing.

Frank was huge, like massive. He was definitely gonna hold us back in challenges.

"So that happened." Kenna said as Layla covered her face with her hands.

"Did he really throw our machete into the ocean?" Layla asked, frustrated.

"I'll go look for it." Alex said before stripping down to his underwear. Alex walked into the ocean, and began swimming out towards where Frank threw the machete.

"Logan, what do you do as a job?" Kenna asked me.

"I'm a physician." I responded, earning a look of confusion from Layla.

"How are you a hustler?" She asked me.

"I come from a really poor family, and I had to study and work my ass off to get a scholarship to Yale. I didn't get to this point in my life without dedicating my high school career to it." I said as Layla nodded her head.

Layla, Kenna, Madison, and I all began working on our shelter.

Anya's POV

When the six of us got back to the Heroes camp, we started introducing ourselves.

We had Erin, the 55 year old stay at home, Jackson, the hot 21 year old Professional Soccer Player, Finn, the 37 year old ginger teacher, Kenji, the 44 year old farmer who immigrated from like China or Vietnam or something and created a new life for his family. At least I think so, it was hard to understand his heavy Asian accent. Then we had Faith, the 31 year old Mexican lesbian war veteran, and myself, the 26 year old police officer.

Finn and I were transporting bamboo to Erin and Faith, who were cutting it up and giving it to Jackson and Kenji, who were putting it into place and creating the actual shelter.

"Anya, can you hold this piece of bamboo up for me while I hammer it into place?" Jackson asked me as I dropped the piece of bamboo I was dragging back to them and hurried over to help Jackson.

He didn't have a shirt on, and he was one of the hottest people I've ever seen.

I wasn't sure how I felt about the tribe as a whole, the only person I really feel good about is Jackson. Erin and I haven't talked at all, and Kenji and Faith just don't really fit in. Finn is just... weird. I'm on a tribe with a bunch of crackheads. But hey, it could definitely be worse.

Ty's POV

On the Healers tribe, it felt like we all were getting along pretty well. We were all building a shelter together, and Laurie was leading the construction of it since her husband has worked as a construction worker for thirty years.

Laurie was an older woman with gray hair, I think she said she was 55. She has a husband and two kids, both in college. She's worked as a therapist ever since her son tried to kill himself, and she wanted to try and prevent that.

Laurie and I already felt a strong connection with each other because I'm an advocate for mental health, because my uncle committed suicide after suffering from depression for eleven years, so her and I already bonded over that.

Leonard is really weird, he hasn't really talked and just kinda observes everyone.

Plus, he stares at me whenever I'm walking around in my underwear, and it makes me really uncomfortable.

Duke and I were walking to the water well to get some water for the others, since they were still working on the shelter while Reagan was chopping down some palm leaves for a roof covering.

"Hey Ty, I feel really good about you. Like I trust you a hundred percent." Duke said to me.

"Same dude." I said as him and I fist bumped.

"I feel like we could go really far, you and I could dominate this tribe." I said to Duke.

"How do you feel about Emily?" Duke asked me.

"She's hot as fuck, I feel like she could definitely be an asset to us too. She seems physically strong, she could definitely be with us." I said as Duke nodded his head in agreement.

Duke and I get along really well, and I have a great feeling about this game already.

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