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Joan's POV

The other night at tribal, we stuck with the plan to get rid of the trio of Charlie, Tonya, and Bryan. Now Bryan is the only one left.

After we vote Bryan off, we'll most likely vote Elaine, since she's the rat. After that it's final six, and we'll be able to convince Rudy to flip on Ian and Eve since they're a power duo and need to be separated, and then once both of them are gone, Rudy is out next and then Jenny Stuart and I are the final three.

"We have to head out to today's immunity challenge." Stuart said to everyone as he walked back to camp after getting treemail.

"As long as one of the two of them don't win, we're fine." Jenny whispered to me as we walked to the immunity challenge.


"Welcome to today's individual immunity challenge. First things first, Ian, gotta take back the necklace." Jeff said as Ian met him halfway and Jeff removed the necklace from him.

"For today's immunity challenge, you will all be standing under a bucket of water, with a handle hanging below. You will keep your arm up and your hand on your handle. If you bring your arm down too much, the bucket will tip and the water will pour all over you. If at any point you bucket tips on you or you let go of the handle, you are out of this challenge." Jeff explained to us as we all positioned ourselves under the buckets.

I was under the orange one, Eve was under the purple one, Jenny was under the yellow one, Elaine was under the green one, Stuart was under the pink one, Rudy was under the white one, Bryan was under the blue one, and Ian was under the red one.

"Survivors ready? Go!" Jeff yelled as we all held our hand up on the handle above our heads.


"We're reaching the one hour mark, and everyone is still going strong." Jeff said to all of us.

"This hurts like a bitch Jeff." I called out.

However, as I was talking I must've moved my arm slightly, as my bucket tipped and I was covered in orange water.

A few minutes after I dropped, Elaine dropped and she was covered in green water.

After Elaine dropped, it was like a train reaction and everyone dropped.

Stuart dropped, and so did Rudy.

About thirty seconds later, Ian dropped.

"Just like that we're down to three. Bryan, Jenny, and Eve." Jeff said before Jenny's bucket dropped and she was covered in yellow water.

Immediately after, Eve brought her arm too low and was covered in purple water.

"Bryan wins individual immunity and is safe at tonight's tribal council!" Jeff announced as he ran towards Jeff with utter joy in his eyes.

Jeff put the necklace around Bran.

"Bryan you seem awfully excited to get this." Jeff said with a laugh.

"Well, after my two main allies left back to back, I knew it was going to be me tonight. Having this around my neck makes it feel like a weight was lifted from my chest." Bryan explained.

"Well, I'll see you all tonight where someone will be the thirteenth person voted out and the sixth member of our jury." Jeff said as we all walked back to camp.


Bryan's POV

When Elaine and I returned to camp, we walked off to the woods to talk.

"Obviously, I want you to stay. You're my only ally. I think we can convince them that Jenny, Joan, and Stuart are too strong together and that one of them needs to go. They're a trio just like Charlie Tonya and I were." I said to Elaine, who nodded.

"I mean it's worth a shot, but I still have a bad feeling it's gonna be me tonight." Elaine said to me nervously.

Her and I approached Ian, Eve, and Rudy who were swimming in the ocean together.

"Hey guys." Eve said to us.

"Hey." Rudy said to us coldly.

"Look, I know the vote is probably going to be me tonight, but there are people who should go before me." Elaine said to them.

"Like who?" Ian asked us.

"Jenny, Joan, and Stuart." I said to them.

"They're a trio, just like Bryan Charlie and Tonya were. The three of them are going to stick together, and you should make the move on them before they make the move on you." Elaine said to them.

"That's a good point." Rudy said, as much as he probably hated to admit it.

"Well, I hope you think about it. If you vote me out, it might just be the difference of one of you winning a million dollars." Elaine said to them as the two of us walked away.


"Lavita, welcome back to tribal council. Take a seat and we'll get started." Jeff said as we all sat down.

"Lets welcome back our jury. Carlos, Lillian, Alyssa, Charlie, and Tonya, voted out at the last tribal council." Jeff said as they all took their seats.

"Eve, run me through the thought process for tonight's vote." Jeff said to Eve.

"Well, there's two options-" Eve began but Jenny cut her off.

"What's the second option?" Jenny asked Eve, who gave a blank stare back.

"Yeah, I don't think we were let in on this little plan." Joan said angrily.

Eve was beginning to get flustered, and all this tension was good for Elaine. It was taking the focus off of her.

"Jeff, let's just vote. They'll see what the second option is when the votes are read." I said arrogantly.

"Alright. Bryan, you're up first." Jeff said as I stood up and walked over to the voting booth.

I wrote Joan's name down and held it up to the camera.

"Life will be so much easier without your cranky ass around. Bye fat!" I said as I dropped my voting slip into the urn.

Rudy's POV

I don't know what the right move is, but I went with my gut and opened the cap to the pen.

Joan's POV

I walked up to the voting booth and wrote down Elaine's name.

"Elaine the snake ass bitch!" I screamed loud enough for everyone sitting down for me to hear.

I walked back to the tree trunks and sat down.

"I'll go tally the votes." Jeff said as he walked away.

Moments later, he returned with the urn.

"If anyone has a hidden immunity idol and would like to play it, now would be the time to do so." Jeff said as nobody stood up.

"I'll read the votes." Jeff said as he opened the urn.

"First vote, Elaine."

"Second vote, Joan. That's one vote Elaine, one vote Joan."

"Third vote, Elaine. That's two votes Elaine, one vote Joan."

"Fourth vote, Joan. That's two votes Elaine, two votes Joan."

"Fifth vote, Elaine. That's three votes Elaine, two votes Joan."

"Sixth vote, Joan. That's three votes Elaine, three votes Joan."

"Why is there more than two votes for me?" I asked the members of my so called alliance angrily.

"Seventh vote, Joan. That's three votes Elaine, four votes Joan. One vote left."

"You fucking skanks." I said to them as Jeff pulled the final vote out of the urn.

"Thirteenth person voted out of Survivor: Fiji and the sixth member of our jury, Joan. Please bring me your torch." Jeff said as I stood up and immediately brought my torch to Jeff.

"Joan, your tribe has spoken." Jeff said as he snuffed my torch.

"Eve, you're a cunt. Rudy, you're a pussy. You can't even vote out the rat that caused your best friend to be voted out. Ian, grow a pair. I'm out bitches!" I yelled as I walked down the path.

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