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"Oh my god, you have to try this, it's so good" I practically moaned as I swallowed my bite of cake. I glanced to Kobe who was watching me with a smile. "You want a bit?" he nodded. I grabbed a slice of cake in my hand and held it up to him but before he had the chance to take it off my hand, I smashed it against his face. The room around us filled with laughter. I chewed down on my lower lip, watching Kobe with a smirk.

"You are so dead" I squealed and tried to get away from him but my wedding dress made it difficult to escape. Kobe's arm locked around my waist and because he has muscles and he is so much stronger than me, there was no way that I could escape his grip. "Give me a kiss" I squealed and shook my head, loudly laughing as he cupped my chin in his hand and crashed his lips against mine, the room filling suddenly with cheers. I relaxed into him, my hands resting on his shoulders as he slightly dipped me.

"Ew" he chuckled as he detached our lips. "Still tastes good" I lightly licked the icing off his chin.

"Keep that for the bedroom, Baby" my knees suddenly grew weak and I wanted him to take me right here, right now. I am never waiting 6 months to have sex again. It is not happening.

"Bebe, leave mommy alone" we both laughed as Ayla nuzzled her way between us.

"Yeah, protect mommy, Peanut" she giggled, along with Kyra as they pushed us a part.

"You girls want a kiss too?" they rapidly shook their heads, squealing as Kobe pressed a kiss to both of their cheeks. The smile on my face just widened. My life couldn't be any better right now.


I lightly giggled as Kobe pressed a kiss to the tip of my nose as we swayed to the beat of the song. My fingers were lightly playing with his hair as he gently held my hips.

"I love you" I nodded, my smile widening.

"I love you more."

"Nah" I giggled, leaning up to press a peck to his lips.

"I can't believe we're finally married. I have a husband" he lightly chuckled.

"The best day of my life. Period" I giggled, bringing his lips down to meet mine for a bit more of a passionate kiss. I can't wait to get him alone tonight.

"Demi" I grumbled at the nudge on my arm.

"What?" I kept my eyes locked with Kobe's, my fingers still running through his hair.

"Demi?" I rolled my eyes and turned to Dallas who was staring at something behind me.

"What?" her eyes turned to meet mine.

"Max just walked in" I pulled away from Kobe and with furrowed eyebrows I turned to where Dallas had been staring to find Max just casually stood by the entrance.

"How the fuck did he know that we were here?" I began towards him with Kobe and Dallas hot on my tail. Max's eyes were darting around the room and he smirked as they landed on me.

"Is this what I missed out on?" my jaw clenched as he looked me up and down, the same stupid smirk plastered across his face.

"What the fuck are you doing here?"

"Is this not a public gathering?" I rolled my eyes and turned to Dallas.

"Can you keep everyone occupied, including the girls?" she nodded, gave me a brief smile and gave Max one final glance before she turned back around. Kobe's hand settled on my lower back as I turned back to Max, trying to keep myself composed. "Turn around and go outside, we're going to talk. We're not talking in here" he continued to smirk as he turned and headed outside. I glanced back at Kobe who leant to press a peck to my lips.

"I'm coming with you, okay? I'm not for one second leaving you alone with him so don't even suggest it" I gave him a weak smile before I headed out of the building.

"Why did you think it would be okay for you to turn up today? Actually, how the hell did you even know where we were getting married?" he just shrugged, the same annoying smirk plastered across his face. I had to refrain from rolling my eyes.

"I have my ways."

"You need to just leave me alone, Max. We're finished. We're over. We're done. You aren't getting another chance" he lightly chuckled.

"You think I want another chance with you?"

"Why else do you keep turning up?"

"Because you won't give me what I want."

"And what the fuck do you want, Max?" I crossed my arms over my chest.

"I want to see my girls" I rolled my eyes and shook my head, glancing back at Kobe.

"You can see the girls, but not on your own and not on my wedding day. You haven't seen them in nearly two months, why are you suddenly interested?"

"I've been going to see a therapist."

"I'm happy for you, what do you want? Do you want a medal?" he rolled his eyes and took a step towards me. Kobe lightly took a hold of my wrist and pulled me behind him.

"I really did love you, Demi" I glanced away with a roll of my eyes. "And you can roll your eyes as much as you want but it's the truth."

"I don't care how much you claim to have loved me. You ruined it, Max. You destroyed everything. I've moved on and I'm happy. I'll be in touch about the girls coming to see you when I get back from my honeymoon. Now, I'd really like for you to leave so that I can enjoy the rest of my wedding day."

"That could have been us" I shook my head and sighed, leaning slightly against Kobe.

"No, Max."

"I'm happy for you" my lips slightly twitched at the corners.

"Thanks" he gave me a weak smile and stared down at the ground. He didn't say anything else as he turned and headed down the path. I sighed as I wrapped my arm around Kobe's. He pressed a kiss to the top of my head.

"I love you" my mouth erupted into a smile.

"I love you too" I glanced up at Kobe.

"You okay, Baby?" he lightly stroked my cheek as I nodded.

"I'm good. Let's go and enjoy the rest of our wedding night."

"I can't wait to get you into our hotel room" I squealed as Kobe gave my ass a squeeze. I giggled as he chased me back into the hall, music blaring around us. Nothing Max will ever do could ever ruin my mood especially not today.


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