Thorne III
The moment she entered the bathroom, he took out his laptop from the closet on top of the safety box. It doesn't fit in so he only put in his briefcase. He only put valuable things inside the safety box. Of course, his laptop is valuable too because it stored important documents, but, for sure, hotel staff are reliable.
He just wears his boxer shorts. That's his sleeping outfit. Carrying his laptop, he sits to the right-hand side of the bed. He turned it on and waited to get ready. When it was fully ready, he turned on the Bluetooth on both the laptop and his phone. It's already paired because he paired it a long time ago. He opens the gallery on his phone and selects all the pictures they took tonight. He sends them all on his laptop.
Watching as the photos are transferring. He wanted to finish it faster so he could see it properly. The bathroom door opened, showing Ayinah in her sexy nightdress—he blinked a few times.
She is walking to her suitcase, folding her clothes, and putting them in there.
When she stands up, he catches his breath—she's so sexy in her red nighties. He has seen her naked, but seeing her in her nighties is different; something has stirred inside him.
Good thing his laptop is on his lap.
"What are you doing?" She suddenly asked him that brought him back to his senses.
He was fantasizing about her just a while ago.
"I'm transferring the photos," he replied quite uneasily.
"May I see?" She moved towards him.
It made him uneasy.
Oh no! Hope she will not ask the laptop, or she will think that he's a pervert.
"They're actually quite a lot. Okay, now finished transferring. Now we can see it clearly," he said, trying to act naturally. He flipped through the photos slowly.
"Nice," she commented. Staring at the photos while her body leans on his arms.
She laughs at their selfies; he found it funny too. But they're nice.
"Can you pass it to me too?" she asked.
He said yes, but her phone is in the safety box, so she told them that they can do it tomorrow or he can send it to her email if she has it. She asked him for a pen and paper. He pulled out a drawer of the bedside table and took out a pen and a paper and gave it to her.
She scribbled her email address and gave it to him.
"I'll sleep now. Good night!" She said, and she moved back to her side.
He glances at her side; she didn't lie down; instead, she just closed her eyes. Is she going to sleep in a sitting position? He noticed that her lips were moving but no words were coming out; she is so funny and weird, he thought. After a while, she lies down, facing her back away from him; she slips under the blanket.
A few moments later he could feel her shallow breath.
He will sleep too, after he sends the pictures in her email.
He opened his email and typed the email address she gave him. Then he checks all the photos that he is going to send.
It takes a few seconds before it's done.
After he's done, he turned off his laptop.
He opened a little curtain so the light from outside would give light in their suite.
He turned the air conditioner a little colder, then he switched off the lights.
He lay down next to her.
He slips in the blanket.
She's fast asleep already, he thought, because of the even breathing.
He moved slowly to her side and hugged her; he hugged her stomach, and he touched her womb. This is where his baby resides.
He's almost adrift when he felt her stirring. She changed her position. And she kicked the blanket. This woman is weird. What kind of body does it have?
"Thorne, I'm hot," she said, complaining.
He heard her, but he didn't move.
She's peeling off his hand in her stomach and putting it in his side. He still didn't move. He pretended that he was fast asleep.
"Thorne, I'm hot. Can you move a little bit farther?" she said again, trying to push him.
He didn't move. He wants to know what she is going to do. She has no space to move on her side. Suddenly she sits up, and crossing over his body, but his arms have caught her, and she's on top of him.
"Hey! You naughty one. Let go of me. And you move to your place. You're invading my territory, she said.
He hugs her even more, and turning over, she is now beneath him.
"Do you know that I like your nighties?" he said.
"What? Why don't you buy your own nighties? she scoffs.
He laughs out loud; he remembered that she called him a sissy. So she thought that he's a sissy.
"Not just your nighties, sweetheart, even the inside. This." He kissed her chest.
"Hey, you're trespassing!" She shouted.
"I don't care if I'll be put in jail, but I like all of you." He said and bent down to claim her lips. She's very alert, and she averted her face. But he has a hand to hold.
He cupped her face and kissed her. She tried to move, but he's stronger. When she stopped moving, he deepened his kiss.
She moans.
He can't stop it now. This woman made him crazy, he thought.
"Please don't! Stop!" She said.
"What did you say?" he asked.
"I said stop it. I'm already pregnant with your child, so no need to rape me," she said.
"I'm sorry, I got carried away. You're beautiful; that's why," he said. As far as he can remember, he never said sorry. But with this woman he seems to have become softer.
"It's okay. Don't do it again or I'll get angry," she said.
He wonders how this woman gets angry.
"Is it okay if I just hold you? I promise I'll be good," he said, putting up his hand.
She laughs.
"There you must ask permission," she said.
What if he were to ask permission if he could make love to her? Would she agree? No need; otherwise she will get angry, and he can't hold her anymore.
"Let's go back to sleep. Good night sweetheart" He said and lie down beside her.
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