Lipstick Stains

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You couldn't help but smile at Dean cracked another stupid joke. His green eyes crinkling in delight and his smile was almost blinding. Completely lost in thought, you didn't notice Dean waving his hand frantically in front of your face. "Hey earth to ___! Anyone home?" He pretended to knock on your forehead. Swatting away his hand with laugh, you shook your head "Yeah I'm fine, just spaced out for a second." Sam had a devious look on his face as he teased you. "You've been zoning out a lot lately. Wonder why?" You shoved his shoulder with a small scowl. "Shut up Sam." Dean watched you two interact with a jealous heart. "You know, Sammy's right. You been feeling alright lately?" You groaned, hating all the attention focused on you, hating the fact of Dean's caring eyes staring straight into you, like he could see your thoughts and soul. "Guys, chill out. I'm fine, just been tired and stressed lately. Nothing another beer couldn't cure." You got up from the booth you three occupied and went up front to the alcohol.

The bartender was attractive, no doubt. Tall and very muscular with dark hair and bright grey eyes, but your mind was on a green eyes hunter. "What can I get you sweetheart?" You ordered another beer, leaning against the wood as you waited. You glanced over the boys and found a drunk, attractive women hanging all over Dean and he wasn't doing a thing to stop it. You knew he didn't have a clue about how you felt, but jealousy and anger burned bright within you. The bartender slid the dripping bottle across the already slick wood and gave you a blinding smile. "You here alone?" You weren't thinking about how dangerous this man could be, all you saw was Dean and the women exchanging tongues. You leaned over to him and smiled sweetly. "Hopefully not for long." You threw in a wink at the end and his pupils dilated slightly. "I get off in ten minutes." You ran a finger down his arm, hoping Dean saw everything. "I'll be waiting." You pushed yourself off the bar and sat down at the end, away from your boys and your heartache.

You had your arm wrapped around the man's waist, he told you his name was Colton. He led you out the back door and into a dark, windy alley. The cool air was refreshing on your flushed cheeks. You were staring at the stars, not caring where he was leading you. Without warning, he picked you up and over his shoulder. You let out a squeak but it was quickly silenced when he slammed your head against the rough, hard, brick wall. You were out and couldn't fight back as he loaded you into a windowless van and drove off. 

Hiiii! So this is probably going to be a 2 parter is that cool? Don't forget to request and rock on! -J

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