Thorne III's POV
His conversation with his grandpa that afternoon didn't allow him to sleep at night.
His grandpa was right.
He needs to know what the husband should do for their pregnant wife.
Ayinah is not his wife, but she is carrying his child. And as a father, he must do something. He researches what the husband should do for the pregnant wife.
He started to read one article on the tips on how to be a good husband to a pregnant wife.
Expecting a child is one of the most exciting experiences of a married couple's life. It can also be extremely stressful. The physical, hormonal, and emotional changes that come with pregnancy can be quite overwhelming. More than ever, your wife will need your loving support.
He has seen her in a difficult situation in the bathroom when they were on their way to Boracay. That's because of the scent from a shampoo. He witnessed that first instance in Ayinah's pregnancy. Just like when he drinks the liquor that he hasn't eaten yet. It made his stomach swirl until he vomited with just liquor and water. That's what he saw: Ayinah in the bathroom, holding her stomach, but nothing comes out, just water. That's hard.
Luckily he was there; he comforted her. But for the rest of it while he was away, who will comfort her? Nanay Sol? But Nany Sol isn't the father of the baby in Ayinah's womb.
Step 1
Listen to your wife's concerns. Even if your wife is thrilled to be expecting, she may also be scared, nervous, or uncertain. Be her sounding board. Encourage her to share her thoughts and feelings with you. She needs to know that you are available to her.
Does she feel scared? Of course, how will he know? He never asked her. They were only together for the whole time, and then she left her in the care of others.
Step 2
Take over some of her domestic responsibilities. Pregnant women frequently have to cope with morning sickness and exhaustion. Picking up a few of the chores is a simple thing to do, but it means a lot to a woman who has spent the whole day feeling nauseated and tired. More than anything else, it will show your wife that you're aware of her and you want to do what you can to help her. Offer to do more of the cooking and cleaning for her so she can get some rest.
She doesn't need to do the housework; Nanay Sol will handle it with another helper. He asked Nanay Sol to get some help because she must look after Ayinah and be her companion.
Step 3
Take a parenting class together. Even if your wife is planning to be the primary caretaker, both of you are going to be parents. Learn how to change diapers, fix bottles, install a car seat properly, and babyproof your house alongside your wife. She needs to feel like you are her partner in this process, not merely an interested observer.
But this is not them because they are not going to be together. He will learn it alone because after she gave birth, that child will be only his, and she can go back to her life. He could hire a nanny like Nanay Sol.
Step 4
Accompany your wife to her doctor appointments. Be aware of your wife's birth plan so you'll know how best to help her through her labor. Do not wait until you're at the hospital, with your wife on the verge of giving birth, to ask her whether she's planning on natural childbirth. Discuss the options with your physician ahead of time so you can focus all of your attention on your wife.
Two months would be enough time to discuss that. He already plans to go back when it's in her seventh month.
Step 5
Help her get your house ready for your little one's arrival. Go with your wife to shop for baby clothes, choose a crib, and pick the colors for the nursery. Preparing is fun for moms-to-be; enjoy the experience with her.
He will bring the child to his home so he will ready the nursery for his child.
Step 6
Tell your wife how beautiful she is and how much you love her. With all of the physical changes the body undergoes, it is not unusual for a woman to feel unattractive and undesirable. One of the most important things you can do to be a good husband is to tell your wife often that you think she's beautiful and you are lucky to have her in your life.
This is not them.
In spite of your best efforts, at some point, your wife's emotions will probably get the better of her. Tears or anger will likely ensue.
With your focus on your wife, it's easy to neglect yourself; take care of your needs, too.
He laughs at this;
He has needs, but it can be catered to with so many hotties out there. No emotion attached, purely pleasure.
Then he read some more, still not sleepy.
Morning sickness is quite possibly the worst part of pregnancy (well, besides that whole labor thing). It strikes about 75 percent of all pregnant women. Symptoms of morning sickness include headaches, excessive sleepiness, and, of course, feelings of nausea and sometimes vomiting. Most women will start feeling the symptoms of morning sickness about a month after conception, and it will typically last until the twelfth to fourteenth week of pregnancy. Some women will experience morning sickness their entire pregnancy. Morning sickness doesn't happen only in the morning. Most women experience the symptoms of morning sickness all day long.
Wow, he didn't realize how hard it is for her. Yes, he paid, but the sacrifices she is going to endure.
It's his grandpa's fault for giving him a sleepless night. How about her? He hasn't called if she's fine. He thinks only about him. He turned off his laptop and tried to sleep.
But the moment he closed his eyes, it was her face in his thoughts. He misses her presence. Or maybe it's just the effect of his conversation with his grandpa and from the articles he read.
The ringing phone awakens him. He checked his watch.
"Argh! It's already almost noon. And who's this calling?" He got down from his bed and walked to the phone in the living room.
Who could this be that didn't stop?
"Hello?!" He picked up the receiver.
"What are you doing? Are you not going to work?" That's his mother.
"Mom, I'm tired. Can I take a rest for a while?" he said.
"You've been sleeping the whole night and until now still tired?" His mother said.
"Please, Mom. I paid those people to work, so why do I need to go there? I'll fire them, so I'll work then." He replied irritably.
He's not in a good mood right now, and he doesn't care who messes up with him.
"Thirdy! Watch your mouth," his mother said.
"Then give me rest," he said and hung up.
He'll go back to sleep. He's tired from his long trip, plus he hasn't gotten enough sleep.
Who can work efficiently if lacking energy?
He put her phone on silent, and he unplugged the telephone from the outlet.
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