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โ‰บDuvet - boaโ‰ป

I am falling, I am fading

2rd person (italic text is thoughts or emphasis)

.ยท:*ยจเผบ เผปยจ*:ยท.

3 years ago

Life, that's how it goes. Time flies, friends come and go, values get learnt, then forgotten. You leave a legacy, then it's lost. That's just how it is, that's how life flows, boundless of rules. It doesn't care what people think. It does not wait for you, for you to catch up, for you to say farewell. It just runs eternally.

Whatever you do, whatever you say, it will never postpone its schedule. It will glide, no matter how much you beg, how much you plead, how much you cry. You how long for it to be that simple.

You've met so many delightful people, who just were putting on a act, to deceive you, to deceive others. But you should forgive them, that's what other people think. But is it fair? They shamed you. they never felt guilty, they never pleaded for forgiveness. They didn't care what I thought, how I felt. So, why should I apologize? Would Highschool be like that? Would they treat you like shit? Would they ridicule my entire existence? Would it act out how life controlled my 'life'?

I wish life would delay. Just for a day....

.ยท:*ยจเผบ เผปยจ*:ยท.

Kazuha said i'll be fine..

The chimes of chatter and chisme (gossip) filled your ears. It was noisy, too noisy. But you put that aside, you couldn't just make everyone fall silent. You walked through the halls, each footstep causing an thud that echoed. You kept your mouth sealed, careful not to spill profanities at the people around you. I wish they would also keep their mouth shut.

Listen, Kazuha told you that you'll be fine. [Y/N] keep your cool.

You finally strolled far enough for the talks and gossips to be out of earshot, letting out a sigh of relief. The serene melodies of the wind flowing replaced the chit-chat. You were grateful for that. You hummed gently, it was like the start of an Anime, dreamy.. But to your discomfort, your sweet solace was interrupted. You still had to get to class. Shit, maybe I can ask someone where the classroom is..ย 

To your dissatisfaction, You tapped on the shoulders of a girl with overflowing black hair, tied into pigtails. Her hair was tinted red slightly at the ends. She wore an adorable hat too!ย  And so you spoke up to talk to her. "Um, excuse me?.. Do you know where class 302 is?"ย  The girl twirled around to face you and grinned. She nods her head. "Yo! I'm Hu Tao! I'm heading to that class! Come with me~!" she grasped their hand into hers and dragged you along.ย She's so charming.. "Thank you." You show your gratitude to her as you follow along.

"So you're new here, right?" She tilts her head and starts walking faster. You reply a quick "Yeah." Maybe I could be friends with her? Maybe it wont be so bad after all.ย 

You both headed to the classroom, you strolled side by side. Grinning and laughing. You chatted without a care in the world, slowly warming up to her. Is this genuine friendship? It feels so accepting, soย  carefree. Fate would be so pure if it was always like this.

Your stories and jokes got halted by the sign on the door. '302ย ' Its time to enter. Perhaps you could talk again, lunch maybe?.. But would she authentically accept? I believe so. You twisted the doorknob, in curtesy to her guiding you to this place. The door creaked open, revealing loud chatters and a variety of new faces. The racket was annoying, its 7 in the morning.ย  But you could bare it, it'll be just, okay...ย Just shut the noise out. For Kazuha.

"Good morning dears. We have a new student here with us today." She yawned and stretched her hands up high. She had short silky brown hair, emerald green eyes. She's ethereal. Is she Miss' Lisa? She's our homeroom teacher.

"This is [NAME], Please say hello to her." in chorus the class said hello to you, you felt your cheeks turning a light pink. It's so awkward.

"[NAME]~ Please sit down at the back.." *She ordered you to go to the back to the class. I hope my seatmate isn't some mean guy. or worse....

You muttered a swift "Lets talk at lunch." to Hu tao, and proceeded to your seat. You sat alongside a boy with long blonde hair braided neatly,ย he also has piercing yellow eyes. I hope he won't bother me too much.ย 

After you finished putting down things and settling the boy beside you chimed in. "What's your name? I'm Aether!" He chimed in and put his hands on his hips. Anyways he sounds very.. Proud. You know? He sounds nice though. I think i'll be fine here.

.ยท:*ยจเผบ เผปยจ*:ยท.

"So this is Itto? Hes kinda ofย ๐“ฏ๐“ป๐“ฎ๐“ช๐“ด๐”‚.." You laughed and teased him jokingly. Kazuha was right, I did make friends.ย Everyone here is so accepting, so funny. . Everyone is so much nicer than I thought.

"I am not!" He crossed his arms, pouting. "I am the one and oni! Arataki Itto!" He hit your shoulder jokingly. "Ow!" You pretended to faint, playing along.

Hu Tao introduced you to her friends, she's so considerate. But she did tell you that you could get a casket for 20 percent off since i'm her friend.. Odd.. But alright. At least i'm her friend now. You just chatted with her and your new found comrades. It felt like the weight on my shoulders was lifted.ย 

Hu tao, she introduced you to, Yanfei, Itto Lumine, Aether, Razor, and Bennett.ย 

Yanfei is that cool law student who would back you up in a debate. She also has such pretty pink hair, her eyes shine like jewels too. Meanwhile Itto is.. Interesting to say the least. Hes a goofy guy. Lumine, shes funny, and really sassy. I like her. Aether, Aether is like Lumine downgrade.. I'm kidding of course. Razor and bennett are quite the bunch, but they are so sweet when you know them. Bennett is just.. A tad bit unlucky.

Lunch time was your safe haven.. You grew fond of them. You formed a friendship with them.


1127 Wordsย 


not silly!! 1k words isnt enoguh im so sed!!



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