Truth or Dare ||ALOT OF PEOPLE||

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Truth or Dare

oh god guys how am I gonna write smut with the guys and fucking Jo god help me

Also it gets kinda girl on girl bc i'm gay so. If you don't like that don't read.

"I'm bored." Dean groaned from the corner of the hotel room.

"Really? Because we're all having the time of our lives, Dean. Seriously. Super exciting." Jo snapped from the bed by the window.

"We have Sam to blame for this." You mumble and everyone turns to stare at Sam sitting at the table. It takes him a second to feel everyone's eyes, too engrossed in a mini sand zen garden he'd found in the room.

"What?" He asks.

"Fuck you Sam." Jo snips.

"Hey it's not my fault. When you manage to piss off literally an entire crew of demons, I'm going to insist we hide for a bit." He defends himself. You all knew he was right, but it had been 13 hours of all five of you in a hotel room and everyone needed to be mad at someone. Jo sighed loudly and started gathering the various bottles of alcohol in the room.

"Hey!" Dean whines when she grabs the whiskey directly out of his hand.

"Shut up. Sit." She commands, plopping on the floor in the middle of the room and beckoning us all to follow. Everyone slowly takes their spot in the circle, staring at Jo curiously.

"y/n. Truth or Dare?" She asks happily.

"Seriously Jo? Are we fifteen?" You laugh. She stared you down and you sigh and say truth.

"Boring. Okay, who's the hottest person in the room?" She asks. You glare at her, already regretting taking part in this game. You scan the room in mock determination, lingering on every person in the room.

"Me. Dean, truth or dare?" You say smugly. Jo throws a pillow at you.

"Dare. I'm not a wuss." He says proudly.

"Take your shirt off." You shrug. Dean protests and you remind him that he's "not a wuss" and he does it, throwing his shirt at your head.

"This wasn't even a fun dare." He complains.

"Oh it's fun for us sweetheart." Jo grins, pointing at you while you both lean back and stare.

You all go on like this for at least two hours, the dares ranging from Dean having to lick Sam's foot to Sam having to act out the most dramatic orgasm he could.

"Alright y/n, truth or dare?" Dean asks you, barely slurring his words.

"It's about time I pick dare I guess." You shrug. Dean smiles evilly.

"Make out with Jo for a minute." He grins. The other boys look at him in surprise. You glance over at Jo and she shrugs, giving you the okay.

You stand up and walk over to Jo, sitting next to her. She smiles at you and you lean in, pressing your lips to hers. A chorus of cheers erupts from the guys and you decide to give them more. You pull Jo onto your lap and she responds eagerly, hands traveling along your torso as your kisses grow heavier.

"It's uh, been a minute." Sam says from somewhere in the background.

"Dude shut up." Dean responds. You flip Sam off and focus back on Jo, laying her on her back on the floor. Your lips travel to her neck, leaving marks as she lets out a moan.

"Oh christ." Dean mumbles to himself. You glance up at the boys to see them staring at you, eyes dark with lust and interest. You give Sam a wink as your mouth travels lower, kissing a trail down Jo's stomach and pausing by the band of her shorts.

"You okay?" You ask her. She nods her confirmation, giving your head a gentle push down. You don't waste any time pulling off her shorts, letting out a noise of approval when you see she has nothing on underneath them. You glance up at the boys again, almost moaning at the sight of them. Dean's hand had slipped down his pants and Sam was messing with his belt, his hair a disheveled mop.

You kept eye contact with Dean as your mouth set to work on Jo, holding her hips down as she moaned and writhed under you. It took less than five minute for her to come, gasping out your name as the boys finished shortly after her.

"Done already?" You ask them, leaning back on your knees.

"I hope to hell not." Dean laughs nervously. Jo doesn't waste any time pulling Dean over to one of the beds and you sit on the other one, staring at Sam as if to challenge him. He raises an eyebrow and you sigh.

"Fine I'll take care of myself." You tease, laying back in the bed.

"Yeah right." He says, making his way over to the bed. You watch as he pulls his shirt over his head and you graciously take in every detail of his toned torso. The muscles in his arms ripple as he pulls his pants off and you feel something deep in your stomach when he's finally completely bare in front of you.

"Knees." He commands. You glance over at Jo and Dean, feeling awkward about fucking in front of them. To your surprise, they're already at it. You do what Sam says, facing away from him as you get on your hands and knees. You yelp in surprise when his hand lands solidly on your ass. His fingers trail to your dripping core and you let out a moan as he slides one long finger into you.

"God, I've wanted to do this for so long you have no idea." He growls in your ear as his fingers pound into you. You try to form some kind of intelligent response but all you can do is let out a heavy sigh. Sam's free hand travels your curves as his fingers work some kind of magic on your g spot and you're a shaking mess beneath him.

"Sam, please." You gasp out. His hand tangles in your hair and pulls your head back.

"Please what, pretty girl?" He demands, the pet name shockingly soft compared to the rough grip on your hair and the harsh pace of his fingers.

"Please fuck me, I want to feel you in me." You beg. He lets out a strangled moan and pulls his fingers out. You whimper at the loss of contact but you're quickly rewarded when he slides into you.

"Oh jesus christ." You breath as he bottoms out. He pauses for a second and you both just enjoy the sensation of being together. He pulls out and hesitates until you're begging him to do something and he pushes back into you forcefully.

"God you feel amazing." He grunts. Your moans mix with Jo's and the sounds of skin against skin fill the room. Sam flips you over onto your back and wraps a hand around your throat as he starts fucking you again. You can tell by Jo's frequent gasps and swearing that she's close again and you reach across the gap between the beds, tangling your hand with hers.

"Gay." Dean breathes out and Jo throws a pillow at his head.

"Sam, I'm close." You gasp as Jo mutters something similar to Dean.

"Come for me baby." Sam encourages you. That's all it takes and your back is arching and your vision is blurring and you're making sounds that would probably embarrass you in any other situation. You barely register Jo coming next to you at the same time as Dean. Sam is the last to finish and you try and memorize every detail because it's probably the hottest thing you've ever seen.

It takes a few minutes for everyone to catch their breath and another few minutes for anyone to break the silence.

"Welp." You say to the silent room.

"Welp." Sam responds.

"We should play truth or dare more often."

this took me like three days to write and it's SO MUCH SEX IM SORRY

didn't edit

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