Does she have any choices right now?
Thinking about the conditions he offered to her is beneficial and practical as well.
Nine months only, then she can go back to her normal life. Could it be normal after carrying his baby for nine months? This is not her dream. She dreamed of having her baby and will nurture him or her just like her mom did to her. But things are different. She is doing this for the sake of her mother. Can she forget her baby after his or her father takes it from her? Can she live a normal life after this? Thinking about this is squeezing her heart. But she has to be brave for the sake of her mother. Yes. It's for her mother.
With the money, he is going to pay. She could start up her new business. She finished her fashion design. Her passion. During her teens, she helped her mother with their factory, and from the scrap fabric, she has made her own clothing. Her own design.
Now there's no turning back. Her mother's life will be saved. Her dreams will be fulfilled in just nine months of sacrifice. She can do it.
The nurse escorted them to her mother's ward.
"Hello, Mom, how are you?" She asked her mother. She sits up upon seeing her.
"Not quite good," her mother replied.
"By the way, Mom, this is my new boss, Mr. Muller, and he is going to help us. But I need to work overseas," she told her mother.
"Nice to meet you, Mrs. Lorenzana. I'll help you with your surgery and other medical expenses. since Ayinah agreed to work for me in my new office in Greece," he said.
"Will you be here for my surgery, Ayinah?" Her mom asked her, teary-eyed.
"Yes, Mom, I will still be here before his business will launch," she replied.
"How long would it be going to launch?" her mother asked.
"About two to three months," he replied to her mother.
That's good that they are on the same page right now.
"How long are you going to stay there?" Her mother asked again.
"In less than a year, probably about 10 months." He answered again for her.
"Mom, the business is new, and we need to establish it first before we sit down and relax. Being his P.A., I should be on call," she replied.
She said P.A. because that was her previous job, and it was ended a few months ago because of her boss' jealous freak girlfriend. She wasn't kicked out; she resigned.
"That's true, Mrs. Lorenzana. After we finally settled the business, Ayinah will come back here to be with you and probably will start her own business. Well, it's up to her, though, if she wants to work away from here." He agreed with her.
"That's good," her mother said.
The doctor comes into the ward. He walks to her mother's side.
"Hi Mrs. Lorenzana, the nurse told me that your daughter is giving us consent, or you actually give us your consent for the surgery. She only needs to pay." The doctor spoke.
"We're going to pay now so you can schedule her surgery, doctor," he told the doctor.
"Sure, okay, nurse, lead them to the cashier. If your BP is normal, we can schedule your surgery tomorrow morning. You're required to fast at least twelve hours prior to your surgery," the doctor said to her mother.
"I haven't eaten anything the whole day, doctor. I guess it's more than 12 hours already." Her mother replied to the doctor.
The doctor examined her mother.
"Alright then, since you're in good condition, this afternoon we will schedule the surgery. We don't have to wait long if we can do it today," the doctor told her.
"I'll go out and pay for the surgery first," he told her.
He followed the nurse outside the ward.
"Is that okay with you, Mom?" she asked her mother.
"Anything that will bring good is fine with me, Ayinah," her mother replied.
"That's good then, so this afternoon I will check the schedule to see what time is available," the doctor said.
"Just inform us, doctor," she said.
"Yes, don't take any food, okay?" The doctor said.
"Okay, doctor," her mother said.
"I'll see you later," the doctor said and left them.
"I'm happy that you finally found a job and a good boss. You haven't even started your job, but he's willing to help us," her mother said.
"Maybe I'm praying too hard, Mom, that God will send someone to help us," she replied.
She can't remember when was the last time she lied. She hopes that her mother won't detect her for not telling her the truth. Her mother is sharp. Maybe that's why they said that mothers know best.
"Ayinah, I hope that you'll be fine with your job," her mother said.
"I hope to Mom, I was a P.A., so I'm sure I can do it." She said, smiling.
After some time he came back with a receipt in his hand.
"What time is the surgery? I mean, did the doctor give a schedule?" he asked.
"It will be this late afternoon or tomorrow morning," her mother replied.
"Okay, so Ayinah and I can go out first for a while, right? We still have to discuss some important matters. We only rushed here so you can have the surgery before it's too late," he said to her mother.
"That's fine; I'll call Ayinah when it's time," her mom replied.
"That's good. We will be back as soon as possible," he said.
"Thank you, Mr. Muller. Though my daughter hasn't started her job yet, you are already helping us," her mother said.
"She needed help, and I'm sure she will help me too in my new company," he replied.
"You two must go now so you will be here before the surgery," her mother told them.
"Okay, Mom, I'll be back soon," she said and kissed her.
"Where are we going now?" She asked when they were out of the hospital.
"I called my doctor; he's waiting for us right now," he replied.
She never speaks anymore, and he too didn't say anything until they reached his doctor's clinic. She estimated it; it's only a fifteen-minute drive.
He introduces her to his doctor. Soon after the doctor takes some tests. He asked her too many questions about whether she has any experience taking prohibited drugs. She may live in a modern world, but she never tried those, even drinking liquor.
She also doesn't have any history of asthma or anything related. In short, she's perfectly healthy. She knows best that because she's looking after her health very well. She followed the motto that 'health is wealth.'.
"I think your health is perfectly fine," the doctor said, smiling.
She already knew that. So what next? She just said it in her mind.
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