Sharing Is Caring

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The three of you sluggishly walked into the room you rented for the night. After hours of driving, you all were ready for a good nights rest. Dean went to the bathroom first, so you had to change quickly while he was in there. You honestly didn't feel like waiting any longer and you trusted Sam to be a gentleman. "Hey Sam?" You called over to the moose of a man. "Yeah ___." He replied while shedding his flannel. "Can I borrow a shirt or something. All mine are wrinkled from Dean shoving us out the door this morning. Plus some of them have blood on them and I seriously don't wanna wear dried blood." You both laughed and he threw you a shirt that you knew would be a dress. You turned your back to him and teased. "I know I'm attractive but keep your eyes to the floor or something." You turned your head slightly to see a vibrant blush on the younger Winchester's cheeks. You turned back and smiled to the wall. "Saw that." You smile broadened when you heard an embarrassed 'shut up' came your way. You whipped your shirt off and your bra (or just your shirt if you are a male) and threw on the oversized shirt. Making sure your butt was covered by the hem, you shimmied off your jeans, sighing at the feeling of freedom. You pulled on some sleep shorts, keeping the shirt down. You warned Sam that you were finished and he said he was to. Dean was finally out of the bathroom and you went in next. 

You did your nightly routine and finished in no time. You lumbered out and stopped. Dean was completely sprawled out on his bed, leaving no room for you. "Crap." You softly mumbled. You were so cautious about your feelings toward Sam and you knew that this would tempt the crap outta you. Sam was already sitting on the other bed. "I can sleep on the couch." You shook your head in denial. "Nah, you're a moose, you'd never fit comfortably. We can just share it. I mean-unless-you probably- whatever." You couldn't get your thoughts out, not when you noticed Sam wasn't wearing a shirt and oh my god was he a muscular man. This outta be fun. You thought to yourself.  You slid in and was practically hanging off the edge. You steadied your breathing and prayed that you didn't make this embarrassing in the morning. 

You all fell asleep rather quickly. You groggily realized that your pillow was warm and moving. Wait moving? You slowly looked up and oh crap!  Your 'pillow' was Sam. Praying he stayed asleep, you carefully inched your body away. However, you didn't get very far as Sam wrapped his arm around your waist and dragged you back. You shut your eyes and held your breath. You peeked and was met with hazel eyes staring into yours. Your cheeks and ears were burning. "Good morning." You whispered. A sleep-laced voice repeated it and pulled you even closer. "It's a great morning waking up to you in my arms." A kiss to your head was given and you barely grinned while tucking your head into his neck. 

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