Chapter 5

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I must admit it, I probably jinxed it earlier when I talked about people controlling their wolf form. To my defense, I never would have thought it might happen while someone was looking at the ranking panel. Most people who lost control of there wolf form, do it during, after or before a battle, its usually a result of the excess of adrenaline. Although it was surprising, it was overall interesting to try to figure out why someone would lose control while not doing anything particularly interesting.

A few cadets weren't lucky, they didn't move out the poor guy's way fast enough, something most werewolves should know, would be to run away from the one losing control, otherwise they would get killed voluntarily or not. Many stories had circulated about a lover being killed after their partner lost control and they tried to bring them back to reason, they all ended up cut up in tiny pieces, when their partner would come back to their senses, some killed themselves out of despair or guilt. Some went on with their life crippled by guilt and heartbreak. Some, less common, went on with their life, because they didn't fell guilt or because that's what they assumed their previous partner would want, no one knew. In my opinion, it was stupid to assume they knew what their dead partner wanted, after all, no one can truly know what is happening in one's mind.

Evidently the guards realized something wasn't normal and came to try to bring peace back. That day we lost four more cadets, from the injuries or the attack it wasn't determined. One thing was sure, we weren't all going to make it out of this place alive, everyday seemed to bring a deadly danger to our doors.

Some fell in despair for the next days, probably because they had lost a brother, a sister or both in the last few months. Sadly, it wasn't going to change as the activities and the training became more intense with each passing day. They were probably trying to weed out the weak. Most of the people died in the next few days died in strange situations. They didn't die in the battles, but rather during their sleep, and when the bells rang in the morning, they just didn't get up.

The high generals decided to get us out of the camp, into the wild, they mixed the two teams and brought us to the Kuja mountains. Upon arriving one of them stopped us and told us:

"Attention all of you! You were brought here not for a pause, but for a survival exercise, you shall stay in the Kuja mountains for the next month and your goal at the end of each week will be to bring us ten Skisla flowers, one for each member of your team. Those who won't be able to complete their task shall be returned to their family and will become a changing family. For those who do achieve every single goal, you shall be rewarded with a chance of becoming a pack leader during your school years at Witherlore. Think carefully as to who you want as partners, because they will be the cause of your success or the cause of your demise. You shall be authorized to make teams of ten, you may pick people from the other team which you compete against in the first round."

I felt somebody's elbow come in contact with my right arm, as I turned my head, I saw Nila smiling at me, Masov and Reain were standing next to her waiting for me to come and join them. We then realized be needed six other people to fill our team, as Reain didn't want us to go ask Jax and that Byhn was already in a team with him, we had to accept six random people, we tried to select a mix of smart and strong people, we also had a nonverbal agreement not to pick either Krul or Eyol.

We ended up welcoming four girls and two boys. Khail and Geros introduced themselves to us first and while we started talking three girls came up and asked us if we would accept them in our team, as we nodded our head in agreement, I saw a girl that stayed in the background of the scene, she didn't approach anyone, and no one approached her. I then started walking up to her, she lifter her eyes to meet my eyes, and smiled with a glimmer of hope and fear in her eyes. I tried to help her feel more comfortable and smiled back. 

As I arrived next to her, I could see she had marks on her armor silver mostly, but also golden ones, I guess Krul and Eyol had arrived to her before I could. I then asked her if she wanted to join our team, if she didn't already have a team. I didn't want to cause a misunderstanding if she already had a team, and that I had assumed wrong. When she told me she would like to join our team, I proceeded to introduce myself, she did the same and told me her name was Helaena . We then headed back to the place where I had left the others, and I learned that the other three girls were named Vreia, Rya and Eisma.

The guards and the high generals started leaving the Kuja mountains, the teams started to leave the main space where we were brought, some changed forms and started running in the opposite direct, others stayed a little longer, probably to see with who each team was composed. As for us, we stayed a little longer, not to look at the other teams, but rather to plan what we were going to do next and figure out who would stand guard during the night, since some of us wouldn't or possibly couldn't transform.

Khail and Eisma both agreed to share a shift for the first night, then Rya and Helaena proposed we try to locate a water source, before trying to find somewhere to pass the night. As it was still snowing a little, we agreed to try to find a cave, after all the Kuja mountains was also known for it set of tunnels and caves that were intertwined and that all led to the same central cavern. To prevent future problems. 

I suggested we just stayed in one of the caves or in one of the tunnels, but not in the central cavern, since we wanted to have access to a potable source of water and didn't want to have to fight with other teams for the cavern since everyone else had probably though of that. The only problem with our main plan, was that at this time of the year, it might be difficult to find a source of water that hadn't frozen. 

Vreia, told us she remembered stories her parents used to tell her when she was young about another cavern with lots of plants and a waterfall that used to flow even during winter.

The thing with that cavern was that it wasn't that close to our current location, it was suppositively in the West of the chain of mountains, it was approximately two to three days of road from here. If we would to be wrong and lose two or three days back and forth, we would be kicked out. I probably wasn't the only one that seemed to think it was a bit risky, Geros and Reain both looked a bit unsure. Nila and Masov on the other hand looked confident and both confirmed that they had heard the story of the cavern.


Thank you so much for taking of your time to read my story I hope you enjoyed!!

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